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Contribution View


Name : BORODIN, Alexey
Date : August 28, 2017
Organization : Rostelecom
Country : Russia

Contribution : A lively discussion is continuing in the global ICT community on the role and place of OTT-based services. Special attention is being focused on identifying clear rules for providing such services and whether regulation of such services is possible and worthwhile. Such proposals emerge as a result of the discrimination against traditional telecommunication services in the regulatory environment with regard to OTT-based services. As a consequence, there is growing support among those involved for regulatory equality of traditional and OTT-based telecommunication services. This approach will lead to improved service quality, more effective personal data protection, better security, help to prevent spam and the dissemination of unlawful information, and establish conducive conditions for a healthier economic environment for the activities of network operators and service providers, including in the area of compliance with tax legislation. During SG3 ITU-T and SG1 ITU-D meetings held in the past study period, a number of contributions have been considered on a broad range of issues related both to new opportunities and to problems for regulatory authorities, telecom operators and OTT service providers. SG3 ITU-T has identified a clear need for an OTT-related Recommendation in the interests of streamlining the provision of modern and convenient telecom services for users. A clear definition of OTT will be an essential element of the future Recommendation, as will a definition of the basic principles of providing telecom services based on that approach. Other contributions point to the need for a new draft Recommendation on Operators-OTT partnerships. SG3 ITU-T agreed on the publication of the technical paper on The Economic impact of OTTs (5-13 April 2017). Rostelecom supports this work and also contributes to this work. In attached file Rostelecom suggest to develop clear rules/recommendations on the provision of OTT-based telecommunication services guided by the following principles: – “uniform rules”: regulatory equality of traditional telecommunication services and OTT-based services provided over data networks, with a view to maintaining a conducive competitive environment: like services should be subject to like regulation irrespective of the method of service provision; – “partnership”: the synergy obtained from the commercial partnership between telecom operators and OTT-based service providers with a view to optimal satisfaction of users’ requirements and improved quality of service, including services with a guaranteed level of quality; – “open access”: telecommunication services are to be provided, subject to availability of Internet access, to the user as an essential basis for the service, while the services per se are provided by third party service providers regardless of the Internet access operator. At the same time, the Internet access operator provides its service to the user in accordance with the selected tariff plan, but not on the basis of the required quality enabling provision of services by the OTT provider; – “legality: a provider of OTT-based telecommunication services must operate in compliance with applicable legislation of the country where the services are offered, including provisions on protection of personal data, prevention of spam and dissemination of unlawful information, and compliance with tax law; – "Identification": every telecommunication service user must be assigned a unique identifier, for example based on ABC or DEF numbering resources.

Attachments : Point of view_Rostelecom (Russia).pdf