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COP: Case Studies

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COP Case Studies Platform

This platform hosts a variety of case studies providing detailed information on policies, best practices, as well as other actions and processes that the broader ICT Industry has implemented to ensure that children enjoy the benefits of the digital technology within a safe online environment.

Mobile Operators

Mobile operators enable access to the Internet as well as offer a range of mobile-specific data services. Many operators have already signed up to COP codes of practice, and offer a range of tools and information resources to support their commitments.

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internet Service Providers

Internet service providers act as both a conduit, providing access to and from the Internet, and a repository for data through their hosting, caching and storage services. As a result, they have been in the forefront of accepting responsibility for protecting children online.

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Content Providers, Online Retailers and Applications (app) Developers

The Internet provides all types of content and activities, many of which are intended for children. Content providers, online retailers and app developers have tremendous opportunities to build safety and privacy into their offerings for children and young people.

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User-Generated Content, Interactive and Social Media Service Providers

Children and adolescents are major participants, on multiple platforms, in creating and sharing content. User-generated content, interactive and social media service providers can set policies and take actions to enhance child online protection and participation.

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National and Public Service Broadcasters

Children and young people are a significant audience for content developed by broadcasting services, which is increasingly accessible online. National and public service broadcasters are working to offer the same level of security for online viewing that is applied to television and radio.

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Hardware Manufacturers, Operating System Developers, and App Stores

Children today are accessing the Internet through an array of electronic devices. Hardware manufacturers, OS Developers and App Stores can provide built-in technical mechanisms along with educational and empowerment activities in order to promote a safer online environment for children.

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