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Bugaba Simon is working with the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) as the Head of Regional Operations. He is currently in charge of the Regional Regulatory operations of UCC. Before this new assignment, Mr. Bugaba was in charge of Telecom Licensing and Service development as well as Service Quality compliance.
He has been in the communication business since 1988, during which he worked with the only Communication service provider for the country till 1998, when he joined the Uganda Communication as one of founding members of staff.
He has been active in ITU activities since 1995 up to date, mainly participating in WTSA, WRC, WTDC, TSAG and Plenipotentiary Conferences of ITU.
In October 2008 WTSA-08 elected Mr. Simon Bugaba to serve the ITU-T as Vice-Chairman of Study Group 13 (Future networks including mobile and NGN). In addition, Study Group 13 nominated Mr. Bugaba to serve as the Question 15/13 Rapporteur. He was re-elected as a Vice-Chairman of SG 13 by WTSA-12 and he is continuing as the Rapporteur for Question 5/13 that is a continuation of Q15/13.
Study Group 13 nominated Simon to be the fisrt Chairman of the ITU-T SG13 Regional Group for Africa.