Committed to connecting the world

Joint ITU/IEEE Workshop on Ethernet - Emerging Applications and Technologies
Geneva, Switzerland, 22 September 2012 Contact:




FTTx Access in North American MSO Networks: Ed Mallette

North American MSOs have been very successful in the broadband access space.  Currently North American MSOs pass about 70% of all North American homes with DOCSIS3.0 and they continue to drive bandwidth tiers higher over coax.  North American MSOs have also been quietly deploying XPON, some for over 10 years.  The continued high consumption needs of businesses and continued bandwidth growth of residential consumers is leading North American MSOs to push fiber deep to meet both not just the growing consumption needs but the competitive threat provided by alternatives in the marketplace.
FTTx in Japan - Past, Present, and Prospects for the Future: Ken-Ichi Suzuki

Since the 1990s, NTT has conducted a sustained FTTH program with many landmark technical achievements and operational innovations. Today, more than 21.9 million Japanese subscribers are served by optical fiber, and it is expected that a rapid rate of copper conversion will continue for some time to come. In this talk I will give an overview of NTT’s current FTTH solution and will make some comments regarding possible.
Extended EPON optics: project status and future outlook: Marek Hajduczenia

This presentation gives a brief update on the status of the IEEE P802.3bk project, together with overview of current technical proposals and timeline expectations.
FTTx Access in North America, Europe, and Other Regions - Status and Perspectives: Martin Carroll

​Telecommunications and network providers around the globe are accelerating FTTx deployment.  This presentation will complement the other speakers in this session to provide an overview of the FTTx landscape in North America, Europe, Middle East and other regions.  Highlights will cover the deployment activities of several providers in various countries.  Issues creating challenges and opportunities will be explored as perspectives on current and future FTTx activities are shared.
​FTTx in Portugal - Past, Present, and Prospects for the Future: Paulo Mao Cheia

Competitive environment has driven the Portuguese incumbent operator to accelerate the FTTH deployment. This presentation will provide an overview of historical backgrounds and actions that PT took to evolve from a mixed DSL/Coax Network to a FTTH network. Present scenarios will be addressed, while pointing out the challenges the future presents to support high speed business services as well as demanding Mobile backhauling services.
Progress in optical access standards: Frank Effenberger

​B-PON, G-PON, and XG-PON standards have been developed in a steady succession of faster and more capable PON access systems. Work has now begun on the generation of PONs after XG-PON, which promise to deliver aggregate bandwidths of 40Gb/s or more, and loss budgets that enable cost effective 40km reach.  This talk will review the progress that has been made so far in this work. for FTTdp: Les Brown

​This presentation will provide a brief overview of service provider requirements that lead to the development of Recommendation, a summary of its key features in support of these requirements, and the current status of the work.
IEEE P1904.1 SIEPON Scope and Structure: Lior Khermosh
The IEEE P1904.1 group for Service Interoperability in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (SIEPON) targets to develop the ecosystem based on the widely deployed IEEE802.3 EPON and 10GEPON systems, completing the system aspects of the solutions and developing the compliance plan for supporting products. SIEPON defines a flexible architecture that can serve multiple operators with EPON deployment. SIEPON was founded in 2009 by IEEE SA and ComSoc.
The presentation provides a short introduction to the IEEE SIEPON standard group. It describes the scope of the SIEPON and its structure and some very brief description of what are the topics covered in SIEPON.
DOCSIS Provisioning of EPON - Architecture, Specifications and Qualification: Curtis Knittle

​The CableLabs DOCSIS Provisioning of EPON (DPoE) specifications satisfy two objectives: (1) provide requirements EPON devices must support for complex Ethernet services, and (2) provides device requirements that allows EPON networks to leverage existing DOCSIS provisioning systems and service concepts.  This presentation provides background on the DPoE Network architecture, how DPoE relates to IEEE P1904.1 SIEPON, and provides current status of interoperability and qualification of equipment.
Conformity Assessment Ecosystem: Ravi Subramaniam
  • ICAP Introduction
  • Conformity Assessment Principles
  • Demand Drivers and Ingredients for a successful program
  • Process Flow
  • Formation of the SIEPON Committee of Experts
  • Program policies
    • Rules that vendors will play by
    • Inclusion by similarity
    • Authorized Test Labs
    • OEM/ODM management
  • Pilots and official launch
Interoperability and conformance for (X)G-PON systems: Robin Mersh

​G-PON systems are in deployment in many countries, and so the need for equipment that is interoperable and conformant to the standards is growing.  The Broadband forum has stepped up to this challenge by producing a set of system requirements, conformance, and interoperability documents, and establishing an accredited 3rd party testing program.  This has been a great success, producing its first results late 2011.
Standardization of advanced modulation formats: Pete Anslow

​The long standing methodology used for specification of multi-vendor optical interfaces is reviewed together with recent updates to it.  New advanced optical modulation formats which encode information using optical phase require fundamental changes to be made to this methodology.  The progress being made with this within Q.6 of ITU-T SG15 is described.
Optical line architecture considerations for rates above 100G: Peter Stassar

​This presentation provides some considerations on the evolution of the OTN for bitrates beyond 100 Gbit/s, taking into account similar presentations given at previous events. Furthermore options for a path forward are described taking into account contributions to the ITU-T SG15 Plenary Meeting in Geneva, 10 – 21 September 2012.