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SAM - Space Applications Manager

The Space Applications Manager (SAM) is the new main menu driven software for the launch of ITU-BR Space Software Applications.

This provides the users with a unique tool, to run the installed BR Space Applications from the main menu with ease rather searching and starting an application individually.

This new software provides some additional features such as to store favorites, where the user can select the most commonly used ITU-BR applications; URLs to some ITU-BR web applications, and RSS feeds to keep up to date of the latest news about the BR space related activities.

 Installation file

The installation file below is a self-extracting setup file.

  • To download and install the SAM software, click on the link and save the file to a temporary directory on your PC.
  • After downloading the file, you should then run the file (by double-clicking on it from Windows Explorer, etc); this will automatically execute the setup procedure.

Note:  The SAM installation is also on BR IFIC  DVD.

Download Description Size Date


Version 7.0.0 25.1 Mbytes 14 January 2013

 What's new

What's new in SAM 15Kb 14 January 2013
 InstallSAM_v6.exe Version 6.0.3​ 25.7 Mbytes​ 16 December 2010​


For further information contact: Space Administrative Software Division
