Committed to connecting the world


​​​Day 1

Session 1: A Macro- Overview- ICT4SDG and Consumer Protection

Global ICT trends, SDGs and implication for Consumer, Mr Ali-Drissa Badiel, ITU

​​Sustainable Development: Using What We Have to Get What We Need, Shola Sanni, Policy Manager, 

The Equity Challenges, Mr Russell Southwood- Balancing Act Africa

Session 2: Institutional Frameworks and Practices _Policy, Regulation & Advocacy

Ms. Meriem SLIMANI, Standardization and Development Coordinator, African Telecommunications Union (ATU)​

Mr. Reuben Gwatidzo, Consumer Advocacy Zimbabwe​

Session 3: Connecting the Unconnected: Technology and Financing

Global and regional initiatives and approaches, Ali-Drissa Badiel, ITU

National frameworks and practices; Burkina Faso case study by Joseph NANA, CT-MDENP 

Day 2

Session 5: Consumer protection and Quality of service

QoS and the Digital Tsunami, Shola Sanni, Policy Manager, GSMA Africa

QoS frameworks, audit and assessment of QoS parameters for digital services, enforcement and
redress mechanisms -Country case studies:
                    i.   BURKINA FASO – Joseph NANA, CT-MDENP
                    ii.  GHANA - Mr Abed BANDIM -NCA
                    iii. NIGERIA - Ms. Hadiza KACHALLAH- NCC

Session 6: Consumer Affordability and Entrepreneurship

The App Economy and implication for consumer protection and Rights, Dr. Andre ONANA- ESMT

International mobile roaming, tariff and costing practices, Anne Rita Ssemboga, ITU

Price awareness and monitoring approaches for consumer protection - Country experience
                       i. Mr. Reuben Gwatidzo​ - Consumer Advocacy Zimbabwe

Session 7: Platforms to empower consumers and entrepreneurship

Global Symposium paper on DFS​​​, Anne Rita Ssemboga ITU

Best practices country experience, operator experience
                         i. Cote d’ivoire - Ms. Peya Bridgette

Session 8: Emerging issues for consumers’ for online protection
Global consumer protection of e-commerce, Dr. Andre Onana –ESMT

Safe & Secure Mobile Experience: The Key Issues, Ms. Shola Sanni,Policy Maanager, GSMA-Africa

Country experience​, Mr. Gwa Tobbie MOHAMMED, NCC, Nigeria

Session 10 –Child online Protection

International cooperation and COP Guidelines, Anne Rita Ssemboga ITU
Policy and Practice​, Mr. Siakou Fall, Data Protection Commission, CDP, SENEGAL