Committed to connecting the world

ITU International Satellite Symposium 2016


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) organized the ITU International Satellite Symposium 2016 with the theme of “Satellite Regulation, Market, Technology Trends and Industry Opportunities", which took place on 7-8 September 2016 in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. The Symposium was preceded by a one‐day ITU Workshop on the Efficient Use of the Spectrum/Orbit Resource held at the same venue on 6 September 2016. The events were kindly hosted by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of Indonesia (MCIT), with the support of Asosiasi Satelit Indonesia (ASSI) and the Australian Government​. Around 133 participants from more than 25 countries and 19 speakers are attended the Symposium.

See 'Communiqué'


This year’s ITU International Satellite Symposium 2016 followed the outcomes from previous years as well as strengthened cooperation and partnerships among policy makers, regulators, private sector and the industry dealing with satellite services, manufacture, and regulations.

The 2016 Symposium covered the following topics, inter alia: 
● Satellite international regulations: updates from WRC‐15 Outcomes 
● Challenges and opportunities to space industry on WRC-19 Agenda 
● Satellite policy and regulatory framework including country practices on satellite communications and broadcasting services; 
● Satellite market and technology trends, as well as industry opportunities. 

​Chief, Space Services Department (SSD), Radiocommunication Bureau, ITU, Yvon Henri, noted that Satellite communications play an increasingly important role in our daily life by providing ubiquitous coverage whereas its regulation is still vertical, “our work focuses on ensuring the essential services delivered over satellite systems can function as they should – without risk of ‘harmful interference’”, Mr. Yvon Henri said.

The Efficient use of spectrum and orbital resources is therefore one of the most crucial challenges facing the international community today in its efforts to promote ICT development and to achieve the connectivity access targets set by the Word Summit on the Information Society.  

Diamond Sponsor
Platinum Sponsors



Tentative Agenda

Wednesday 7 September 2016



Opening Session

•   Welcome Remarks by Yvon Henri, Chief, Space Service Department, ITU
•   Opening Remarks by Secretary General of MCIT Indonesia
09:30-10:00Group photo and coffee break


Session 1: Satellite International Regulations: WRC-15 Results

The session presents the main space-related Radio Regulations (RR) updates, issued from WRC-15: satellite international regulatory framework; efficient use of OSR; coordination of satellite networks; space stations filing procedures; bilateral agreements on coordination matters; terms of validity of filings and associated agreement.

Keynote address
•   Yvon Henri, Chief, Space Service Department, ITU [Presentation]


Session 2: WRC-19 Agenda: Challenges and Opportunities ahead

The session will discuss main space-related agenda items for next WRC-19 (Resolution 809 WRC-15): mobile-satellite service (1.2); maritime mobile-satellite service (1.9.2); meteorological-satellite service (1.2, 1.3); Earth exploration-satellite (1.2, 1.3); Appendix 30 (1.4); FFS – ESM (1.5); Non-GEOs (1.6, 1.7); Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System (1.10); Resolution 86 (7); Resolution 80 (9.3); generic stations register

Moderator: Yvon Henri, Chief, Space Service Department, ITU
•   Fahmi, Satellite Engineer, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology,
    Indonesia [Bio]  [Presentation]
•   Anthony Baker, O3b [Bio]  [Presentation]
•   Ethan Lavan, Director of In-Orbit Resources, Eutelsat and on behalf of GVF [Bio]  
12:30-14:00Lunch break


Session 3: Satellite Service Regulatory Framework – country experiences

This session will focus on satellite communications and broadcasting service regulatory framework from country perspective. Policy makers and regulators will share experience in related policy and regulation such as spectrum management, frequency coordination, licensing framework, satellite filing, and etc.

Moderator: Joaquin, Restrepo, Head, OPS Division, ITU
•   Mulyadi, Director of Satellite Management, Ministry of Communication and Information
     Technology, Indonesia [Bio]  [Presentation]
•   Md. Golam Razzaque,Project Director, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory
     Commission (BTRC) [Bio]  [Presentation]
•   Nguyen Phuong PHUNG, Director of International Cooperation and Frequency
     Coordination Division, Authority of Radio Frequency Management, Vietnam [Bio]  
•   Purushottam Khanal, Director, Nepal Telecommunications Authority [Bio]  
•   OYUNTSETSEG Baasanjav, Senior Officer of Space Communications Division,
     Information Technology, Post and Telecommunications Authority, Mongolia [Bio]  
15:30-16:00Coffee break


Session 4: Satellite Service in Asian Countries–country experiences

Moderator: Joaquin, Restrepo, Head, OPS Division, ITU
•   Adi Rahman Adiwoso, PT. PSN, Indonesia [Bio]  [Presentation]
•   Maly Syphone, Engineer of Radio Spectrum Management Division, Ministry of Post and
     Telecommunications, Laos [Bio]  [Presentation]
•   Dr. Cheang Sopheak, Deputy Director General of Posts and Telecommunications,
    Cambodia [Bio]  [Presentation ]
•   Win Aung, Chief Engineer, Information Technology and Cyber Security Department,
     Myanmar [Bio]  [Presentation]


Gold Sponsors



Tentative Agenda

Thursday 8 September 2016


Session 5: Satellite Service in Pacific Islands Countries: Country experiences

Moderator: Joaquin, Restrepo, Head, OPS Division, ITU
•   Gerad Metsan, Chief Information Officer, Office of the Government Chief Information
    Officer, Vanuatu [Bio]  [Presentation]
•   Suzanne Malloy, Vice President, Regulatory, O3b [Bio]  [Presentation]
•   Cyril Annarella, Executive Director, Kacific Broadband Satellites [Bio]  [Presentation]
•   Mr. Bogi Witjaksono, Metrasat  [Bio]  [Presentation]
10:30-11:00Coffee break


Session 6a: Satellite Markets and Technology Trends

This session will invite key operators AND service providers to present and discuss about satellite technologies, innovative services, market mechanism and competition, as well as business models in the satellite industry including satellite communications and broadcasting.

Moderator: Yvon Henri, Chief, Space Service Department, ITU
•   Tonda Priyanto, Advisor of CTO Telkom Group, PT.Telekomunikasi Indonesia  [Bio]  
•   Yo Ikeno, Chief Representative at Jakarta Representative Office, SKY Perfect JSAT    
    Corporation  [Bio]  [Presentation]
•   Jean-François FENECH, CEO Eutelsat Asia; Eutelsat SA Regional VP Asia-Pacific [Bio]      [Presentation ]
•   Terry Bleakley, Regional VP Asia-Pacific Sales, Intelsat [Bio]  [Presentation]
•   Wicak Soegijoko, PT ABS  [Bio]  [Presentation]
12:30-14:00Lunch break


Session 6b: Satellite Markets and Technology Trends

The session will see presentations and discussions about future trend of the satellite industry by key regional organisations dealing with satellite communications. It aims at key issues and challenges being faced by any industry stakeholders.

Moderator: Joaquin, Restrepo, Head, OPS Division, ITU
•   Dr. Mohamed El Amin, Director, Regulatory Policy and International Spectrum
    Management, The Boeing Company [Bio]  [Presentation]
•   Laura Roberti, Inmarsat [Presentation]
•   Heramarwan, GM Business Development, Metrasat [Presentation]
15:30-16:00Coffee break


Wrap-up and Closing Remarks

Summary of Symposium Discussions: ITU

Moderator: Yvon Henri, Chief, Space Service Department, ITU
•   Mr. Dani Indra Widjanark, ASSI
•   Ethan Lavan, GVF
•   Kumar Singarajah, ESOA

Closing Remarks

•   Closing Remarks by Yvon Henri, Chief, Space Service Department, ITU
•   Closing Remarks by Titon Duton, Deputy Director General for Spectrum Planning and Management, MCIT Indonesia


Silver Sponsor