Committed to connecting the world

The 2nd Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on Smart Sustainable Cities and e-Government


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), in collaboration with the World e-Governments Organization of Cities and Local Governments (WeGO), Software Industry Promotion Agency of Thailand (SIPA), and Electronic Government Agency of Thailand (EGA) oragnized the 2nd Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on Smart Sustainable Cities and e-Government which was held at Le Meridien Phuket Beach Resort, Thailand during 30 August and 1 September 2016. The Forum was jointly hosted by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology of Thailand (MICT) and the Phuket Province; and supported by the Australian Government.


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The Forum provides a great opportunity for high-level dialogue among development partners, policy makers, decision makers, industry and enterprises including Small and Medium Enterprises. It is also a platform for business matching and knowledge sharing thereby enabling business opportunities and strengthening partnerships and collaboration among various stakeholders.

Speakers​ ​ ​ ​ ​
H.E. Mr. Pansak Siriruchatapong,
Vice Minister of ICT Thailand
Chamroen Tipayapongtada
Phuket Governor        
​Ioane Koroivuki
Regional Director
ITU Asia-Pacific
Young-sook Nam, Secretary General, WeGO Filipe Miguel Antunes Batista
Secretary General, ARCTEL-CPLP
Masanori Kondo,
Deputy Secretary General, Asia-Pacific Telecommunity
Ajarin Pattanapanchai, Deputy Secretary General, Board of Investment Thailand Kinlay Dorjee
Mayor, Thimphu Municipality, Bhutan
Rozali Mohamud Municipal Secretary, Seberang Perai, Malaysia Mohamed Shajahan Iqbal
Vice President, FTTH Council APAC
​Parakrama Dahanayake, Former Galle Municipal Councilor, Sri Lanka R.M.D.B. Meegasmulla, Secretary, Ministry of Sustainable Development of Sri Lanka​ Alex LIN,
Head of Infocomm Investments Pte Ltd., Singapore
Tony S. Jun
Project Advisor, Seoul Urban Solutions Agency, Korea
Shiva Raj Adhikari
Deputy Director, International Relations, Kathmandu, Nepal
Mellyana Frederika
Programme Specialist, Pulse Lab Jakarta
UN Global Pulse​
Marco Obiso Cybersecurity Coordinator,
Germie O. Deang
Head, ICT Division,
San Fernando La Union City, Philippines ​
Abbas Maaroof Consultant,
Taylor Roberts
Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, Oxford University​
Austin Menyasz Government & Regulatory Affairs
Hoai Duc Nguyen
Head, IT Division, 
Da Nang, Vietnam
Arvind Kumar Mishra Member, Board of Directors, FTTH Council APAC
Haidy Ear-Dupuy
Social Development Specialist, ADB
Prof. Dr. Marco Gercke Cybercrime/
Cybersecurity International Expert
Noelle de Guzman, Regional Coordinator for Asia Pacific, ISOC​ Keping Yao, Governance and Public Administration Expert, UNPOG​ Stefanos Fotiou,
Chief, Environment and Development Division, UNESCAP
Zhao Lining,
Solution Director, Huawei Southeast Asia Marketing Department​
Moe Ba,
Head of Innovation Division, ITU​
Ilyas Ahmed,
Chief Executive, Communications Authority of Maldives​
Syed Raza SHAH, Member (IT), Ministry of Information IT & Telecom, Pakistan Charin Thiratitayangkul, Vice President of Policy and Strategy Dept., EGA Thailand
Waltraut Ritter, Managing Director, Knowledge Dialogues Wisit Atipayakoon
Programme Officer, ITU Regional Office for Asia-Pacific​
Henry Ah Ching, Assistant CEO, Economic Planning & Policy, Ministry of Finance, Samoa ​ Chatchai Khunpitiluck,
Vice President, Software Industry Promotion Agency
Veeravoot Voottilertanan,
Solution Manager, Huawei Thailand Enterprise Department​

Tuesday 30 August 2016

​07:00 - 09:00Registration​

​09:00 - 10:00

​Opening Session

​​​​   Welcome remarks by Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for 
          Asia and the Pacific
   Welcome remarks by Dr. Young-sook Nam, Secretary General, World e-Governments
          Organization of Cities and Local Governments (WeGO)
   Welcome remarks by Mr. Chatchai Khunpitiluck, Vice President, Software Industry
          Promotion Agency (SIPA)          
   Welcome remarks by Mrs. Airada Luangvilai, Senior Executive Vice President,
          Electronic Government Agency (EGA), Thailand
   Welcome remarks by Mr. Chamroen Tipayapongtada, Phuket Governor
   Opening remarks by H.E. Mr. Pansak Siriruchatapong, Vice Minister of Information and
         Communication Technology of Thailand ​
​10:00 - 10:30Group photo and coffee break​

​10:30 - 12:15

​Session 1: Digital Transformation, Economies and Societies

With the rise of digital content and the increasingly global nature of ubiquitous networks, there is little doubt that new technologies, services and applications are having huge impacts on both social and economic development. But with all the benefits the evolving digital world offers, it also brings challenges for policy-makers and regulators, who must seek to balance the rights of all stakeholders. Ensuring that consumers benefit from the wealth of opportunities brought by the digital economy in an informed, responsive and safe manner is a challenge that can only be achieved through effective and smart regulation targeted at empowering consumers, redefining responsibilities and creating the conditions for a data driven economy to flourish.

This session will look at where countries’ digital strategies are going and how best they can get there.
Chair and Moderator: Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU
Speakers & Panellists:                
   •   Mr. Charin Thiratitayangkul, Vice President of Policy and Strategy Department, 
             Electronic Government Agency (Public Organization), Thailand
   •   Mr. Syed Raza SHAH, Member (IT), Ministry of Information IT & Telecom, Pakistan
   •   Mr. Filipe Miguel Antunes Batista, Secretary General, ARCTEL-CPLP
   •   Mr. Masanori Kondo, Deputy Secretary General, Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT)
   •   Mr. Austin Menyasz, Government and Regulatory Affairs APAC, GSMA 
​12:15 - 13:30​Lunch break

13:30 - 15:00​​

Session 2: Making a Smart City Framework for Sustainable Development

Rapidly evolving Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) can play a key role in bringing about transformation across all sectors involved in reaching global sustainable development objectives. By serving as the backbone of integrated and innovative solutions, ICTs can help cities to overcome unwieldy challenges and work towards meeting the sustainable development as well as the urbanization targets of all SDGs and in particular, SDG 11. This session will demonstrate and/or showcase strategies for developing a smart city towards sustainable development.​
Chair and Moderator: Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon, Progarmme Officer, ITU
Speakers and Panellists:
   •   Dr. Giryong Jung, Special Economic Adviser/Vice Mayor, Busan Metropolitan City,
          Republic of Korea 
   •   Mr. Chatchai Khunpitiluck, Vice President, Software Industry Promotion Agency
   •   Mr. Mohamed Shajahan bin Mohamed Iqbal, Vice President & Treasurer, FTTH
          Council Asia-Pacific
   •   Mr. Zhao Lining, Solution Director, Huawei Southeast Asia Marketing Department
​15:00 - 15:30Coffee break​

​15:30 - 17:00

​Session 3: Effective and Accountable Institutions for the Advancement of 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development

The promotion and use of ICTs by governments and public authorities will play a critical role in promoting, advancing and measuring the Sustainable Development Goals. E-Government has the potential to realize the principle of “leaving no one behind” in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Governments worldwide now recognize the power of ICTs and e-government for the advancement and transformation of the public sector landscape. The deployment of e-government can make public institutions more effective, accountable and transparent at all levels while providing inclusive public services to citizen, particularly to marginalized and vulnerable groups.

This session will discuss about emerging e-government issues and trends, and identify challenges and opportunities of e-government as an enabler of sustainable development.
Chair and Moderator: Mr. Ilyas Ahmed, Chief Executive, Communications Authority of Maldives
Speakers and Panellists:
   •   Mr. R.M.D.B. Meegasmulla, Secretary, Ministry of Sustainable Development and
          Wildlife, Sri Lanka
   •   Mr. Henry Ah Ching, Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Economic Planning and Policy
          Division, Ministry of Finance Government of Samoa
   •   Mr. Keping Yao, Governance and Public Administration Expert, United Nations Project
          Office on Governance (UNPOG)
   •   Mr. Stefanos Fotiou, Chief, Environment and Development Division,


Wednesday 31 August 2016

​09:00 - 10:30

​Session 4: Smart City Policy Framework and City-to-City Cooperation for Smart Sustainable City Development

In times of limited resources and the need to devise smart and innovative solutions to meet modern urban challenges on an urgent basis, city-to-city cooperation can serve as an efficient and effective way to mobilize development resources to help cities jointly work towards sustainable urbanization. By strengthening the capacity of cities around the world to define and resolve their problems themselves in close engagement with their citizens, city-to-city or “decentralized” cooperation can help cities explore synergies and build potentially cost-effective and mutually beneficial partnerships based on shared experiences and best practices among peer groups.

This session will demonstrate effective policy framework on developing a smart city and feature collaboration among cities in Asia, as well as Asian and European Cities, to showcase how cities are joining forces to share resources, catalyze action and develop smart and transformative solutions based on technology-enabled innovation.
Chair and Moderator: Dr. Arvind Kumar Mishra, Member of Board of Directors, FTTH Council Asia-Pacific
Speakers and Panellists:
   •   Sr. Hj Rozali Hj Mohamud, Municipal Secretary [Deputy Mayor-level], Municipality of
          Seberang Perai, Malaysia
   •   Mr. Tony Jun, Project Advisor, Overseas Project Development, Seoul Urban Solutions
   •   Mr. Parakrama Dahanayake, Former City Councilor, Galle Municipal Council, Sri Lanka
​10:30 - 11:00​Coffee break

​11:00 - 12:30

​Session 5: Partnering with Smart Citizens for The City We Need

Recent experiences from cities and local governments show that ICT-enabled civic participation can enhance the dialogue between city managers and citizens for more inclusive, empowered and creative communities. This session will highlight success stories of local governments in using smart technologies to foster citizen engagement in local governance throughout the process of policy and service development –by such means as online referendums, open data systems, and crowd sourcing platforms --to ensure that the voices of all are heard and the needs of all are met.

The shared stories will shed light, among other things, on the following questions: How are local governments receiving citizen feedback and reflecting them in policy development, letting citizens know that they have been heard and their input considered?; How have cities concretely benefited from introducing systems that encourage inclusive policy making and civic engagement?; How are local governments ensuring that citizens, especially the least represented/marginalized, are aware of, have the capacity, and actually use civic participation systems? ​
Chair and Moderator: Ms. Haidy Ear-Dupuy, Social Development Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Speakers and Panellists:
   •   Mr. Kinlay Dorjee, Mayor, Thimphu Municipality, Bhuta  
   •   Ms. Germie O. Deang, Head, ICT Division, City Government of San Fernando La
          Union, Philippines
   •   Mr. Shiva Raj Adhikari, Deputy Director, International Relations, Kathmandu, Nepal
​12:30 - 14:00​Lunch break

​14:00 - 15:30

​Session 6: IoTs and Data Revolution for the Smart Sustainable City

Immense amounts of data are being generated every day in our cities through an ever growing array of innovative technologies, including smartphones, social media, and the Internet of Things (IoT). As city leaders around the world grapple with the implications of “Big Data”, it is becoming clear that data may represent one of the most powerful modern assets that if harnessed properly, can deepen the understanding of how cities function, inform the policy and decision-making processes, and support the monitoring of results across urban sectors for enhanced efficiency, quality of life, and new economic opportunities.

Through case studies and expertise in IoTs/Big Data, speakers in this session will examine ways to improve how data is generated/ used and various implications of data for cities.
Chair and Moderator: Dr. Abbas Maaroof, Consultant, UNDP-Jakarta              
Speakers and Panellists:
   •   Ms. Mellyana Frederika, Programme Specialist, Pulse Lab Jakarta- UN Global Pulse 
   •   Dr. Hoai Duc Nguyen, Head, IT Division, Department of Information and
           Communications, Da Nang, Vietnam
   •   Ms. Waltraut Ritter, Managing Director at Knowledge Dialogues and Honorary Advisor
           to the Digital21 Strategy Advisory Committee of the HKSAR Government               

​​15:30 - 16:00​Coffee break

​16:00 - 17:00

​Session 7: Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker: Ms. Ajarin Pattanapanchai, Deputy Secretary General, Office of the Board of Investment


Thursday 1 September 2016

09:00 - 10:30​​

Session 8: Cybersecurity & Public Safety

One of the most sensitive issues on information sharing lies in the possibilities of an invasion of personal information and weak network security. Hence, the importance of building confidence and security in the use of ICT was emphasized, notably to protect personal data and privacy and to strengthen the security and robustness of networks.

Cyberspace is far from secure today, and there is an urgent need to take action- at national as well as international levels- against all forms of cyber threats. Government and stakeholders should assess the reliability, vulnerability, and threat environments of the infrastructures and employ appropriate protective measures and responses to safeguard them. Greater cooperation between all stakeholders at the national, regional and international levels is also required.

This session will focus on principles, frameworks, technology options, and good practices on safeguarding security and privacy in the cyber world especially in digital public services whereby drawing experiences and lessons learned from various countries. ​
Chair and Moderator: Mr. Marco Obiso, Cybersecurity Coordinator, ITU
Speakers and Panellists:
   •   Mr. Taylor Roberts, Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, Oxford University
   •   Mr. Veeravoot Voottilertanan, Solution Manager, Huawei Thailand Enterprise
   •   Ms. Noelle Francesca de Guzman, Regional Programmes Coordinator for Asia Pacific,
          Internet Society (ISOC)  ​
​10:30 - 11:00Coffee break​

11:00 - 12:00​​

Session 9: Cyber Incident Management Drill (SIMULATION)

E-Government offers unique opportunities for developed as well as developing nations. Apart from the automation of mass processes e-government approaches can help to roll out services to rural areas, speed up processes and strengthen the connection between government/administration and citizens/businesses. It is therefore not surprising that more and more countries are implementing e-government services.

At the same time it is important to keep an eye on cyber threats. Being mindful about potential risks does not contradict the idea of smooth and fast implementation of e-government services but is part of risk management. Cyber attacks that threaten e-government exist already. The risk landscape developed quickly over the last years. Today we witness transnational attacks with increasing quantities and qualities.

To facilitate the discussion about cyber threats with regard to e-government service a „live cyber incident simulation“ will be carried out. The aim of this „war gaming“ approach is to provide senior decision makers with an overview about the most recent attacks as well as global trends and at the same time familiarize them with best practices in defense. ITU for many years organizes „Cyber Drills“ both on the regional level as well as – upon request – on the national level. This specific element, that focuses on high level decision makers, is part of the methodology and various governments in the Asia-Pacific region already benefited from this approach.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Marco Gercke, Cybercrime/Cybersecurity International Expert               
​12:00 - 13:30​Lunch break

​13:30 - 15:00

​Session 10: New Role for Governments in the Era of ICT Startups

The importance of ecosystems of innovative people has never been as evident as in the case of startups. Silicon Valley or Cambridge are excellent examples of successful ecosystems. The emergency of such ecosystems as key components for innovative brings a new dimension for governments seeking to set new policies to foster innovation. There is a risk that public administrations might jeopardize startup ecosystems if their main proposed action is to pour public money into them. This would result in public money competing against money from alternative finance or venture capital. There are, however, some creative ways of financially supporting startups that could have a positive impact.

This session will focus on the role that governments and public administrations should play in fostering the entrepreneurial ecosystem in which information and communication technology (ICT) growth can thrive? ​
Moderator: Mr. Mohamad Ba, Haed, Innovation Division, ITU
Speakers and Panellists:                   
   •   Prof. Dr. Sunmoo Kang, Chair of KOREN Technology Support WG
   •   Dr. Alex LIN, Head of Infocomm Investments Pte Ltd., Singapore
   •   Mr. David Sehyeon Baek, Chief of Informational Affairs, Cooperation & Public
          Relations, Gyeonggi Center for Creative Economy & Innovation, South Korea

​15:00 - 15:30

​Closing Session