Committed to connecting the world

IIV-2015 Boot Camp


Since 2012, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has implemented an international ICT volunteers programme in collaboration with the National Information Society Agency of the Republic of Korea (NIA) known as NIA/ITU International ICT Volunteers. The programme has dispatched over 300 volunteers to more than 10 countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

Having recognized the power of youth and benefits of this programme, at the WTDC-14 Regional Preparatory Meeting (RPM) held in Cambodia during 30 April and 2 May 2013, Asia-Pacific member countries endorsed a proposal on ‘international collaboration on multistakeholder empowerment of ICT volunteers’ which was initiated by the Republic of Indonesia and tabled at the meeting.

Later in the same year, at the Connect Asia-Pacific Summit held in Bangkok, Thailand on 18 November 2013 whereby some 625 participants from 37 ITU Asia-Pacific Member States, including 7 Head of State/Government, 30 Ministers, deputy ministers, and Ambassadors attended the Summit, ITU announced the ITU International ICT Volunteers Programme known as IIV Programme.

The WTDC-14 held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates during 30 March and 10 April 2014 adopted the Dubai Action Plan (DuAP) which includes an Asia-Pacific Regional Initiative on ‘development of broadband access and adoption of broadband’. The initiative identifies an expected result which is “international collaboration on multi-stakeholder empowerment of ICT volunteers” in that ITU is mandated to foster and coordinate efforts in implementing ICT volunteer programmes in the Asia-Pacific region.

International ICT Volunteers (IIV)

International ICT Volunteers programme (IIV) is an open platform for multi-stakeholders including governments, NGOs, academia, private sector, international organizations, and others to mobilize human and various resources aimed at empowering people at all levels including youth, professional, women and girls, and retired people; and providing them an opportunity to work towards promoting ICT for development in national and international levels.

IIV Framework enables national and international ICT volunteer programmes whereby volunteers come from different backgrounds with various skills and expertise. The framework also provides an opportunity for volunteers to network with each other thereby exchanging their knowledge and experience and driving creativities and innovations among them.

NIA/ITU International ICT Volunteers

The NIA/ITU International ICT Volunteers is a unique programme jointly implemented by ITU and NIA under the IIV framework. The programme dispatches young Korean volunteers to countries around the region and to work with various organizations in the countries for a period of either one month or two months usually around July and August of each year. Volunteers are dispatched in groups (teams). Each team consists of four members.

Prior to dispatching, volunteers are required to participate in a boot camp with an intensive programme aimed at preparing and training the volunteers to be ready for on-site works. The programme also monitors and evaluates performance of the volunteers in that they are required to present their work achievements at an evaluation meeting usually organized at the end of their assignments.

This year, the NIA/ITU IIV 2015 programme will dispatch 100 Korean volunteers to seven countries namely Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos PDR, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. The IIV-2015 Boot Camp will be hosted by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. The evaluation meetings will also be hosted by MCMC and be held at Cyberjaya, Malaysia.


Boot Camp, Thursday 9 July 2015

​08:30-09:30Official Ceremony / Opening Session
 Welcome remarks by Dato' Sri Dr Halim Shafie, Chairman of Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
 Welcome remarks by Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon, IIV Programme Manager, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
 Welcome remarks by Mr. Min Ki Byun, Executive Principal, Global IT Planning & Consulting Department, National Information Society Agency of the Republic of Korea (NIA)
 Opening/officiated by H.E. Mr. Cho Byungiae, Korean Ambassador to Malaysia
​09:30-10:00 Press Conference
 H.E. Mr. Cho Byungiae, Korean Ambassador to Malaysia
 Dato' Sri Dr Halim Shaffie, Chairman of Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
 Mr. Toh Swee Hoe, Chief Officer, Digital Empowerment Sector, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
 Mr. Min Ki Byun, Executive Principal, Global IT Planning & Consulting Department, National Information Society Agency of the Republic of Korea (NIA)
 Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon, IIV Programme Manager, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
​10:00-10:30Group Photo and Tea Break sponsored by MCMC​
​10:30-11:00Session 1: IIV and Programme Introduction
by Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon, IIV Programme Manager, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

This session will give an introduction of IIV programme and overview of the Boot Camp programme. It will also introduce country officials and coordinators and boot camp staff.
​11:00-12:30 Session 2: Team  Building
Organised by MCMC​

An ice breaking session for participant to know each other and communicating by playing various indoor games
​12:30-13:30​​Lunch break sponsored by MCMC
​13:30-15:00 Session 3: Training on Photo Shooting Techniques
​Organised by MCMC​ (volunteers will be divided into 5 groups)

This session will give participants some skills & techniques in taking photo.
​15:00-15:30​Tea break sponsored by MCMC
​15:30-17:00 Session 4: Training on Video Shooting & Production Techniques
​​Organised by MCMC​ (volunteers will be divided into 5 groups)

Developing participants’ skills & techniques in telling a story & filmmaking: writing, filming, directing & editing.
​18:00-19:30Dinner sponsored by MCMC​
​19:30-20:30Session 5: Meeting Country Coordinators (break-out session)
IIVs and their respective country coordinators will meet and discuss preparedness for onsite assignments. This session will provide an opportunity for IIVs to learn more from the country coordinators about e.g. living conditions, activities, culture, do’s and don’ts, and etc.
​20:30-21:30 Session 6: Group Work I (video pre-production)
IIVs will be assigned to prepare to make a video clip applying techniques which they have learnt recently.
​21:30End of Day & Supper sponsored by MCMC​


Boot Camp, Friday 10 July 2015

​08:30-10:30Session 7: IIV-2015 Orientation
By Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon, IIV Programme Manager, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

This session will inform IIVs about programme implementation methodology, schedules, and assignments.
​10:30-11:00​​Tea break sponsored by MCMC
​11:00-12:30 Session 8: Soft Skill Training - Communication & Interaction
​​​Organised by MCMC​

Fun & simple practical lesson to acquire skill of interaction, problem solving, decision making planning and presentation as well as creativity thinking and teamwork
​12:30-13:30​Lunch break sponsored by MCMC
​13:30-15:00Session 9: Group Work II (video pre-production)
​15:00-15:30​Tea break sponsored by MCMC
​15:30-17:30 Session 10: Demonstration of ICT Training Tools
Organised by ITU

This session is aimed at introducing some useful tools for basic ICT training in that IIVs may apply them during their onsite works.
​18:00-19:30​Dinner sponsored by MCMC​
​19:30-22:00 Session 11: Video Presentations by IIVs
IIVs will present their videos which have been prepared and produced from Day 1.
​22:00​End of Day & Supper sponsored by MCMC​


Boot Camp, Saturday 11 July 2015

​08:30-10:00Session 12: Panel Discussion

This session is aimed at sharing with IIVs about ICT development works and importance of promoting ICT uptake especially in rural/remote areas as well as through community Internet centres.

Moderator: Mr. Wisit Atipayakoon, IIV Programme Manager, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

 Mr. Noy Shoung, Vice President, National Institute of Posts, Telecoms and ICT of Cambodia (NIPTICT)
 Mrs. Setriana Tangkary, Director of ICT Empowerment, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT), Indonesia
 Mr. Chanthaviphone Chansylilath, Head of Planning Division, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPT), Laos PDR
 Mr. Toh Swee Hoe, Chief Industry Regulation Officer, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
 Mr. Quyen Nguyen Quy, Head of Multilateral International Cooperation Section, International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC), Vietnam
10:00-10:30​​Tea break sponsored by MCMC
​10:30-12:30Session 13: IIV Presentations on Work Plans

Having had been briefed and guided by country coordinators, IIVs will present their work plans to be implemented in their respective countries. IIVs will also set out their objectives and targets which will be measured and evaluated at the end of the programme.
​12:30-13:30Lunch break sponsored by MCMC​
​13:30-15:30​Session 14: IIV Presentations on Work Plans (cont'd)
Continued from previous session
​15:30-16:30​Tea break sponsored by MCMC
​16:30-17:30Session 15: Wrap-up Session
​19:00-22:00MCMC IIV-2015 Gala Dinner (organised by MCMC)
 Appreciation remarks from Chairman of Sabah Tourism Board
 Local cultural show (organised by MCMC)
 Cultural performance by IIVs
​22:15​End of Day & Supper sponsored by MCMC​