Committed to connecting the world

First Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Network of Centres of Excellence of the Americas region, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 25-27 February 2015

Centers of Excellence


Following the launch of the new strategy of the Centres of Excellence of the ITU and the conclusion of the selection process of new facilities the new strategy of the Centres of Excellence provides a governance structure for regulating the operation of the Centers through the Steering Committee and ITU. In this sense, from 25 to 27th February 2015 was held the first meeting of the Steering Committee of the network of Centres of Excellence of the Americas region. The operation of the Centres of Excellence and the roles and responsibilities of the Steering Committee are available on the Document Processes and Operational Procedures of the Centers of Excellence:


The first meeting of the Steering Committee for the region took strategic decisions with a view to implementing processes and procedures for the operation of centers in key issues such as the strategic direction for the network of Centres from 2015 onward, the constitution of the Steering Committee, the schedule of activities for the year 2015, control of quality processes, the promotion plan activities, pricing strategies and financial procedures and new partnership opportunities, among others.


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