Committed to connecting the world

Workshop results - ICT Indicators for the Americas region

Statistics Workshop


The workshop presented an overview of the work on ICT measurement undertaken globally by the ICT Data and Statistics Division, ITU/BDT, including the ICT Development Index and the ICT Price Basket; discussed the main groups of telecommunication/ICT indicators collected by ITU, their definitions and methodological issues; the dissemination and harmonization of ICT data at the international level; data collection/ITU questionnaires; ITU manuals; as well as mechanisms for the national coordination of ICT statistics.


The objective of the workshop was to strengthen the capacity of countries in the region to produce national statistics and indicators on telecommunications and ICT. The workshop was intended for and therefore welcomed participants who are responsible for collecting and/or producing such statistics in ministries, regulatory agencies and national statistical offices.


More than 46 participants (who are responsible for collecting and/or producing such statistics in ministries, regulatory agencies and national statistical offices) from more than 11 countries, coming from different parts of Governments, as well as people coming from NGOs, Private Sector and International Organizations, took advantage of this traning opportunity.


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