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Regional Conference on Africa Child Online Protection (ACOP): Empowering the Future Digital Citizens

Regional Conference on Africa Child Online Protection (ACOP): Empowering the Future Digital citizens  Kampala, Uganda, 15 - 16 December 2014   


ITU's Global Cybersecurity Agenda (GCA) is a framework conceived to address cybersecurity in general as one of the most important issues in the cyberspace. However, children's vulnerability in an online environment makes them an easy target for cyber criminals. It is in this regard that ITU has created Child Online Protection (COP) as a special initiative in 2008 within its GCA to specifically tackle children's online security.

In the framework of the implementation of " ITU COP Guidelines " ITU calls for a Regional Conference on Africa Child Online Protection (ACOP) Conference, which aims at providing a platform to discuss challenges and identify solutions related to adopting regional approaches on child online safety. The Conference could also strengthen the sharing knowledge and experience in raising awareness and education, which is generally recognized as a key policy tool.


The Africa Regional Conference on Child Online Protection (ACOP) aims at pan-African awareness building on issues related to Child Online Safety.

The event will focus on the five pillars of the Child Online Protection (COP) Initiative: legal measures, technical and procedural measures, organizational structure, capacity building and international cooperation. Experiences and best practices both from within and outside the region will be shared.



The key objectives targeted by ACOP will be among others the followings:

  • Identify risks and vulnerabilities to children in cyberspace;
  • Create awareness;
  • Develop practical tools to help minimize risk; and
  • Share knowledge and experience.


The target group is composed of: high-level stakeholders from government, policy-makers, regulators, service providers, and civil society.