Committed to connecting the world

El Salvador 21 to 23 September 2009

Central American Workshop on Disaster Management
San Salvador, El Salvador (21-23 September, 2009)

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Superintendencia General De Electricidad Y Telecomunicaciones (SIGET) are jointly organizing a training workshop on Disaster Management. The workshop is being held  against the backdrop of a number of deadly disasters recently experienced in different regions of the world to include floods, earthquakes and cyclones.

The purpose of this event is to bring together stakeholders that are involved in disaster management from each of the countries in the Central Americas region. For the first time participants will receive hands-on training on the deployment and use of satellite terminals for disaster response/relief.

The venue for the workshop is:
Hotel Real Intercontinental San Salvador
Blvd  De Los Heros
San Salvador

Tel: +
503 22113333
Fax: +
503 22114444
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