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Girls in ICT Day - 25 April 2013


International Girls in ICT Day, celebrated on the fourth Thursday of April every year, is an initiative backed by ITU Member States in Plenipotentiary Resolution 70 (Guadalajara, 2010) to create a global environment that empowers and encourages girls and young women to consider careers in the growing field of information and communication technologies (ICTs). In 2012, nearly 90 countries organized events empowering more than 30,000 girls worldwide.


Events in Brussels 


What is a Girls in ICT Day event?

These are events where girls and university students are invited to spend the day at the office of ICT companies and government agencies so they better understand the opportunities the ICT sector holds for their future.  Ministries of ICT, Education, Labour, Youth, National ICT Regulatory Authorities, ICT companies, academic institutions, relevant UN agencies, NGOs and other stakeholders are encouraged to organize Girls in ICT day events on 25 April 2013.

The ITU Secretary General invites all ITU Member States and Sector Members to organize events attracting as many girls and young women as possible.

(English, عربي, 中文, Español, Français, Русский)


There is no particular model or template to organise Girls in ICT Day events. ITU invites and encourages Ministries of Communication, Education, National Regulatory Authorities, private sector companies, academic institutions and NGOs to organise local or national events on International Girls in ICT Day, targeting teenage girls and university students. The goal is to invite the teenage girls and university students to spend the day at the office of ICT companies, government agencies and academic institutions so they better understand the opportunities the ICT sector holds for their future.

ITU recommends that teachers and career advisers, who are often not aware of the opportunities offered by the ICT sector, be invited as well. Their participation in the activities organised for the Girls in ICT Day could prove instrumental in raising their awareness about the possibilities of the sector. In order to make this celebration more attractive for the young girls and women who take part, it is possible to invite women who have a successful career in the ICT sector to share their experiences, give awards or offer the participants practical experiences.


ITU will be hosting its first ever Girls in ICT Day in Geneva on Thursday 25 April 2013 at its headquarters, inviting teachers and ICT professionals in ITU and membership to educate, advise and share the knowledge and experience with female students. The day will start at 8.30 and finish around 14.30.






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