At a glance

Thursday, 16 DecemberFriday, 17 DecemberSaturday, 18 December
Plenary Opening Ceremony of the Sixth World Telecommunication/ICT Policy Forum 
12:15-12:30 Election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen 
           Organization of the work of the Forum and time    management
           Designation of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen for the Working Groups
12:30-12:45 Presentation of the Secretary-General’s Report 
12:45–15:15 Presentation of comments by the membership on the Report
12:00-13:00 Working Group 1 of the Plenary (continued)  

13:00-14:00 Working Group 2 of the Plenary    

Draft Opinion 3. Digital literacy and skills for inclusive access

Draft Opinion 4. New and emerging technologies and services to facilitate the use of telecommunications/ICTs for sustainable development
12:00 Plenary
1. Oral reports from the Working Groups
2. Consideration of draft Opinions
3. Adoption of the Chairman’s Report and Opinions     
15:15-16:00 Working Group 1 of the Plenary     Discussion of the following draft Opinions and contributions received.

Draft Opinion 1. Enabling environment for the development and deployment of new and emerging telecommunication/ICT services and technologies to advance sustainable development
Draft Opinion 2. Affordable and Secure Connectivity in mobilising New and Emerging Telecommunications/ICTs for Sustainable Development
14:00-15:00 Working Group 3 of the Plenary
Discussion of the following draft Opinions and contributions received.
Draft Opinion 5. Use of telecommunications/ICTs in COVID-19 and future pandemic and epidemic preparedness and response
followed by Closing ceremony                                      
16:00 Ends15:00 Ends15:00 Ends