Key documents about the preparatory process for WTPF-21

Preparations for the WTPF-21 have taken place in accordance with the process set out in the relevant ITU Resolutions and Decisions.

Resolution 2 (Rev. Dubai, 2018) states that discussions at the WTPF shall be based solely on (a) a single report by the ITU Secretary-General (SG) and (b) contributions from participants based on that report. This SG Report must be prepared in accordance with the procedure adopted by the ITU Council. Further, the Resolution also clarifies that the WTPF shall not consider drafts of any new Opinions that were not presented during the preparatory period.

Accordingly, as per Decision 611 (Rev. Council 2020), the ITU Secretary-General convened a balanced, informal group of more than 170 experts (IEG-WTPF-21) in September 2019, each of whom is active in preparing for the WTPF-21. Over a period of three years, this Group has engaged in the preparations by following the schedule set out in Annex 2 of Decision 611 (Rev. Council 2020), and assisted with the development of the report by the SG to the WTPF-21 as well as a set of draft Opinions for the Forum’s consideration.