AAP Recommendation

L.1000: Universal power adapter and charger solution for mobile terminals and other ICT devices

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Provisional Name

Input used for Consent
TD 237rev4-GEN



This recommendation provides high level requirements for a universal power adapter and charger solution that will reduce the number of power adapters and chargers to be produced and recycled by widening their application to more devices and increasing their lifetime. The solution also aims to reduce the energy consumption. The longer life cycle and possibility of avoiding device duplication reduces the demand on raw materials and waste. The power adapter and charger solution is designed to serve the great majority of mobile terminals, or other ICT device.

A.5 justification can be found in TD 384 (GEN/5). Due to a processing error, first paragraph of clause 6.6.2 of draft ITU-T L.1000 originally posted for Additional Review was erroneous. The correct text was reposted as Revision 1 on 2010-02-17.

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