About AAP

Alternative Approval Process (AAP)

Recommendation A.8 - Alternative approval process for new and revised Recommendations
TSB Circular 1 - Registration to participate in the Alternative Approval Process (AAP)
AAP Web application tutorial (to be created).

Former AAP repository was out phased in August 2006, after having transferred all its data to the new AAP database. It remains accessible for archives purposes by clicking here.

You can subscribe to the biweekly AAP announcement e-mails from your ITU account profile management interface.
For that, login to your ITU account profile and:

1.  Expand the TIES Settings option on the left panel, then 
2.  Click TIES Notifications (direct link here)
3.  On the middle pane, click Click here to view options under the ITU-T NOTIFICATIONS block to expand the options
4.  Select "AAP announcements", and 
5.  Save

Each member is requested to indicate an AAP focal point for effective participation in the AAP process. Please follow
the steps indicated in TSB Circular 251 (2020-05-18).

Status Codes
C  Consented

A draft Recommendation is consented at a Study Group meeting, meaning it is sufficiently mature to be considered for Approval via AAP (ITU-T A.8 / §3.1 and Figure 1)

LC  Last Call

Last Call period (normally four weeks) for comments by Member States or Sector Members regarding the Approval decision. Comments should indicate changes that would facilitate subsequent Approval (ITU-T A.8 / §4.1 and Figure 1)

LJ  Last Call Judgment (includes Last Call Comment resolution)

Last Call Judgment period for the study group experts to resolve Last Call comments, and for the study group Chair, in consultation with TSB, to judge the next steps (ITU-T A.8 / §4.4.2 and Figure 1)

AR  Additional Review

Additional Review period (normally three weeks) for comments by Member States or Sector Members regarding issues raised during Last Call. Comments should indicate changes that would facilitate subsequent Approval (ITU-T A.8 / §4.5 and Figure 1)

AJ  Additional Review Judgment

Additional Review Judgment period for the study group experts to resolve Additional Review comments, and for the study group Chair, in consultation with TSB, to judge the next steps (ITU-T A.8 / §4.5.1 and Figure 1)

SG  Referred to Study Group Approval

Referred to Study Group for Approval (ITU-T A.8 / §4.6, §5 and Figure 1)

A  Approved

Approved as seen during Last Call.

AT  Approved with Typographical Corrections

Approved with comments that indicate typographical error(s), such as misspelling, syntactical and punctuation mistakes, etc.

AC  Approved with Substantial Changes

Approved with comments other than those indicating typographical errors.

NA  Not approved

The study group could not agree to approve the Recommendation during the SG stage, and RI (A.8 §5.8) is not applied.

RI Re-Initiate Last Call

Re-Initiate Last Call (ITU-T A.8 / §5.8)
If not approved, the study group chair, after consultation with the parties concerned, may proceed to ITU-T A.8 / § 5.3 without further consent at a subsequent working party or study group meeting.

TAP Moved to TAP (ITU-T A.8 / §5.2)

Moved to the Traditional Approval Process (TAP) at a study group meeting (ITU-T A.8 / §5.2)