Round Table on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity

International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity

Session 315

Tuesday, 26 April 2022 12:00–13:00 (UTC+02:00) Cybersecurity Thematic Workshop

The Thematic Workshop entitled “Round Table on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity” aims to examine the current developments in the area of Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity as well as connected legal and policy issues during the Coronavirus times. With increasing cybercrimes and growing cyber security breaches, more and more countries are increasingly coming up with new cyber security legislations and policies which have a direct impact upon all stakeholders. The advent of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchains and increasing cyber security breaches means that various legal, policy and regulatory concerning the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchains need to be appropriately addressed.The International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity as also Round Table on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime and Cybersecurity are based on unique interactive format wherein the cutting-edge developments concerning Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity as also emerging technologies on Cyberspace are appropriately discussed and debated with the regional and national governments, officials, corporates, academia and other respective stakeholders.

The said Round Table would examine the cutting-edge issues concerning Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity. The deliberations of the Round Table would inform the discussions at the Virtual International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity 2022 and also will give details about the Outcome Document of the Virtual International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity 2021 and further give details about the cutting-edge challenges that countries across the world are facing.

The present Round Table is part of series of Round Tables/Thematic Workshops organized during the ITU WSIS Forums including in the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. This Thematic Workshop will also look at the emerging global trends in the context of Cyberlaw, Cybercrime, Cyber Security and Cyber Security Law and what further needs to be done to strengthen the cyber ecosystem.

The present Workshop would also discuss about the irreversible changes that are happening in the COVID-19 times in the context of Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity.

DR. PAVAN DUGGAL Conference Director, International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity, INDIA Moderator


Advocate, Supreme Court of India

Conference Director, International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity

President, Cyberlaws.Net

Head, Pavan Duggal Associates, Advocates


While a practicing Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Dr. Pavan Duggal has made an immense impact with an international reputation as an Expert and Authority on Cyber Law, Cyber Security Law, Artificial Intelligence Law & E-commerce law.

Dr.  Duggal has been acknowledged as one of the top 4 Cyber Lawyers around the world.

WDD [World Domain Day] recognizes him as one of the top 10 Cyber Lawyers around the world.

Dr. Pavan Duggal, is the Founder & Chairman of International Commission on Cyber Security Law. He is also the President of Cyberlaws.Net and has been working in the pioneering area of Cyber Law, Cyber Security Law & Mobile Law.

Pavan is also heading the Artificial Intelligence Law Hub and Blockchain Law Epicentre.  He is the Founder-cum-Honorary Chancellor of Cyberlaw University.       

Dr. Pavan Duggal is the Chief Evangelist of Metaverse Law Nucleus, Conference Director of International Conference On Metaverse And Law – Opportunities & Challenges and is also the Conference Director of the International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity, being world's only authoritative Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity.    In addition, Dr. Duggal has also conducted various Round Tables on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity over the last couple of years. He has also organized various Thematic Workshops at the previously held ITU WSIS Forums.   

His empanelment as a consultant to UNCTAD and UNESCAP on Cyber Law and Cyber Crime respectively, membership of the AFACT Legal Working Group of the UN / CEFAT, consulting as an expert with the Council Of Europe on Cyber Crime, inclusion in the Board of Experts of European Commission’s Dr. E-commerce and his work as an expert authority on a Cyber Law primer for E-ASEAN Task Force and as a reviewer for Asian Development Bank speaks volumes of his worldwide acceptance as an authority. Pavan is the President of Cyberlaw Asia, Asia’s pioneering organization committed to the passing of dynamic cyber laws in the Asian continent. Dr Duggal is also a member of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center Panel of Neutrals.

Dr. Pavan Duggal, in association with International Telecommunications Union, conducted two Training cum Sensitization Programmes for the elected Judges and Officers of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague, Netherlands on 23rd May, 2019.

As an internationally renowned Cyber law and Cyber security subject expert, at the world stage during the High-Level Policy Statement delivered by him at the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) organized by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), UNESCO, UNCTAD& UNDP in Geneva, Switzerland from 25th May – 29th May, 2015. Pavan Duggal has recommended the need for coming up with an International Convention on Cyberlaw & Cyber Security.

He has been associated with UNESCO on various legal and policy issues concerning cyberspace.

As a thought leader, Dr. Duggal has suggested that India requires a new legislation that is wholly dedicated to cyber security.

Pavan, as an international expert and authority, conducts 44 different online courses at Cyberlaw University, which have been subscribed by more than 27,000 students from 174 countries, speaking 53 national languages with excellent ratings.

Pavan is a member of the Board of, global network of persons and institutions interested in various fields of applied ethics.

Dr Duggal has been the Member of the Public Interest Registry’s.Org Advisory Council. He is a member of ICT policy and governance working group of the UNICT taskforce. He is the legal and policy Consultant to Internet Mark 2 Project, which is examining the next level of internet. He has been invited to be an Associated Fellow of the Centre for Asia Pacific Technology Law and Policy (CAPTEL) at Singapore. He is a Member of Panel of Arbitrators of the Regional Centre for Arbitration, Kuala Lumpur and Asian Domain Names Dispute Resolution Centre at Hong Kong. He is a Panel Member Of Permanent Monitoring Panel For Information Security-World Federation Of Scientists.

He has been associated with the Ministry Of Communication and Information Technology, Government of India on Cyber Law and Electronic Governance legal issues and is a member of Advisory Committee on e-governance in Karnataka constituted by the Government of Karnataka. As also a member of Information Forensic Working Group on E-Information Systems, Security and Audit Association.

Dr. Duggal is a member of Multi – Stakeholder Steering Group of the Asia Pacific Region Internet Governance Forum (APRIGF).

He heads his niche law firm Pavan Duggal Associates, which has practice areas, amongst others, in Cyber Law, Business Process Outsourcing Law, Intellectual Property Rights and Information Technology Law, Information Security Law, Defence, Biotech and Corporate Law.

While he has been a member of the Nominating Committee, Membership Advisory Committee and Membership Implementation Task Force of ICANN, Pavan is  the founder of the Cyber Law Association and is also the Founder-President, Cyberlaw India.

Some outstanding pioneering work in the field of BPO legal issues has resulted in his being a member of the BPO Steering Committee of ASSOCHAM. Today, he advises a number of BPO concerns on different legal issues relating to outsourcing. Pavan is the Co-Chairman of the Cyber Security Committee  of ASSOCHAM, was the Chairman of the Cyber Law Committee of ASSOCHAM and works closely with CII and FICCI.

Dr. Duggal is a regular on the lecture circuit. He has spoken at over 2000 Conferences, Seminars and Workshops in the last two decades, and has lectured extensively in select Law Colleges. As a Writer, he has made his mark with 179 Books on various aspects of the law in the last 20 years. Dr. Pavan Duggal’s books have been conferred various awards by Book Authority in various categories over a couple of years.   In addition, he has been conferred with various awards including “Ordre du Merite de Budapest”, Council of Europe Economic Crime Division, November 2011, Strasbourg. He had contributed a continuing weekly column on diverse aspects of the law, titled ‘Brief Cases’ to the Economic Times, for almost a decade.

More about Dr. Pavan Duggal is available at and


Alfredo M. Ronchi
Alfredo M. Ronchi Secretary General EC MEDICI Framework, Italy

Alfredo M. Ronchi, is the General Secretary of the EC MEDICI Framework (1995,-), member of the representative of OCCAM NGO at UN Headquarters in Geneva, active member of WSIS and UNESCO IFAP since 2003.Founder and Chair of the JRC S2D2 (Safety, Security, Defense, Disaster Recovery and Management).Mr Ronchi is member of the following Boards of Directors: Global Forum, World Summit Award,European Youth Award,European Education New Society Association (ENSA).Member of the Scientific Committee c/o Infopoverty, Fondazione ItalianaNuoveComunicazioni, Global Forum, Sacred World Foundation, member of the Keio University Network of Excellence.

Consultant: IBM (Lugano CH) 1982-83, Team Informaticas.a. (Lugano CH) 1981-83, Thorn/Sylvania/GE Lighting, 1989-94, GE Medical Systems, 1990-93, BolognaFiere 1994-1995, Austrian Ministry of Culture 1999, MinisteriumfürWissenschaft, Weiterbildung, Forschung und Kultur des LandesRheinland-Pfalz, Norwegian Ministry of culture – Riksantikvaren, Municipality of Christiansand, Italian Association of Banks (ABI).

Member of: the WSA Grand Jury, President of the eContentAward;Programme Chair of the Cultural Track of the IX International World Wide Web Conference, May 2000 Amsterdam (NL), Chair of panels “On culture in a world-wide information society” WWW Conferences 2001-2004, Co-Chair of Infopoverty Conferences 2001-08.

He is coordinator / manager of several different international projects. He had active roles in events promoted by The World Bank, Council of Europe, European Commission, UNESCO IFAP, IEEE.

Author of books, papers and articles to profljours: eCulture, eGovernment, eHealth, eLearning.

A.M. Ronchi is a professor at Politecnico di Milano (Engineering Faculty).

Prof. Dr Christoph Stückelberger
Prof. Dr Christoph Stückelberger Founder and President, Switzerland

Prof. Dr Christoph Stückelberger, Founder and President, is also the professor of Ethics at the University of Basel, Switzerland and has a Ph.D. in theological ethics (peace ethics) and habilitation in environmental ethics. He was the founder (1995) and first president of Transparency International Switzerland and for 15 years he was the director of the development organization “Bread for all.” He has published hundreds of articles and dozens of books on ethics, among others on corruption such as “Corruption-free Churches are possible” (2010).

Prof. Sarah Jane Fox
Prof. Sarah Jane Fox Associate Professor Institute of Policing at Staffordshire University, in the School of Law, Policing and Forensics, England

Dr Sarah Jane Fox is an Associate Professor in the Institute of Policing at Staffordshire University, in the School of Law, Policing and Forensics. Sarah specialises in transport and movements across borders – including security and terrorism and serious and organised crime. 

She has held various positions. Immediately before joining Staffordshire University, Sarah was at the University of East London where she was the Acting Head of Law and Criminology (across Law and Justice/Criminology) and the Director of the Centre of Professional Policing (CoPP). Sarah established the CoPP, whilst working with Babcock International (and the other universities in the consortium) on the Metropolitan Police Service (PEQF) programmes.

Together with her co-Director, she also launched the Online Harms and Cyber Crime (research) Unit (OHCCU) – at the House of Lords. Sarah was also the Deputy Director for the Research Institute for Connected Communities (ICC).

Prior to that, Sarah was at Middlesex University, where she worked in law and criminology (social policy and sociology). She also took the lead on developing the policing programmes and the awarded HEFCE/DADF2 award – which researched the development of apprenticeships across the public sector in London.

Before entering Higher Education, Sarah worked in senior management roles, as a legal and practice consultant and as an adviser to a number of government departments and advisory boards (UK/Europe/International). She has also worked in investigative and compliancy roles. She is described as an innovator and very forward thinking.

Sarah is very experienced in partnership (collaboration) stakeholder and community engagement/management. Her experience (expertise) relates to various areas of law (and policy) transport (roads transport and aviation/air in the main) policing/security (including cyber), safety, sustainability, EqIA and risk. Sarah has also led on certain environmental and sustainability policy initiatives. She is a champion of equality (particularly gender, age and disability) and the concepts of citizen charters, the Rule of Law and citizen involvement (e.g. citizen science).

Sarah holds numerous professional, management and academic memberships and qualifications (including across the following fields: law/policy; road haulage operations; transport management/adviser, aviation/air/space law, and in training/education).

Prof. NK Goyal
Prof. NK Goyal President CMAI Association of India (CMAI), INDIA

Prof. NK Goyal, Senior Telecom Professional is Post Graduate in Science with experience of about 43 years in Telecom/IT.

He is President, CMAI Association of India (CMAI), which is India largest ICT association of India with 48,500 members and 54 MOU partners worldwide. Prof. Goyal is the only person in the world having joined five consecutive years the Ribbon Cutting and inauguration of world’s largest Consumer Electronic show called CES, Las Vegas.

CMAI is also known as organizers of ICT World Communication Awards, National Education Summit and Awards, Global ICT Forum, training and formation of Cyber Security-Ethical Hacking and safe web development. CMAI has so far trained more than 10,000 delegates in Cyber security and CMAI interacts with more than 1,00,000 Educational Institutes.

Chairman Emeritus of Telecom Equipments Manufacturers Association of India (TEMA); Vice Chairman, ITU APT India; Chairman CTIA, India; Ambassador for India and South Asia, Commonwealth Telecom Organization, UK; President Cyber Security Association of India( CSAI); President Association of Educational Institutes and Universities( AEIU); and is actively involved in policy formulations and development of industrial policies specially related to telecom, mobile, cyber security, ICT, education and skills development sector. He is member of about hundred committees/groups formed by Government in this behalf. He is also Member Governing Council, Government of India, Telecom Equipment & Services Export Promotion Council, to promote exports under Ministry of Commerce and Industries and Chairman of India Trade Promotion Services, Dubai.

He is Professor and Adviser with Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad.

He is former Director of National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) having served Government of Himachal Pradesh PSUs for 21 years plus including seven years as General Manager (Development) of State Electronic Development Corporation Ltd., engaged in Project Implementation, Infrastructure Development, Industrial Consultancy, Strategic Operations etc. He was then on deputation to a telecom solution provider company for about ten years as President (Operations). He also served as Consultant to a telecom multinational company for two years.

He is also Government appointed Director on the Board of Directors of National Fertilizers Ltd., Government of India PSU.

He has presented several papers internationally on topics of public concerns like telecom IT, environment management such as e waste, radiation; manufacturing, global peace and well being, excellence in performance etc.

He is also Spiritual Healer, teacher of Yoga, Meditation and specialization in Psychic therapy, Acupressure.


Dr L S Spedding
Dr L S Spedding Solicitor (England &Wales) Solicitor (England &Wales), Attorney (USA) and Advocate (India)

 LL.B. (Hons), LL.M., Ph.D.

Key Qualifications : Over 27 years of experience and legal practice in national, European and international law.

Dr Spedding’s experience encompasses constitutional law, community law, copyright law, corporate advice, joint ventures, Reputation Risk management, project finance, drafting contracts, consultancy agreements and technology transfer. Based in London, she specialises as an independent legal adviser in environmental law and has been involved in a number of donor-financed environmental projects in Asia, notably India, where she was admitted to the New Delhi Bar as an Advocate in 1989. She is also a Special International Adviser for SAARC Law. She has advised on CSR and corporate responsibility over many years to enable organisations to integrate these concepts to improve performance within the organisations and achieve a sound reputation. Dr. Spedding has extensive experience in and knowledge of international and comparative developed and developing regulatory regimes. She has assisted with particular regulatory drafting needs, as well as implementation and enforcement aspects in various jurisdictions.

Dr. Spedding qualified as a solicitor in the UK in 1975: she left the firm where she trained to obtain more corporate experience with a more internationally minded firm. She added to her experience through an LL.M. in European and International Law and an extended work experience at the Legal Service of the European Commission in Brussels. She was invited to pursue a Ph.D. in European and International Law relating to the freedom of movement of the legal profession while continuing in practice. Over the years since her PhD. (1984) Dr. Spedding has had many works published commencing with “Transnational Legal Practice in the EEC and USA” in 1987, having been admitted to the New York Bar as an Attorney at Law in 1985. She has always maintained an interest in the freedom of legal professionals and in assisting the independence and integrity of the legal profession: hence the launch of the Women in Law newsletter that has been developed in 2002/3 and is to be launched this October under the auspices of the International Bar Association, following the announcement at the World Women Lawyers Conference in July 2003. Since then she has developed WIL’s services internationally and the network has expanded into key jurisdictions.

Since the 1980’s her work has been published extensively, particularly in the area of environmental law and management, energy and risk, and has spoken regularly at conferences and in-house training sessions.

Dr Spedding was awarded the Alexander Maxwell Law Scholarship Trust Award in the 1995/1996 awards for her contribution in this area. She was also nominated as a People’s Peer as a result of her service in the environmental field in 2000 and runner-up as the first law society committee member in environmental law in 2002.

Dr. Spedding has dealt with environmental and energy projects that involve advising both the public and private sectors on the appropriate choice of partners, having regard to different environmental regulatory and voluntary frameworks. Having worked in various regions and mixed cultures Dr Spedding has developed a trans-boundary approach to the provision of her services. She has also assisted in the resolution of issues through alternative dispute resolution outside the usual litigation process and developed a useful understanding and negotiating ability. Over the last two decades she has spent considerable time overseas, particularly in the USA, Europe and India. This experience has enabled her to have a unique understanding in what is involved in international projects. Moreover, it has convinced her of the value of high quality personal services and the need to ensure that they are available to organisations regardless of their size and their basic resources. She has been particularly concerned with the needs of small business and regulation concerns. For three years she was External Policy Advisor to the Forum for Private Business (FPB) in the UK to assist with problem solving in this area.

As a natural extension of her legal practice and legal writing Dr Spedding has become increasingly concerned with issues of risk management and due diligence. She advises business in the UK and abroad on issues relating to ethical business practice, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and risk. These include energy risk and carbon footprinting. Her handbooks have been published and well received internationally. (see Publications).

Throughout her professional life she has carried out pro bono work and assisted an ethnic minority charity assisting women, children and the handicapped in particular. She is increasingly concerned with the link between traditional positive values and modern living and has edited various sanskrit and Vedic origin texts in the area of health, yoga, the environment and lifestyle: see and She is Vice President of AF and in this capacity she has advised the Greenbriar Spa and the Ananda in the Himalayas in relation to appropriate projects. In this context she has concentrated on substantive legal and lifestyle issues of women in law and launched the Women in Law service as the pioneering e newsletter for women: see and above.

Saakshar Duggal
Saakshar Duggal Advocate, Delhi High Court & Advisor, Academic Outreach, Cyberlaw University Advocate, Delhi High Court & Advisor, Academic Outreach, Cyberlaw University (INDIA)

Saakshar Duggal is a practicing Advocate in the Delhi High Court, with a keen interest in law and technology. He is the Advisor, Academic Outreach of Cyberlaw University, being an online Cyberlaw education platform, has been engaging in the area of Cyberlaw and Cyber Security Law education and related capacity building programs. Cyberlaw University aims to provide various courses, that would make the participants more aware about the various legal issues pertaining to cyberspace, Internet and the World Wide Web.

He has also recently authored a book entitled “Cybercrimes During Covid-19 & Legal Issues In India”.

He was a distinguished speaker at the International Conference on Metaverse and Law- Opportunities and Challenges, held in cyberspace on 24th March, 2022 and spoke about the distinctive intellectual property rights and other legal issues impacting Metaverse ecosystem.

He, as a Cyber Security Expert, has conducted the Free Master Class entitled “Dive Deep Into Ransomware Attacks” on Wed, 15 Dec, 19:30 – 20:30 GMT+5:30, organized by AntWak, one of the leading players in the space of experiential learning that mirrors business reality. More about the said Free Master Class is available at

Saakshar Duggal, as part of Cyberlaw University delegation, was invited to participate and attend the (18th meeting) First session of United Nations Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes, on the elements and inputs that need to be incorporated in the proposed International Convention to prevent the misuse of Information & Communication Technologies for criminal purposes.

He is the Coordinator of Center Against Cyber Bullying (CACB).  Saakshar has been working on cutting-edge areas pertaining to cyber bullying in particular and cybercrime in general and their prevalence amongst youth and teenagers.  He has addressed various students and children of different aspects of cyber bullying and connected legalities.

He addressed a session on cybercrime at the Asia Pacific Region Internet Governance Forum held from 3rd – 6th August, 2014 at Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Saakshar was a distinguished speaker at the International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity 2014 held at New Delhi on 20th November, 2014, and spoke on  the subject of Cybercrime amongst youth.

Saakshar Duggal was a speaker the International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity 2015 which took place on 19th November, 2015 at New Delhi. He addressed the said Conference on the subject Social Media, Children, Cyber Bullying & New Challenges.

In addition, he also participated in the Round Table on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity, held on 27th May, 2016 at New Delhi.

Saakshar Duggal was an eminent youth speaker on the subject Cyber Bullying at the International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity 2016 which took place on 17th & 18th November, 2016 at New Delhi.

Saakshar Duggal was a distinguished speaker at the Thematic Workshop entitled “Cyberlaw, Cyber Security Law, Internet of Things and Emerging Global Trends” held on 12th June, 2017 during the ITU WSIS Forum 2017 at Geneva, Switzerland, hosted by International Telecommunications Union, UNESCO, UNDP, UNCTAD, UNICEF. He spoke on the emerging challenges concerning cyber security and cybercrime being faced by the youth of the world in general and India in particular. The said Thematic Workshop was organized by Pavan Duggal Associates, Advocates.

Saakshar was also a Speaker at the Session entitled “Protecting Children from Online Sexual Abuse and Related Perspectives”, Session entitled “Artificial Intelligence &Blockchain” and also Session entitled “Wearable Technologies & Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Cyberspace” at the International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity 2017 which took place from 16th & 17th November, 2017 at New Delhi.

Saakshar Duggal was also a Speaker at 2018, 2019 versions of the International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity held at New Delhi.

He was also a Speaker at 2020 and 2021 versions of the Virtual International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity held in cyberspace.

Saakshar Duggal addressed the members of the Malaysian judiciary at the session on ground position of cybercrimes in India at the special one-day training on Special Cyber Court held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in July, 2016.

Saakshar has given numerous talks in various schools in India on how children and teenagers can protect themselves from the ill-effect of cyber bullying. Saakshar also features in various TV programs on cyber bullying in different Indian TV channels.

He has done his school studies from Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi.

Drishyaa Duggal
Drishyaa Duggal Student Academia, INDIA

Current Activities: Drishyaa Duggal is a student pursuing B.A.( Hons) Applied Psychology from Amity University, Noida. She has passed out from Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi.

Achievements :Drishyaa Duggal is a regular speaker at International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime and Cybersecurity, having addressed the said conference in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. 

Drishyaa Duggal addressed the First Inter-sessional Consultation of the Ad Hoc Committee, held from 24-25 March, 2022 at Vienna. The Ad Hoc Committee has been established establish to elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes. She has highlighted the need for incorporating cyber psychology elements as part of the Preamble of the proposed Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes.  

She also spoke at the Thematic Workshop entitled “Cyberlaw, Cyber Security Law, Internet of Things and Emerging Global Trends” held on 12th June, 2017 during the ITU WSIS Forum 2017 at Geneva, Switzerland, hosted by International Telecommunications Union, UNESCO, UNDP, UNCTAD, UNICEF.  In the said Thematic Workshop, she spoke from the perspectives of youngsters and school children on cyberspace issues, given the increased incidents of cyber harassment and cyber trolling being engaged both by targeted at youngsters and school children. 

Drishyaa Duggal was part of the organizing team in organizing the First International Conference on ‘Ethics as a transversal dimension in higher education: Challenges for Latin America’ at UCA in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 21- 22 October 2019.

She has been awarded numerous prizes and awards in different competitions organized by different academic institutions. She was awarded  the First Prize in Market Mania organized by Zakir Hussain College, Delhi University in March 2022. She has been awarded first prize in Image Weavers, The Image-Based Extempore conducted under Vasundhara, 2022 organized by Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi in March 2022.She was the First Rank Holder at Ideathon Competition, organized by Shivaji College, University of Delhi and also at the Turncoat Debate Competition.Drishyaa has been awarded the Runners Up award for ReVamp It in Xenia 2022, organized by ISBF in February, 2022.  She has been awarded second prize in Strategy Shastra organized by Atma Ram Sanatan Dharam College, University of Delhi in March 2022. 

She had also attended internationally acclaimed Workshop on Millionaire Mind Intensive. 

She participated in the Commonwealth Essay Competition 2020. 

She also participated in three projects on Community Service, Broadcasting and Blogging held at Bhutan in 2019 and awarded with Certification of Participation for the same. 

She had participated in Pearl Academy Art Competition organized by Pearl Academy and awarded with Certificate of Participation. 

WSIS Action Lines
  • AL C3 logo C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C4 logo C4. Capacity building
  • AL C5 logo C5. Building confidence and security in use of ICTs
  • AL C7 E–GOV logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-government
  • AL C7 E–BUS logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-business
  • AL C7 E–LEA logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-learning
  • AL C7 E–HEA logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-health
  • AL C7 E–EMP logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-employment
  • AL C7 E–ENV logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-environment
  • AL C7 E–AGR logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-agriculture
  • AL C7 E–SCI logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-science
  • AL C10 logo C10. Ethical dimensions of the Information Society
  • AL C11 logo C11. International and regional cooperation


Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 9 logo Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 11 logo Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Goal 16 logo Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

