Showcasing Local Libraries' Input to SDG's Achievement

Electronic Information for Libraries

Session 297

Friday, 22 April 2022 13:00–14:00 (UTC+02:00) Thematic Workshop

Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL) has invited six inspiring libraries that won EIFL Public Library Innovation Awards, and librarians who took part in the Initiative for Young African Library Innovators to showcase creative uses of technology in libraries and to facilitate discussion around the impact of libraries in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals.

The panelists will showcase examples of how public and community libraries in Bangladesh, Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, Lithuania and South Africa are inspiring learning and building capacity to use technology that supports innovation and improves lives.

Ramune Petuchovaite
Ramune Petuchovaite Manager of Public Library Innovation Programme Electronic Information for Libraries, EIFL Moderator

Since 2012, Ramune has worked with over 30 public library projects focused on crucial community development needs, such as farming, health, employment, education and social inclusion, in more than 20 developing and transition economy countries. She managed and contributed to the development of a framework for capacity building of public librarians in Africa, and an international leadership programme for young African librarians.

Before joining EIFL, Ramune was a Chief Specialist at the Division of Information Society Development of the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Lithuania. Also, for 17 years she has lectured at the Library and Information Science Programme at the Faculty of Communication, Vilnius University.


Sadia Jafrin
Sadia Jafrin Founder Grow Your Reader Foundation, Bangladesh

Sadia is the Founder of Grow Your Reader Foundation (GYRF),  a non-profit organization that works to ensure quality education among children through creative curricula, teachers' training facilities, and community mobilization projects, including school, mobile, street, and online libraries. Wheels of Wisdom – WoW, the mobile library having books and internet facilities, is one of the three winners of the 15th EIFL Public Library Innovation Award.. Before that, she was a Teach For Bangladesh Fellow and completed the Global Girls Fellowship from ‘Teach For All’.

Sadia earned her post-graduate diploma in Education from Brac University (Bangladesh). She is an Acumen Bangladesh fellow from the 2022 cohort. She was also selected for the Top 100 Leaders in Education Award for her contribution to education during the pandemic. 


Peter Balaba
Peter Balaba Manager Nakaseke Public Library, Uganda

Peter has worked with the library  since 2004. During this period he has helped the library to attract government funding and developed new programmes to address community needs. He has turned  the library into  a One Stop Center where the public can access information on Agriculture, Health, and Online government  services. Peter is very  passionate about his work and he has  designed outreach programs for Schools and the Community through a Digital Literacy program. Concerned about the environment, Peter has  helped Rural Women to construct low cost fuel cooking stoves.  He is  also a good storyteller and a Radio Script Writer. Under his leadership Nakaseke Public Library  has won an Outstanding Performance Award from the National Library of Uganda. The library also won an EIFL Public Library Innovation Award for Education Recovery During Covid-19. 


Constance Chilipa
Constance Chilipa Provincial Librarian Solwezi Provincial Library/Zambia Library Service

Constance is the librarian responsible for library operations in Zambia’s Northwestern Province. She is self-motivated and through her leadership and initiative her library has grown and developed. The library was awarded ‘2nd best Innovative Provincial Library in 2016’ and received a certificate of recognition for the outstanding performance during the 2021 National Library Week  celebrations.

Constance holds a Bachelor of Arts in Library and Information Science and Public Administration from the University of Zambia. She is a former Publicity Secretary for the Library and Information Association of Zambia (2017-2019), and serves as Provincial Membership Secretary for the Union of Government and Allied Workers of Zambia.


Jemmimah Maragwa
Jemmimah Maragwa Librarian Nairobi Area Library / Kenya National Library Services

Jemmimah has been a librarian for eight years, and is currently serving in her fourth library branch. Her key responsibilities are to oversee the duties and procedures of her branch, and to build relationships with strategic partners and institutions to ensure effective and efficient access to information for community empowerment. She also engages in planning and designing experiential and impactful events that create awareness about the role of the library in the community. One of her favorite quotes is, “Wherever you go,there you are!”

Jemmimah holds a bachelor’s degree in library and information science.


Monika Straupyte
Monika Straupyte Manager for Culture Programmes Kaunas Municipal Vincas Kudirka Public Library, Lithuania

Monika is a lead of the Library's Culture Management Department. She is responsible for cultural and educational activities and cultural events, project implementation and communications. Monika also oversees Library’s social media accounts, website and media relations.

Monika implemented a lot of well known Library’s projects, such as Toy Library, Reading with dogs, Beach Library, Library of Emotions, etc.

Monika holds a Master's degree in Public Relations, and a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania).


Jeff Bonile Nyoka
Jeff Bonile Nyoka Manager for eLearning City of Johannesburg Libraries, South Africa

Jeff is responsible for development and implementation of eLearning services across the City of Johannesburg Libraries. Under his leadership in partnership with Google SA, Microsoft, Code 4 Life, Goethe Institut Joburg libraries introduced digital skills training for youth and seniors, mobile literacy and reading, coding, digital marketing and other programmes. Jeff loves training and working with people, and has shared his knowledge in a number of professional conferences and training events in South Africa and abroad, e.g. Denmark, Greece, Namibia.

Awards: Librarian of the Year for Gauteng South Libraries 2019; Awarded Employee of the Year for City of Joburg Library services 2016

Jeff holds Bachelor of Technology in Library and Information Studies from Durban University of Technology (South Africa). He is a member of Library and Information association of South Africa (LIASA), and South African Translators Association (SATI). 

Ugne Lipeikaite
Ugne Lipeikaite Impact Manager of Public Library Innovation Programme Electronic Information for Libraries, EIFL, Chile Moderator

Ugne Lipeikaite oversees impact planning and evaluation for the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP). Ugne has built the impact evaluation framework and tools that are now being used by EIFL-PLIP grantees. She has facilitated creation and implementation of EIFL’s training programmes for public librarians in five African countries, developing their capacity to introduce and implement innovative services that meet community needs, and improving their ICT and ICT training skills. She is also managing a “Digital skills and inclusion through libraries in Uganda” project, which aims to equip thousands of women and youth with digital skills through local libraries.

Ugne holds a Ph.D in Communication and Information from Vilnius University, Lithuania

Cultural Diversity Digital Divide Digital Inclusion Education Environment Infrastructure
WSIS Action Lines
  • AL C2 logo C2. Information and communication infrastructure
  • AL C3 logo C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C4 logo C4. Capacity building
  • AL C8 logo C8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content

Public access connectivity have offered local libraries new opportunities to increase access to knowledge, support democracy and multiculturalism, also helping people to build digital capacities, and improve standards of living and improve lives. 

Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 1 logo Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Goal 3 logo Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
  • Goal 4 logo Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Goal 5 logo Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Goal 8 logo Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 9 logo Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 11 logo Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Goal 12 logo Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • Goal 13 logo Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
  • Goal 16 logo Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

By providing access to internet, information, staff support and wide range of educational and cultural programmes, local libraries stand as unique partners in driving SDG's achievement forward.