Promote the Development of Internet & Mobile Internet Information Accessibility

Internet Society of China

Session 340

09:00–10:45, Friday, 16 June 2017 Room C2, ITU Tower Captioning Thematic Workshop

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Information accessibility effort is one of the key approaches to promote information infrastructure and to pursuit to an inclusive information society. The workshop will mainly discuss and explore the development trend of online & mobile based information accessible environment and construction. It is also expected to provide an opportunity for exchange and sharing among related parties and organizations.

In particular, China’s organizations will introduce their initiatives and latest efforts on working on the information accessibility system solutions and technical services, sharing the best practice. For example, the project "China e-Government Information Accessibility Public Services System" (WSIS Prizes 2017 Champion) led by the Internet Society of China could provide solution support to improve service capacity of government on e-government services, benefiting to the disadvantaged groups with nearly 600 million population (including 85 million of the disabled, 210 million of the elderly people, more than 300 million the low educated). The project will try to eliminate the difficulties and obstacles in the process of public access to public services, including the exchange of information between the government and the public, enabling the various vulnerable groups enjoy the service equally, which has made a positive contribution to improving the capacity of the government to provide public information service and construct the inclusive information infrastructure environment.

Meanwhile, the project plans to promote more than 4,000 county-level online public service platform completing the service upgrade, enabling 85,000 government sites achieve barrier-free access by the end of 2017; and will facilitate barrier-free construction of 460,000 public service websites and improve the capacity of the important news, e-commerce and education sites by the end of 2018.

The workshop will call for more international joint efforts contributing to information accessibility and helping developing countries to improve the capacity building, enabling the enjoy of well-being of human development through ICTs.



Ms. Yao ZHAO, Deputy Director, Internet Society of China


ITU High-level Official
UNESCO High-level Official
Mr. Shiming LV,Vice Chairman, China Disabled Persons’ Federation
Ms. Jennifer CHUNG, Director of Corporate Knowledge, DotAsia Organisation
Mr. Lei SHAO, Executive Dean, Institute for Accessibility Development
Mr. Zhenyu LIANG , CEO, Shenzhen Accessibility Research Association
Mr. Chang HUANG, Deputy Diretor, China Information Accessibility Public Service Platform

Session's link to WSIS Action Lines

  • AL C2 logo C2. Information and communication infrastructure

Session's link to Sustainable Development Process

  • Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions logo Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies



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