WSIS+10: WSIS Review Process

Working together towards a multistakeholder, open and inclusive WSIS Review Process

WSIS Forum 2012

WSIS Forum 2012:
14 to 18 May, Geneva

The Forum attracted more than 1300 WSIS Stakeholders from more than 140 countries. Several high-level representatives of the wider WSIS Stakeholder community graced the Forum with more than 30 ministers, 44 deputies, 30 ambassadors, 17 CEOs and Civil Society leaders contributing passionately towards the programme of the Forum. Among participants, there were members of parliament, as well as representatives of the private sectors and civil society.

WSIS Forum 2011

WSIS Forum 2011
16 to 20 May, Geneva

Remote participation was an integral component of the WSIS Forum, Over 1000 stakeholders followed and contributed to the outcomes of the event in a remote manner from all parts of world. Onsite networking was facilitated by the imeetYouatWSIS online community platform. More than 250 on-site participants have actively used the tool prior and during the event which has facilitated in fruitful networking leading to win-win partnerships.

WSIS Forum 2010

WSIS Forum 2010
10 to 15 May, Geneva

The WSIS Forum 2010 provided structured opportunities to network, learn and to participate in multi-stakeholder discussions and consultations on WSIS implementation.
Facilities were made available to make the forum as inclusive and participatory as possible. Several sessions were conducted in a debate style to encourage participation from the participants.

WSIS Forum 2009

WSIS Forum 2009
18 to 22 May, Geneva

The Forum offered participants a series of diverse meetings, including high-level panels addressing critical issues to the WSIS implementation and follow-up in multi-stakeholder set-ups, WSIS action line facilitation meetings, thematic workshops, kick-off meetings for new initiatives and projects, speed-exchanges facilitating networking among the participants

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WSIS Secretariat

World Summit on the Information Society
International Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations
1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland

Phone: +41 22 730 5111
Fax: +41 22 730 6453
