Page 198 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2021
P. 198

2021 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

                                                              4.2.1   Resource allocation approaches

                                                              Considering the functions mentioned above, there are two
                                                              types of approaches for decision-making available:

                                                              1)  Policy-based: In this approach, a list of prices for slices
                                                                  and  resources  are  provided  by  the  Mobile  Network
                                                                  Operator  (MNO)  and  the  final  decision  is  made
                                                                  considering  the  current  state  of  the  system  and  the
                                                                  network’s policy.
                                                              2)  Auction-based:  Here,  there  is  no  fixed  price  for  the
                                                                  slices or resources. Instead, the MNO provides a list of
                                                                  available slices and resources, and tenants can request
                                                                  a service  with  an  offer  bid.  Then,  the  MNO  chooses

                                                                  between  the  tenants  and  provide  the  winner  tenant
             Figure 2 – The relationship between artificial intelligence   with the requested slice or resource [20].
                            and orchestration functionalities
                                                              4.3   Operation & Management
           capacity efficiently and minimize the operation costs. The
           main challenge here is to keep a balanced allocation where   In today’s network architecture, humans play a vital role in
           none of the following happens:                     the stage of management and operation and by automating
                                                              network functions, network costs decrease significantly. In
           1.  Under Provisioning: If less resources are allocated to a   order  to  manage  a  network  successfully,  monitoring  is  an
               slice  than  needed,  a  Service  Level  Agreement  (SLA)   inseparable  function  to  implement  in  all  steps  of  network
               set with the tenant would be violated.         management and is an integral part of network management
           2.  Over Provisioning: if more resources than required are   functions.  The  following  information  is  obtained  by
               allocated  to  a  slice,  extra  resources  remain  unused,   monitoring. System reports, traffic analysis, resource status
               making it a waste of resource and money [17].   spectral  clustering,  K-mean  clustering,  support  vector
                                                              machine and deep neural network are ML techniques  that
           To find the proper state of resource allocation, future requests  can  be used  for  this  task.  The  main  purposes  of  these
           for each slice should be predicted and also required resources  functions are categorizing system operation and forecasting
           for each service should be determined, which is a complex  resource utilization [16]. Network slicing management can
           task for operators and we cannot address them individually  be  put  into several  tasks.  These  tasks  are  performance
           [18].  While  traditional  solutions  aren’t  helpful  for  this  management, fault management and security.
           purpose, artificial intelligence is useful to solve both aspects
           of  resource  management  and  orchestration.  In  order  to  do   4.3.1   Performance management
           that,  we  can  implement  a  Convolutional  Neural  Network
           (CNN) in which respective costs of SLA violations (under  The first step in controlling the performance of a network is
           provisioning)  and  the  costs  wasting  the  resources  (over  admission control. Admission control is about determining
           provisioning)  is  considered  as  a  loss  function  to minimize  whether a network can accept the upcoming slice requests
           [19].  The  policies  which  determine  the  allocation  of  and provide the accepted requests with its requirements or
           resources  between  slices  should  adapt  to  the  dynamic  and  not. Having limited resources, admission control becomes a
           changing  behavior  of  the  network  slices.  Take  a  situation  vital role in slice management. According to the 3GPP (3rd
           where  we  have  emergency  requests  and  other  services  for  Generation Partnership Project) standardization of network
           example. In this situation, when we have numerous requests  slicing,  tenants  (the  communication  service  client)  send
           coming  to  the  network,  due  to  the  sharing  of  our  limited  requests for specific services and then based on some fixed
           resources between these two services, the higher priority is  factors,  the  cost  is  calculated  and  paid.  Having  vigorous
           given to the former services [16]. The main purpose of these  resource sharing,  the  network  would  not  be  able  to  meet
           two  first  steps  is  to  classify  service  requirements,  predict  Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), resulting in a decrease
           network  trends  and  user  behavior  and  configure  network  in  the network  revenue  since  the  required  services  are  not
           parameters.  The  machine  learning  techniques  used  to  do  provided.  On  the  other  way  around,  rejecting  most  of  the
           these  tasks  are  support  vector  machine,  gradient  boosting  incoming  requests,  the  network  would  lose  many
           decision tree, spectral clustering and reinforcement learning.  opportunities to gain profit. Therefore, one profound action
           Classifying a new service into one of the 3 categories (eMBB,  to be taken in this phase is to establish a balance between key
           mMTC, and URLLC) should be done based on given factors  performance indicators and resource sharing [17]. Another
           and  for  this  goal,  other  supervised  and  unsupervised  point worth mentioning is that meeting the right KPIs needs
           techniques can be used too. Moreover, to determine proper  complete slice isolation, making it more complicated to find
           network  parameters,  reinforcement  learning  is  usually  the  equilibrium  point.  In  order  to  overcome  this  issue,
           helpful. Conclusively, with the help of these techniques and  admission  control  should  have  the  information  about  the
           algorithms, we can design and construct an efficient sliced  dynamic behavior of slices along with
           network which can adjust to new services and use cases [16].

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