Page 94 - ITUJournal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

          is [12] in which the authors used parallel  ilters with only  short‑frame OFDM communication system where sen‑
          one Hamming code as an error correcting code. Their  sors’ devices send only one OFDM symbol per frame on
          scheme allows more ef icient protection when the num‑  the PLC channel. Each time slot is composed of an OFDM
          ber of parallel  ilters is large.                    symbol which represents a communication between the
          Our contributions can be summarized as follows:      master device and each slave‑sensor node device.
                                                               In Table 1, we denote our short‑frame OFDM parameters
            • The design of this low‑powered short‑frame OFDM  that are considered later in our MATLAB‑Simulink simu‑
             communication system in terms of error correction  lations:
             is modelled by MATLAB‑Simulink tools.
                                                               Table 1 – Scenarios and short‑frame OFDM parameters used in our
            • We analyse and choose the adapted Error Correcting  MATLAB‑Simulink simulations
             Codes (ECCs); such as Hamming and Reed‑Solomon
             for this low‑powered short‑frame OFDM communi‑      Parameters                     Value
             cation model.
                                                                           : FFT size            64
            • We discuss the trade‑off between the low implemen‑          : Used sub‑carriers   30/32
             tation complexity and the high error correction ca‑     : Sampling frequency      1.6 MHz
             pacity.                                             Δ : Sub‑carrier spacing       25 KHz
                                                                    : Total Symbol dura‑
            • Moreover, we propose a new model of parallel Ham‑  tion                           45    
             ming coding in order to increase the error correction    : Modulation size        4 (QPSK)
             capability of our model and we illustrate its perfor‑    : Packets of L bits       50 bits
             mance in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER) vs. EB/N0.         : Error correcting  Hamming, Reed‑Solomon
            • Finally, we validate the performance of parallel Ham‑      : Coding rates       = (4/7),      = (11/15),
             ming encoder/decoder in terms of complexity of im‑                            = (23/31) ,      = (26/31),
             plementation on an FPGA board using VHDL simula‑                              = (57/63),      = (56/64)
             tions.                                                            : BER Perfor‑                   = 10 ;
                                                                 mance Analyser GUI
          The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: First,                                     = 10 10  ;
                                                                                                    = 0 ∶ 15 dB
          a brief description of the communication model in Sec‑                                0
          tion 2. Then, we study the trade‑off between the two ECCs
          (Hamming code and Reed‑Solomon code) which are more  In this paper, we use MATLAB‑Simulink tools in order to
          adapted to our communication model. We propose a new  model this low‑powered short‑frame OFDM communica‑
          design of a parallel Hamming coding in the case of a short‑  tion system as shown in Fig. 2.
          frame OFDM sensor network in Section 3. Moreover, we
          illustratethe performanceofthese ECCsin termsof Bit Er‑
          ror Rate (BER) for different scenarios using BERTool ap‑
          plication in Section 4. In Section 5, we validate the per‑
          formance of parallel Hamming encoder/decoder in terms
          of complexity of implementation on an FPGA board using
          VHDL simulations. Finally, we conclude this paper in Sec‑
          tion 6.

          2.  DESCRIPTION OF THE COMMUNICATION                 Fig. 2 – Short‑frame OFDM communication model using MATLAB‑
                                                               Simulink tools: General model
                                                               Next, we will describe each block represented in Fig.
          Here, we consider a sensor’s network which is composed  2 representing our general low‑powered short‑frame
          of one master device and several slave‑sensor node de‑  OFDM communication model:
          vices (   ,    , ...,    ) using Time Division Multiple Access
          (TDMA) to share the PLC channel illustrated in Fig. 1.
                                                               2.1 Random input generation
                                                               In this block, the input data is randomized by a ”Bernouilli
                                                               Binary” block in order to spread the energy over all the
                                                               bits before being encoded by the following block.

                                                               2.2 Error correcting code (ECC)
              Fig. 1 – Shared bus architecture for our sensor’s network
                                                               The purpose of this block is to add enough redundancy
          Since low‑power consumption is a critical factor in the  to the data packets being sent, so that even if some of the
          design of sensor’s network, we consider a low‑powered  received data includes errors, there will be enough infor‑

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