Page 17 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 6 – Wireless communication systems in beyond 5G era
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 6

                                                               3.   THE ADVENT AND THE EVOLUTION OF
                       OSS/BSS     Service, VNFs and                5G
                                    infrastructure   Orchestrator
                                                               In 2016, 5G standardization effort started. In partic‐
                       EM 1   EM 2   EM i                      ular, the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sec‐
                                              VNFM(s)          tor (ITU‐T) Focus Group on IMT‐2020 concluded its pre‐
                       VNF 1  VNF 2  VNF i
               NMS                                             standardization activities in December 2016 and around
                                                               the same time, ITU‐R concluded its Recommendation “Vi‐
                IC           Virtualised
                      Virtualised   Virtualised                sion of IMT beyond 2020” [16]. Side by side, in 2015,
                      Computing  Storage  Network
                        Virtualisation layer                   the New Generation Mobile Networks (NMGM) Alliance,
                                                VIM            consisting of Members (i.e. operators) with contributions
                                                               from Sponsors (i.e. vendors) and Advisors (i.e. research
               NFVI     Hardware Resources    MANO             entities) Partners, had already published its white pa‐
                                                               per/deliverable on the 5G vision [17]. The collaborative
                   Fig. 3 – ETSI MANO SDN‐NFV architecture.    and global structure of this standardization process and
                                                               the standardization bodies and the entities involved, have
                                                               already been shown in Fig. 2. But, what was the key ele‐
            • the MANO;
                                                               ment that mainly stimulated the paradigm shift from LTE
            • the  Operation/Business  Support  Scheme  (OSS/BSS),   to 5G?
              the set of applications (e.g., sysytem level and man‐
              agement) that are used by service providers to pro‐  It is now important to notice that the characteristics and
              vide network services.                           performances achieved by LTE had made this wireless
                                                               technology highly attractive for several verticals, apart
          First, the NMS includes the Tenant SDN Controller (TC),  from mobile broadband.  However, LTE has inherent
          inside a tenant’s domain, which dynamically manages  limits that cannot make it suitable for a wide range of
          virtual network functions for tenant’s services. Next, it  heterogeneous verticals. This advancement very clearly
          also includes the Element Management (EM), responsi‐  emerges from the NMGM Alliance’s deliverable statement
          ble for all the aspects/events related to virtual network  “[...] The boundaries between personal and enterprise us‐
          functions such as con iguration, performance, fault, secu‐  age of devices will blur. [...]” [17], which clearly shows
          rity, etc. Second, the NFVI consists of an Infrastructure  this change of paradigm between 1G‐4G and 5G. With 5G,
          SDN Controller (IC), which sets up and manages network  the service requested by the UE drives the goals of the
          resources to guarantee available connectivity for inter‐  communication network and the subsequent design of
          virtual‐network‐function communications. It also logi‐  network architecture and characteristics.
          cally hosts the physical resources and their mapping into
          virtual resources (through the virtualisation layer). Fi‐
          nally, the MANO hosts the Virtualized Infrastructure Man‐  Broadband access in dense areas  Broadband access everywhere
          ager (VIM), which controls and manages the NFVI re‐       Person-to-person or person-to-    50+ Mbps Everywhere,
          sources and the IC. Next, the Virtual Network Function   group video communication     Highly flexible  network to be
                                                                                          deployed under ultra-low cost
                                                                   with extremely high resolution,
          Manager (VNFM) con igures and manages the life cycle of    Smart Office,       requirements.
          virtual network functions in its network domain. Finally,    Cloud  services  provided  by  Higher user mobility
                                                                                          High Speed Train,
          there is(are) also orchestrator(s) for NFVI resource man‐    HD Video/Photo Sharing in     Remote Computing,
          agement across different VIMs, and for managing the life  Stadium/Open-Air Gathering.    Moving Hot Spots,
          cycle of network services.                              Massive Internet of Things    3D (three dimensional)
                                                                    Smart Wearables,     Connectivity: Aircrafts,
                                                                    Sensor Networks,     balloonists, gliders, or
          This discussion has shown the growing virtualisation pro‐    Mobile Video Surveillance.  skydivers.
          cess, starting from the outsourcing of computing and    Extreme real time communications  Lifeline communications
          widening to the virtualisation of routing, data and con‐    Tactile Internet.    Public safety and emergency
          trol plane, and of any network function. This process   Ultra-reliable communications    Robust communications in case
                                                                    Automated Traffic Control and
          has been reaching an additional level of generalisation by  Driving,            of natural disasters.
          also including the virtualisation of the protocol stack [1].    Collaborative Robots,  Broadcast-like services
                                                                                          News and Information
          The idea behind Programmable Protocol Stack (PPS) is      eHealth Extreme Life Critical,    Local, Regional and National
                                                                    Remote Object Manipulation
          to realise a software‐based environment for the adaptive  (e.g. Remote Surgery),  Broadcast-like Services
          management of protocols and protocol stack layers. This    3D Connectivity via Unmanned
                                                                   Aerial Vehicles,
          means that the system can reassign/change parameters,     Public Safety.
          update services, and replace functionalities according to
          the needs of the users, network, and environment. This   Fig. 4 – Groups of main use cases/verticals identi ied in [17].
          has become highly necessary due to the dif iculty of satis‐
          faction and prediction of QoS requirements in highly het‐
          erogeneous scenarios.

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