Page 73 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5 – Internet of Everything
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5

           IoT Device         LN Gateway   Bridge LN Node      follows the exact same steps given for the IoT channel clo‑
                                                               sure case above.  The only difference is the on‑chain fee
                 1. ChannelClosingRequest
                                         2. shutdown           part.  This  time,  channel  closing  is  requested  by  the  LN
                                                               gateway;  therefore,  it  pays  the  on‑chain  fee.  The  same
                                         3. shutdown
                                        Complete any           mechanism is used: the on‑chain fee is deducted from the
                                        pending HTLC           LN gateway’s balance on the channel.  There is a chance
                                                               that  the  LN  gateway  might  not  have  enough  balance  in
                                       4. closing_signed       the channel to cover the on‑chain fee.  Thus, we propose
                                       5. closing_signed       that the LN gateway does not attempt to close the channel
                                            ...                without collecting enough service fees on the channel.
                                       k. closing_signed
                                      k+1. closing_signed      5.3.3   Bridge LN node channel closure
                  k+2. ClosingTxRequest
                {Type: ClosingTxRequest,                       Similar to the LN gateway channel closure case, the bridge
                  Closing Transaction}                         LN node can close the channel unilaterally or mutually. In
           k+3. Generates the signature                        both scenarios, the LN gateway will learn about closure of
                   k+4. ClosingTxSigned                        the channel. We propose that the LN gateway noti ies the
                 {Type: ClosingTxSigned,                       IoT device about the channel closure by sending it a Chan‑
                              k+5. Broadcasts the              nelClosed message. This serves as a noti ication to the IoT
                             closing transaction to            device so that it does not attempt to use the channel in the
                               Bitcoin network

          Fig. 7 – Protocol steps for the IoT device channel closure when the LN   5.4  Changes to LN’s BOLT #3
          gateway performs a mutual close with the bridge LN node. Messages in
          red show the default messages in BOLT #2.            We explained in Section 3.3.2 the BOLT #3 speci ication.
                                                               Since the channels were made 3‑of‑3 multisignature with
          LN gateway in a ClosingTxSigned message that has the fol‑   the introduction of the IoT device, it requires changes to
          lowing  ields: Type: ClosingTxSigned, Signature. With this   the LN’s Bitcoin scripts. In this section, we show the pro‑
          signature, the LN gateway can now broadcast the closing   posed changes to the funding transaction output, the com‑
                                                               mitment transactions, and the HTLC transactions.
          transaction to the Bitcoin network and close the channel.
          The on‑chain fee of this transaction is paid by the IoT de‑   Changes to the Funding Transaction Output:  Instead
          vice by deducting the fee from its balance on the channel.   of sending the funds to a 2‑of‑2 multisignature address,
          We illustrated the protocol steps for this mutual close case   we propose to send them to a 3‑of‑3 multisignature ad‑
          in Fig. 7.                                           dress.  Thus,  the  new  proposed  witness  script  of  the
                                                               funding transaction output is:  3  <pubkey1>  <pubkey2>
          Unilateral  Close:  For  the  unilateral  close  case,  the  LN
                                                               <pubkey3>  3  OP_CHECKMULTISIG.
          gateway  sends  its  most  recent  commitment  transaction
          to the IoT device in a SignTxRequest  message which has   Changes to the Commitment Transaction Inputs:  We
          the  following    ields:  Type:  SignTxRequest,  Commitment   propose to change the commitment transaction input wit‑
          Transaction.  Upon receiving the message, the IoT device   ness  to:   0  <sig_for_pubkey1>  <sig_for_pubkey2>
          generates  a  signature  for  this  commitment  transaction   <sig_for_pubkey3> as now 3 signatures are needed in‑
          and sends it to the LN gateway in a TxSigned message that   stead of 2.
          has  the  following    ields:  Type:  TxSigned,  Signature.  Af‑   Addition of to_IoT Output to the Commitment Trans‑
          ter the LN gateway receives the signature,  it can broad‑
                                                               actions:  The LN gateway is not funding the channel.  In‑
          cast the commitment transaction to the Bitcoin network
                                                               stead, the channel is funded by the IoT device. Therefore,
          to close the channel. Similarly, the on‑chain fee is paid by
                                                               the IoT device needs its own output in commitment trans‑
          the IoT device.
                                                               actions.  Thus, we propose adding a to_IoT output to the
                                                               LN gateway’s and bridge LN node’s commitment transac‑
          5.3.2   LN gateway channel closure                   tions.  This output pays to the IoT_pubkey that the IoT
                                                               device can spend with the witness <IoT_sig>.
          The LN gateway can also close the channel it opened to
                                                               Changes  to  to_local  Output  of  the  Commitment
          the bridge LN node due to the IoT device’s request.  The
                                                               Transactions:   Since  the  channel  is  funded  by  the
          steps are very similar to the IoT channel closure case with
          minor differences. We explain it below:              IoT  device,  the  to_local  output  in  the  LN  gateway’s
                                                               commitment  transaction  only  holds  the  LN  gate‑
          LN Gateway Channel Closing Request: The LN gateway
                                                               way’s  service  fees  which  are  sent  to  the  LN  gateway’s
          sends a ChannelClosingRequest message to the IoT device.
                                                               <local_delayedpubkey>.     The  bridge  LN  node’s
          Closing the Channel: The LN gateway can close the chan‑   to_local output is not modi ied.
          nel unilaterally or mutually and it needs the IoT device’s
          signature  to  be  able  to  close  the  channel.  Therefore,  it

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