Page 69 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5 – Internet of Everything
P. 69

ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5

         3.3.1   BOLT #2:  Peer protocol for channel           SegWit:  Segregated Witness (SegWit) was a Bitcoin soft‑
                 management                                    fork that became active in 2017.  It  ixed the transaction
                                                               malleability  problem.  Before  SegWit,  it  was  possible  to
         This protocol [26] explains how LN nodes handle chan‑  change the transaction ID (txid) of a transaction after it
         nel related operations thus called the peer protocol for  was  created.  Eliminating  malleability  also  enabled  de‑
         channel management. An LN channel has three phases    ploying LN onto Bitcoin.
         which are channel establishment, normal operation, and  P2WSH:  Pay‑to‑Witness‑Script‑Hash  (P2WSH)  is  a  type
         channel closing. We propose modi ications to this proto‑  of  Bitcoin  transaction  that  uses  SegWit.  Before  SegWit
         col to incorporate the IoT device in channel operations.  upgrade,  Bitcoin  was  using  Pay‑to‑Script‑Hash  (P2SH)
         High‑level explanations related to each channel phase are  transactions.
         given below.
                                                               Witness: It is the part of a SegWit transaction that is not in‑
         Channel Establishment: To establish a channel, the fund‑  cluded when the transaction is hashed and signed.  Thus,
         ing node  irst sends an open_channel message to the   witness does not affect the txid.
         fundee, who replies with an accept_channel message.   Witness Script: This is the script that describes the condi‑
         Then, the funder creates the funding and the commitment  tions to spend a P2WSH output.
         transactions. It signs the fundee’s commitment trans‑
         action and sends the signature to the fundee in a fund‑  Bitcoin  Opcodes:  Operation  codes  (opcodes)  specify  the
         ing_created message. The fundee also sends its signa‑  commands to be performed in computer languages.  For
         ture to the funder in a funding_signed message. Then,  Bitcoin,  its scripting language has a number of opcodes
                                                               that de ine various functions. For instance, OP_CHECKSIG
         the funder broadcasts the funding transaction to open the
         channel which becomes usable after exchanging the fund‑  checks whether a signature is valid.
         ing_locked messages.                                  Now,  we brie ly explain LN’s Bitcoin transactions below
                                                               as speci ied by BOLT #3.
         Normal Operation: Now that the channel is opened, it
         can be used to send/receive payments. Both nodes can  Funding  Transaction  Output:   This  is  a  P2WSH  out‑
         offer each other HTLCs with update_add_htlc messages.  put  with  a  witness  script:  2  <pubkey1>  <pubkey2>  2
         The sender of the payment  irst updates the commitment  OP_CHECKMULTISIG.  It  sends  the  funds  to  a  2‑of‑2  mul‑
         transaction of the receiver, signs it, and sends the sig‑  tisignature address which is generated from pubkey1 and
         nature in a commitment_signed message. Receiving the  pubkey2. pubkey is also referred to as funding_pubkey.
         signature, the receiver applies the changes and sends a  Commitment Transaction Outputs:  A commitment trans‑
         revoke_and_ack message to the sender to revoke the old  action currently can have up to 6 types of outputs.  These
         state. Finally, the sender also applies the changes to its  outputs are:
         own commitment transaction which completes the pay‑
         ment.                                                 1. to_local Output: This P2WSH output is for the funds
                                                                  of  the  owner  of  the  commitment  transaction  and  it
         Channel Close: Both nodes can close the channel when     is timelocked using OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY. It can
         they want. To initiate a mutual channel closing, one of  also be claimed immediately by the remote node if it
         the nodes sends a shutdown message which is replied by   knows the revocation private key.
         a shutdown message by the counterparty. This means no
         new HTLCs are going to be accepted. Then, the nodes   2. to_remote  Output:  This  P2WPKH  output  is  for  the
         start negotiating on a channel closing fee through clos‑  funds of the remote node which is immediately spend‑
         ing_signed messages until they both agree on the same    able by him/her.
         fee. Once negotiated, the mutually agreed channel clos‑  3. to_local_anchor  and  to_remote_anchor  Output:
         ing transaction is broadcast to the Bitcoin network and  This  P2WSH  output  was  recently  added  to  prevent
         the channel is closed. Nodes can also choose to close a  cases  where  the  commitment  transaction  cannot  be
         channel by broadcasting their latest commitment trans‑   mined  by  miners  due  to    icient  fees.  With  this
         action. However, this is not the preferred way to close a  non‑timelocked  output  which  both  nodes  can  spend,
         channel in LN and is only recommended to be done when    the commitment transaction’s fee can be changed for
         the counterparty is not responding.                      faster mining.
                                                               4. Offered HTLC Outputs: This is a P2WSH output for the
         3.3.2   BOLT #3: Bitcoin transaction and script          HTLCs that are offered to the remote node.  It either
                                                                  sends the funds to the HTLC‑timeout transaction after
                                                                  the HTLC timeouts or to the remote node that can claim
                                                                  the funds using the payment preimage or the revoca‑
          This speci ication [27] explains the format of LN’s Bitcoin
                                                                  tion key.
          on‑chain transactions. Following this protocol is essential
          as it ensures that the generated signatures are valid.  The   5. Received HTLC Outputs: This is a P2WSH output for
          transactions that are speci ied in this protocol are: 1) the   the  HTLCs  that  are  received  from  the  remote  node.
          funding transaction, 2) the commitment transactions and   The remote node can claim the funds after the HTLC
          3) the HTLC transactions. Before explaining them, we  irst  timeouts or by using the revocation key or; the funds
          describe some terminology related to Bitcoin.           are sent to an HTLC-success transaction which can be
                                                                  claimed by the local node with the payment preimage.

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