Page 103 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 4 – AI and machine learning solutions in 5G and future networks
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 4

                                                               network  structures  through  a  network  topology
                 Proportion of the links with Balanced Loads
                                                               optimization  model,  this  system  enhances  the
           60%                                                 utilization  of  network  resources  and  reduces
           50%                        43.00%                   operators'  investments.  The  advent  of  the  5G  era
           40%              35.50%                             brings the world booming network traffic and more
           30%                                                 complicated  network  structures,  and  AI-based
           20%                                                 network topology optimization is superior to other
           10%                                                 methods  for  its  outstanding  capability  and
            0%                                                 practicability in dealing with complex networks. It
                Initial Status  Basic  Topology  Topology      ensures  sustainable  network  development  and
                          Optimization  Restructuring  Restructuring
                                    Based on Links Based on Links  guarantees  the  return  on  investment  ratio  for
                                   With 500 Meters  With 1000  operators.  The  AI-based  network  topology
                                                               optimization  system  introduced  in  this  paper  is
           Fig. 8 – Proportion of links with balanced load in different   proposed based on ITU AI standards, and features:
                          optimization stages
                                                               1)  Creativity:  It  addresses  difficulties  and
          The  above-mentioned  solution  introduces  a             promotes  the  development  of  intelligent
          complete network topology optimization system for         networks   by   applying  cutting-edge  AI
          effective resolution of network topology problems,        technologies to operator networks.
          as shown in Fig. 9 below.
                                                               2)  Enhanced traffic forecast algorithm: It enables
                                                                    more accurate traffic forecasting.
                                                               3)  A  complete  network  topology  analysis  and
                                                                    optimization  structure:  The  concepts  of
                                                                    neighbor,  node  removing  method,  and  three-
                                                                    step  network  topology  optimization  that  are
                                                                    introduced  for  the  first  to  the  industry
                                                                    effectively  accelerate  the  network  topology
                                                                    analysis. Moreover, the network restructuring
           Fig. 9 – A complete network topology optimization system
                                                                    fixes the defects of existing network topologies,
          4.   CONCLUSION                                           paving  the  way  for  future  network  topology
          Traffic forecasting and network load balancing are
          always under the spotlight of operators. During the   The challenge organized by ITU has offered a great
          study, all tests prove that the forecast accuracy and   opportunity  for  building  a  cross-field  ecosystem,
          efficiency  of  the  optimized  LSTM  are  higher  than   and  operators  and  ITU  should  continue  to  make
          those of ARIMA, LightGBM, Prophet, and DeepAR.       joint  efforts  (e.g.  encourage  crowd-funding  AI
          Therefore,  it  can  provide  better  support  for   algorithms)  to  resolve  common  problems.  For
          operators'  resource  investment.  The  network      example, building a middleware platform to open
          topology optimization model proposed in this paper   data and solve problems together, organizing more
          is optimized based on the actual size of the network   competitions  and  building  the  ecosystem  for
          that we worked on in the study. In view of different   developers for closer collaboration.
          locations,  periods  of  time,  network  sizes,  and
          network  characteristics,  the  model  needs  to  be   REFERENCES
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          analyzing  future  network  traffic  development           Computer Society, 2018.
          trends  via  a  traffic  forecast  model  and  refining

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