Page 92 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 3 – Internet of Bio-Nano Things for health applications
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 3

          impaired  individuals  to  regain  self-sufficiency   control-based  operations.  Wireless  networking
          through  technological  breakthroughs;  it  can  also   methodology     enables     the     successful
          benefit the field of clinical research and studies of   communication  of  the  EEG  readings  with  the
          neuroscience applications.                            computer system. The  OpenBCI  Wi-Fi  shield  and
                                                                RFDuino     are   both   means     of   wireless
          Furthermore,  the  collected  ranges  of  data  have
          boundless  means  of  implementation  if  executed    communication. However, we have interfaced the
          diligently.  In  [9]  the  primary  focus  has  been  the   Wi-Fi shield to transmit the gathered data through
          interpretation  of  the  correlation  between  the    the medium of the Internet.
          brainwave  activities  while  playing  various        2.  MOTIVATION AND CONTRIBUTION
          computer  games.  The  fundamental  aspect  of  a
          different study [10] utilizes the Steady-State Visual   In  this  paper,  the  proposed  methodology  would
          Evoked  Potential  (SSVEP)  based  BCI  system.       inherently  enable  the  paralyzed  people  to
          Whereupon,  the  control  over  an  automated         overcome  most  of  the  technological  barriers.  As
          wheelchair  has  been  executed  as  a  response  to   per  the  World  Health  Organization,  a  staggering
          visual stimulation. On the other hand, [11] analyses   20-50 million individuals suffer from some degree
          the  composition  of  music  in  correspondence  to   of physical impediments caused by injuries and car
          human feelings by employing the user interface of     accidents [6]. More often than not, the victims of
          the BCI system. In our paper, the OpenBCI Cyton       paralysis  and  physical  disabilities  exhibit  the
          board has been operated as the EEG-based device       immaculate    generation    of   neuro-electrical
          for  brainwave  activity  determination.  Generally,   impulses identical to that of a healthy brain. This
          such  devices  have  been  extensively  used  due  to   implies that the brainwave signals obtained from
          their advantageous factors of real-time responses,    the EEG data of an individual can be configured to
          portability,  and  affordability  [12].  Moreover,  the   be  transmitted  as  input  commands  to  retain
          techniques  applied  for  data  acquisition  in  our   control  over  a  designated  system.  In  order  to
          paper, and the respective ones in [10, 14, 19] were   ensure  the  performance  of  the  system,  we  first
          comparable,  regardless  of  the  indication  of  the   scrutinized  the  numerous  prospects  of  the  EEG
          stimulus. For instance, [14] coordinated the visual   data  obtained  through  the  BCI  technology.  The
          functioning  alongside  the  pedaling  action  of  the   continuous  stream  of  data  documented  the
          user and interfaced with the system. On the other     ceaseless activity of  brainwaves in an individual.
          hand, [10, 19] have rather depended on the user's     However,  the  distinct  functionalities  of  the
          response to visual stimulation. On the other hand,    brainwave  at  certain  instances  signified  the
          [18]  has  suggested  a  study  for  improvement  in   constricted ranges of the collected data. Therefore,
          stroke  patients  by  implementing  the  composed     the  perceptive  administration  in  the  cognitive
          brainwave data.                                       frequency    ranges   has    allowed   attaining
          Nevertheless, in this paper, we have accumulated      technological  control  in  real-time.  Our  primary
          the non-invasive EEG readings by placing electrode    objective  has been to enable physically  impaired
          cups throughout the surface area of the scalp. The    individuals to subdue certain limitations through
          corresponding    non-intersecting   brainwaves        the implementation of the BCI system. Moreover,
          exhibited are commonly classified as delta, theta,    the  secondary  objective  is  to  utilize  the  invoked
          alpha,  beta  and,  gamma  frequencies.  The  delta   potential from the user's brain activity for different
          (< 4 Hz)  and  theta  (4-7  Hz)  frequencies  are     real-life  implementations  similar  to  that  of  [10].
          observed in a relatively calmer state such as in the   Unlike the tactile operating system demonstrated
          deep-sleep or relaxed state. Alpha (8-12 Hz) waves    in [16], which depends on an external control unit-
          are  commonly  related  to  passive  awareness  and   our  goal  is  to  achieve  command  through  the
          perception,  they  are  generally  discovered  in  the   implementation of brainwave signals only.
          optical region of the brain. The beta (12-30 Hz) and   Our contributions in this paper are as follows:
          gamma  (30-100  Hz)  waves  are  witnessed  in  the   •   To  investigate  the  plausibility  of  the
          higher ranges due to the association with attention,      incorporation of the accumulated data to gain
          cognition, and motor functionalities, related to the
          central and frontal lobes of the brain [12]. For our      control over the proposed system.
          paper, the beta, and gamma ranges of frequencies      •   To  discuss  the  possibility  of  the  findings
          have   been    exclusively   centred   for   the          through  the real-time implementation of  the
          implementation  of  cognitive  functioning  and           EEG data in an exploratory approach.

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