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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          in practical communication systems (DMC or other digi‑     =    − 1 elements are removed from each row of the
          tal communication systems), it is the SNR that determines  detection matrix            ,   . According to the results shown in
          the achievable performance. No matter how high is the  Fig. 3, we have the following observations. First, the BER
          transmit power (i.e., the number of molecules emitted per  performance of the MTH‑MoSK DMC systems employing
          pulse in DMC), the communication systems’ performance  either detection schemes degrades with the increase of
          will be poor, if the SNR generated by the receiver is low.  the number of nano‑machines, as the result of MAI. When
          To set the parameters in our simulations, when given an     ≥ 2, the EGC‑IM scheme outperforms the conventional
          SNR and a volume    of detection space,      (  )  is calculated  EGC scheme, provided that SNR is suf iciently high. This
          by (9). Then, when given a transmission distance    be‑  observation becomes clearer when    is larger and SNR is
          tween nano‑machines and AP, the number of molecules  higher. However, if SNR is low, the EGC‑IM may be outper‑
             emitted to transmit one bit can be obtained with the  formed by the conventional EGC scheme. The reason be‑
          aid of (2). Since an MTH‑MoSK DMC system employs the  hind this is that when SNR is low, system performance is
            ‑ary MoSK to transmit log    bits per symbol, a nano‑  dominated by background noise. In this case, combining
          machine can emit in total    = log    ×    molecules  more samples encourages smooth noise and hence im‑
          for transmission of one symbol. However, as one sym‑  proves BER performance. By contrast, when SNR is rel‑
          bol is transmitted by    pulses in    chips, the number of  atively high, system performance is dominated by MAI.
          molecules    emitted per chip is    =    /  .        Hence, the proposed EGC‑IM scheme with the capability
          Additionally, there are some parameters  ixed in our sim‑  of MAI mitigation outperforms the conventional EGC de‑
          ulations, these include the similar distance of    = 250      tection.
          from each nano‑transmitter to AP,    = 2.2 × 10 −9     /  
          and    =  4      with    = 20 nm. Moreover, we set the    Parameters:D=2.2  10 m /s, =20nm,T =6 10 s,M=16,K=4,J=1
                   3                                                                          b
          bit duration as    = 6 × 10 −5    , giving the symbol du‑
          ration of    = log    × (6 × 10 ) (  ). Hence, when
          there are    chips per symbol, the chip duration is given  10 -1
          by    =    /   = log    × (6 × 10 )/   (  ). Finally, the
          length    of ISI is set as the value of
                          ≜ arg {  ℎ(  )  ≤ 0.1%}     (10)
                                 ℎ(  )
                                                                       EGC-IM (L=4)
                                                                       EGC-IM (L=6)
          which means that the interference 30     below the signal    EGC-IM (L=8)
                                                                 10 -4  EGC (L=4)
          power is ignored.                                            EGC (L=6)
                                                                       EGC (L=8)
               Parameters:D=2.2  10 m /s, =20nm,T =6 10 s,M=16,L=8,J=K-1
             0                        b                          10 -5
            10                                  EGC (K=1)           0   2   4   6    8   10  12  14  16   18  20
                                                EGC-IM (K=2)                          SNR(dB)
                                                EGC-IM (K=4)
                                                EGC-IM (K=6)
             -1                                                Fig. 4 – BER versus SNR performance of the MTH‑MoSK DMC systems
           10                                   EGC-IM (K=8)
                                                               with the conventional EGC and the proposed EGC‑IM schemes, when one
                                                EGC (K=2)
                                                EGC (K=4)      symbol is transmitted using    = 4, 6 or 8 chips.
             -2                                 EGC (K=6)
                                                EGC (K=8)      Second, we investigate the effect of    on the performance
           BER                                                 of the considered detection schemes in Fig. 4. Given    =
             -3                                                4 nano‑machines supported and    = 1 entry per row re‑
                                                               moved from the detection matrix, the proposed EGC‑IM
                                                               always outperforms the conventional EGC within the con‑
           10                                                  sidered SNR region for all the    values. Furthermore, the
                                                               results show that for both the EGC‑IM and EGC, the BER
                                                               performance improves, as the value of    increases. This
              0         5          10        15         20     is the result that MAI decreases as    increases.
          Fig. 3 – Comparison of BER versus SNR performance of the MTH‑MoSK  Fig. 5 demonstrates the impact of the number of molecu‑
          DMC systems with EGC‑IM and with conventional EGC, when different
                                                               lar types on the BER performance of the MTH‑MoSK DMC
          numbers of nano‑machines are supported.
                                                               systems supporting    = 4 nano‑machines. As shown in
          First, in Fig. 3, we demonstrate and compare the BER ver‑  the  igure, when an EGC‑IM scheme is employed,    = 1
          sus SNR performance of the MTH‑MoSK DMC systems em‑  entry is removed from each row of the detection matrix.
          ploying the proposed EGC‑IM and the conventional EGC,  The results in Fig. 5 demonstrate that as more types of
          respectively, when    = 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8 nano‑machines  molecules are employed, the BER performance of MTH‑
          are supported. When EGC‑IM is employed, we assume    MoSK DMC systems improves, in addition to the increased
                                             © International Telecommunication Union, 2021                   161
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