Page 99 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1


             10 0
                                  Model 2: Parallel Hamming 2xCR4
                                                                   10 0
                                                                                         Model 3: Parallel Hamming 5xCR 2
             10 -2                                                  -1                   Fit Model 3
            BER  10 -3                                             10 -2

                                                                  BER  10 -3
             10 -5                                                  -4
             10                                                     -5
               0      2     4      6     8      10    12           10
                                E /N  (dB)
                                 b  0
                                (b)                                10
                                                                     0      2     4      6     8     10     12
                                                                                      E /N  (dB)
                                                                                       b  0
          Fig. 8 – Model 2: (a)Short‑frame OFDM communication model using
          MATLAB‑Simulink tools (b) BER performance plotted on BERTool ap‑            (b)
                                                               Fig. 9 – Model 3: (a)Short‑frame OFDM communication model using
          Model 2: Parallel Hamming code 2*[31,26]             MATLAB‑Simulink tools (b) BER performance plotted on BERTool ap‑
          In order to improve the correction capacity of Model 1:  4.2 Comparison between parallel Hamming
          Simple Hamming code Model [63, 57]. Here, we propose       and simple Reed‑Solomon
          to implement 2 couples of encoders/decoders in parallel
          respectively, so we can improve the correction capability  In this subsection, we will compare the previous mod‑
          of the Hamming code; which will be 2 bits out of 52 bits  els that are adapted to our technical requirements: Ham‑
          (20% of the total message), and detection would be 4 out  ming (Model 1, Model 2, Model 3) to Reed‑Solomon     
          of 52, while the  irst model could only detect 2 and correct  (Model 4). We want to verify if there is a signi icant differ‑
          1. We use MATLAB‑Simulink tools in order to model the  ence in BER performance: since parallel Hamming coding
          parallel Hamming code communication system 2×[31, 26]  is very interesting in terms of simplicity and robustness,
          as shown in Fig. 8.                                  however Reed‑Solomon is very interesting in terms of er‑
                                                               ror correction capability.

          Model 3: Parallel Hamming code 5*[15,11]             In this scenario, we choose Model 4 where      = 56/64
                                                               is the simple Reed‑Solomon coding rate (around 50 bits).
          For Model 3, we can cut the message on 5 times, each of  Then we repeat the same simulations done for Model 1,
             = 11 bits, which would be coded by 5 encoders Ham‑  Model 2 and Model 3 and for Reed‑Solomon (Model 4)
          ming 5 × [15, 11]. Thus, the capacity of correction in this  several times for each model and we calculate the aver‑
          case would be of 5 bits out of 55 (10% of the total mes‑  age points for each value of     0  . We plot then the results
          sage), and detection would be 10 out of 55, while the  irst  in Fig. 10.
          model could only detect 2 and correct 1. We use MATLAB‑  As we can see in Fig. 10, the parallel coding represents a
          Simulink tools in order to model the parallel Hamming  gain in correction capacity, and both Model 2 and Model 3
          code communication system 5 × [15, 11] as shown in Fig.  converge faster to no errors than its equivalent with sim‑
          9.                                                   ple Hamming (Model 1). In our application case, and es‑

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