Page 96 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

          The number of redundancy bits are generated using the   10 0
          following formula:
                         2 =    +    + 1,              (2)
          where,    represents the number of redundancy bits and  10
             the number of information data bits.                            Hamming CR
          For example, if we calculate the number of redundancy  BER         Fit Hamming CR
          bits for a    = 11 bits then it comes to add    = 4 redun‑         Hamming CR  1
          dancy bits. These parity/redundancy bits (   ,    ,    ,    )  10 -4  Fit Hamming CR
          are added to the information bits (   , ...,    ) at the           Hamming CR  2
          transmitter (Hamming encoder) and then removed at the                      4
                                                                             Fit Hamming CR
          receiver (Hamming decoder) which is able to detect and                       4
          correct errors.                                        10 -6
                                                                    0      2      4      6      8      10     12
           Bit po‑                                                                    E /N  (dB)
           sition  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15
           Encoded                                             Fig. 3 – BER performance of the Hamming code for different coding rates
           data      1    2    1    4    2    3    4    8    5    6    7    8    9    10    11       1 ,      2 ,      4
                                                               frequently we have    = 2     to use them as binary codes,
                  x    x    x    x     x    x    x     x
              2     x  x       x  x      x  x       x  x       each element being represented as a binary m‑tuple.
                          x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
              4                                                In terms of complexity, the Reed–Solomon encoder is
                                    x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x
                                                               fairly simple in terms of blocks and only involves multipli‑
               Table 2 – The encoded bits for Hamming code [15, 11]  ers and adders in the Galois Field. We can either create a
                                                               multiplication module or use RAM slots and create multi‑
          TheHamming encoder calculatesthese parity bits accord‑  plication tables, However, the Reed–Solomon decoder in‑
          ing to Table 2, and outputs a 15 bits message. The Ham‑  cludes several algorithms that consume a lot in resources,
          ming Decoder calculates the parity bits:             especially the Berlekamp algorithm.
                                                               Next, we will simulate the Reed‑Solomon code (  ,   ) for
            • If  each  parity  bit  is  equal  to  zero,  i.e.,  several coding rates:       = (4/7),       = (11/15),
             (   ,    ,    ,    ) = 0000, there are no errors in       = (23/31), where each coding rate      =   /   rep‑
             this OFDM communication model.                       3
                                                               resents the ratio between    the code dimension and the
            • If not, the position of the error is displayed in the four  code length    =    − 1, in order to study its in luence on
             parity bits (   ,    ,    ,    ). The decoder  lips then  the system’s performance.
             the concerned bit and returns the 11 bits message
             (   , ...,    ).                                    10 0
          Next, we will simulate the Hamming code [  ,   ] for sev‑
          eral coding rates:      = (4/7),      = (11/15),      =
          (26/31), where each coding rate      =   /   is the ratio  -2
          between the code dimension    and the code length   , in  10
          order to study its in luence on the system’s performance.
                                                                 BER    Reed-Solomon CR 1
                                                                        Fit Reed-Solomon CR
          The theoretical point of view “the longer the code, the bet‑  10  -4  Reed-Solomon CR
          ter the error performance” is proved in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4.                 2
                                                                        Fit Reed-Solomon CR
          Fig. 3 shows that the coding rate is crucial to obtain a good  Reed-Solomon CR  2
          performance. When         ≤ 9 dB, the Hamming code curve                   3
                              0                                         Fit Reed-Solomon CR
          with the coding rate      is very close to the Hamming  -6                    3
          code curve with the coding rate      in terms of BER.  10  0     2      4      6     8      10     12
                                                                                     E /N  (dB)
                                                                                      b  0
          3.2 The Reed‑Solomon code                            Fig. 4 – BER performance of the Reed‑Solomon code for different coding
                                                               rates      1 ,      2 ,      3
          The Reed‑Solomon code operates on a block of data
          treated as a set of  inite‑ ield elements called symbols.  Once again, it is a trade‑off between performance and
          Reed–Solomon code is able to detect and correct multi‑  complexity with different coding rates: as the most ef‑
          ple symbol errors especially burst errors. Since the Reed‑  fective coding is the highest, but also the most complex.
          Solomon code is a non‑binary code, the code has symbols  Fig. 4 shows that the three curves converge faster to zero
          from   withparameters(  −1,   ), whichisusedtomakea  when compared to the hamming code curves in Fig. 3. In
          mapping of primitive polynomial with binary coef icients,  fact, the Reed‑Solomon curve with the highest coding rate
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