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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

                                                               Table 4 – ECCs comparison in terms of complexity of implementation
                                                               and capacity of correction

                                                                 ECCs      Advantages         Disadvantages

            10 -2
                                                                               Very  effective
                                                                               especially with
            BER                                                                burst errors;      Complex  and
                                                                 Simple        High correction    need more re‑
            10                                                                                    sources (LUT)
                   Model1: Hamming CR                            Reed‑         capacity:  can
                   Model 2: Parallel Hamming 2 CR                Solomon       correct  mul‑      than Hamming
                   Model 4: Reed-Solomon Simple CR                             tiple  errors      code.
                   Model 3: Parallel Hamming 5 CR                              simultane‑
             -6                                                                ously.
               0     2      4      6     8      10
                               E /N  (dB)
                                b  0
                                                                               Easy to imple‑
          Fig. 10 – Comparing simple, parallel Hamming and Reed‑Solomon codes  ment;
          for the same total size (around 50 bits).
                                                                 Parallel      Correction         Not the most ef‑
          pecially through our PLC channel, we have an average er‑  Ham‑       capacity:  cor‑    fective in terms
          ror probability almost equal to 3 errors for a packet of 50  ming 5 ×  rect 5 of 10     of BER.
                                                                               detected errors
          bits. That ’s why, Model 3 seems to be slightly better, es‑  [15, 11]
                                                                               for a 50 bits
          pecially towards the end, which can seem logical given the           packet.
          fact that Model 3 can have a correction of up to 5 errors,
          while Model 2 can only correct 2 errors.
          Even if the Reed‑Solomon code is apparently more ef i‑  shown in Fig. 10, the curve of Model 3, which represents a
          cient, we can see at the end of the Reed‑Solomon simula‑  new design of parallel Hamming coding, is closer to Reed‑
          tion curve that the BER converges suddenly to zero: this  Solomon than the other models of Hamming coding.
          is due to the complexity of the Reed‑Solomon algorithm,  For these reasons, we have chosen parallel Hamming
          MATLAB‑Simulink tools couldn’t simulate for long peri‑  5×encoder/decoder      (Model 3) to be implemented
          ods of time and we could only send a  inite amount of bits  next in VHDL in order to show that this solution uses a few
          before it made the simulation stop. The two last points of  resources and has a higher capability of correcting com‑
          the Reed‑Solomon simulation curve are stagnant because  pared to the simple Hamming code.
          it’s the limit of the simulation given its complexity.
                                                               5.   IMPLEMENTATION OF PARALLEL HAM‑
          However, Hamming curves (for Model 1, Model 2 and
          Model 3) can go to lower values of BER ≤ 10 , which       MING ENCODER/DECODER
          proves that it’s easier and robust.
                                                               In this Section, we will analyse and validate the low com‑
          To give an order of magnitude: for Model 1 (simple Ham‑  plexity of Model 3 by implementing the design of the par‑
          ming code), we simulated 2 million bits (for each value of  allel enCOde/DECoder (CODEC) on an FPGA mock‑up and
            ), while for Model 4 (simple Reed‑Solomon) we could  simulating this design on VHDL code.
          only simulate 700 thousand bits which shows the com‑
          plexity of the Reed‑Solomon code when compared to the  5.1 Parallel Hamming CODEC design
          Hamming code.
                                                               As we discussed before, the idea here is to make a trade‑
          Concerning their performance, in Fig. 10, we remark that
          Reed‑Solomon is better, especially for         ≥ 8 dB and with  off between Hamming simplicity of implementation and
                                            0                  Reed Solomon’s capacity of correction and performance.
          a high value of         there are few errors to be corrected.  In fact, with parallel Hamming encoder/decoder (Model
          Nevertheless, this gain in effectiveness for Reed‑Solomon  3), we will consume  ive times more resources than with
          has a cost in complexity when compared to Model 3 of the  simple one Hamming encoder/decoder, but we will have
          Parallel Hamming coding.                             a notable improvement in terms of BER performance.

          Based on the previous analysis, we have discussed and  In Fig. 11, Hamming encoder/decoder [15, 11] module
          validated via simulations the trade‑off between complex‑  is the base module to create our parallel Hamming en‑
          ity (Hamming is the easiest to code) and error correction  coder/decoder (Model 3), which is composed of 5× Ham‑
          capability (Reed‑Solomon being the most effective). Table  ming encoders/decoders [15, 11] added to Demux/Mux to
          4 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each  concatenate the messages respectively.
          ECC. Therefore, we have chosen to improve the correction  The encoder/decoder circuit to compute the parity bits of
          capacity of the Hamming code instead of decreasing the  the Hamming encoder/decoder (11, 15) is shown in Fig.
          complexity cost for the Reed‑Solomon code since we have  11. These parity bits (   ,    ,    ,    ) are added to the in‑

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