Page 108 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

                      Table 2 – Simple decision matrix.        loss of the wireless link of technology    would change
                                                               the selected technology from    to    . This would cause
                        1           2           3                                         1    3
                1  1.024537  7.828443     8.650221             a technology switch which will require energy and does
                                                               not bring any overall improvement.
                2  4.226149  0.09865402   4.673396
                3  8.026353  5.455392     2.536936             It is to be noted that rank reversal is not a theoretical
                4  1.700537  1.398855     0.7656412            issue for multi‐technology WSN devices. Actually, the
                                                               wireless technologies’ links’ quality depends on many fac‐
           5. The distances between each alternative and the pos‐  tors such as atmospheric and environmental conditions,
             itive and negative ideal alternatives    and    are  which vary heavily across the year. This may results in
             computed according to Equation (6).               broken links, thus removing a technology from the set
                                                               of alternatives and potentially resulting in rank reversal,
                               √                               as seen in the previous example. The frequency of such
                             =  √ ∑(   −    ) 2                events is entirely dependent on external factors and can‐
                               ⎷   =1                  (6)     not be anticipated, thus links’ quality has to be considered
                               √                               in the NIS process. Rank reversal could lead to the selec‐
                             =  √ ∑(   −    ) 2                tion of a sub‐optimal technology, on top of spending en‐
                               ⎷   =1                          ergy for switching between technologies.
           6. Finally, the relative closeness to the ideal solution
                                                               devices is the complex computations that are required.
             is computed for each alternative according to Equa‐
                                                               The TOPSIS method as seen in Section 3 is based on com‐
             tion (7) and a ranking is established based on those
                                                               putations that use numerous operations and memory ac‐
                                           −                   cesses. WSN devices are generally hardware constrained,
                                           =  −      +  (7)    energy‐limited and a repetitive execution of the TOPSIS
                                                               method will have a considerable impact on the energy
          When using TOPSIS for NIS, the technology with the high‐  consumption of nodes. As an example, the Pycom FiPy’s
          est value of                  is selected. A graphical represen‐  CPU [17] holds two cores that can go up to 240 MHz. A
          tation of the TOPSIS method with three alternatives and  classic laptop CPU, e.g., the Intel® Core™ i7‐8650U, holds
          two attributes is depicted in Fig. 1.                four cores that can go up to 4.20 GHz.
          4.  TOPSIS PROBLEM STATEMENT                         5.   LIGHTWEIGHT TOPSIS FOR WSN
          TOPSIS is particularly interesting, as it grades alternatives  As stated in Section 4, the rank reversal issue is due to
          based not only on the closeness from the best alternative  TOPSIS’ normalization which computes normalized val‐
          but also on the distance from the worst one. However,  ues based on all the other alternatives’ values. Moreover,
          TOPSIS suffers from an issue known as rank reversal that  this normalization method is rather complex, and may in‐
          can happen when a non‐optimal alternative is removed  crease the energy consumption of nodes.
          from the ranking. This can alter the quality and perti‐  Thus, we propose to use a simpli ied normalization
          nence of the ranking. Rank reversal is an issue common to  method, which will not cause rank reversal and simplify
          several MADM methods. With an ideal method, the rank‐  the computations. Rank reversal happens because other
          ing of alternatives should not be altered when another al‐  alternatives are taken into account when computing nor‐
          ternative is removed. The cause of rank reversal is the  malized values. Thus, our proposition is to compute those
          normalization algorithm. Indeed, the TOPSIS normaliza‐  values without taking into account other alternatives’ val‐
          tion (a.k.a. euclidean normalization) computes the nor‐  ues. Therefore, we need a stable normalization referen‐
          malized values for an attribute based on the values of all  tial to measure our values against. We know that multi‐
          the other alternatives for that same attribute. Thus if set  technology devices have a  ixed set of technologies avail‐
             changes, the result of Equation (1) also changes, which  able. Those are not supposed to change after deployment,
          may modify the  inal ranking.                        and they have  ixed maximum and minimum capabilities.
          To clarify rank reversal let us consider an example. Ta‐  We propose to use those maximum and minimum bounds
          ble 2 represents a simple decision matrix randomly  illed.  as referential for our normalization.
          Running TOPSIS on it outputs a ranking order corre‐
          sponding to [   ,    ,    ,    ]. If the alternative    was to  5.1 Algorithm
          be removed from the ranking (e.g. because of a broken
          link for example), it is expected that the ranking of the  That simpli ication takes the form of Algorithm 1, which
          remaining alternatives should not be altered and there‐  replaces Equation (1) in the steps of our lightweight TOP‐
          fore should correspond to [   ,    ,    ]. However, running  SIS. Each value    is normalized by being divided with
          TOPSIS on Table 2 after removal of alternative    out‐  the upper or the lower bound of its attribute   . Upward
          puts a ranking corresponding to [   ,    ,    ]. This corre‐  attributes’ values are divided by their upper bound, while
          spondstoarankreversal. AppliedtoNIS,itmeansthatthe   downward attributes divide their lower bound. The set
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