Page 123 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
P. 123

ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

                                 MEASUREMENT OF MULTICHANNEL AUDIO

                            Leandro Pires , Maurílio Vieira , Hani Yehia , Tim Brookes , Russell Mason 3
                                  Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
                                   Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
                                 Institute of Sound Recording, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
          Abstract – The ITU-R BS.1770 multichannel loudness algorithm performs a sum of channel energies with weighting co-
          efficients based on azimuth and elevation angles of arrival of the audio signal. In its current version, these coefficients
          were estimated based on binaural summation gains and not on subjective directional loudness. Also, the algorithm lacks
          directional weights for wider elevation angles (|φ| ≥ 30 ). A listening test with broadband stimuli was conducted to collect
          subjective data on directional effects. The results were used to calculate a new set of directional weights. A modified ver-
          sion of the loudness algorithm with these estimated weights was tested against its benchmark using the collected data, and
          using program material rendered to reproduction systems with different loudspeaker configurations. The modified algorithm
          performed better than the benchmark, particularly with reproduction systems with more loudspeakers positioned out of the
          horizontal plane.
          Keywords – Broadcasting, loudness, signal processing, spatial audio, subjective test.

          1.  INTRODUCTION                                    gles, the Rapporteur Group decided to keep simple posi-
                                                              tional weights envisioning backward compatible extension
          In recent years, audio signal normalization based on loud-  of ITU-R BS.1770-3 and, consequently, avoiding imple-
          ness became a regular practice and the loudness algorithm  mentation issues.
          described in Recommendation ITU-R BS.1770 is now
          ubiquitous in broadcasting and content producing work-
          flows. With the advent of object and scene-based sound  Table 1 – Position-dependent channel weightings in ITU-R
          systems, it is reasonable to wonder if a channel-based  BS.1770-4
          loudness measurement, originally designed for stereo and                     Azimuth (θ)
                                                                Elevation (φ)
          5.1 content, would still suit the needs of program level    ◦    |θ| < 60 ◦  60 ≤ |θ| ≤ 120 ◦  120 < |θ| ≤ 180 ◦
          management and control.  After a hiatus, Rapporteur    |φ| < 30  1.00 (± 0 dB)  1.41 (+ 1.50 dB)  1.00 (± 0 dB)
                                                                   else               1.00 (± 0 dB)
          Group on loudness measurement algorithm (RG-32) was
          re-established in March 2019 to resume studies on mea-
          surements for object and scene-based audio in light of the  At that time, RG-32 conducted experiments with two dif-
          new Recommendation ITU-R BS.2127, which specifies the  ferent datasets using 5.1 and 22.1 loudspeaker configura-
          reference renderer for these immersive audio formats [1].  tions. The obtained Pearson correlation coefficients, de-
          Whether the algorithm will evolve to a format-based loud-  scribing the linearity of the relationship between mea-
          ness computation or remain multichannel, and be used in  surements and subjective results, were r = [0.817,0.902],
          the output of the renderer, is still to be determined.  which were lower than the correlation obtained in the
                                                              original tests of ITU-R BS.1770 (r = 0.977) [2, p.17].
          An attempt to address this issue was made in the latest ver-  Also, authors in [3] tested this set of weights using 5.1
          sion of ITU-R loudness model (BS.1770-4), in which the  and 7.1 systems with and without screen loudspeakers.
          positional weighting coefficients were extended to an unre-  From a common database comprised of object and channel-
          stricted number of channels [2]. The weighting coefficient  based content, listening tests were made in three test
          G i for an i-th position is derived from Table 1, which is a  sites and the observed correlation coefficients were r =
          generalization of the original 5.1 weighing scheme for the  [0.962,0.820,0.898], being the first coefficient the only
          horizontal plane, and no weighting is applied in broader  one on par with the correlation from the original ITU-R
          elevation angles (|φ| ≥ 30 ). Although RG-32 considered  tests. Thus, the question on how to account for directional
          differences of directional loudness in wider elevation an-  weighting in the ITU-R loudness model is still valid.

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