Page 115 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
P. 115

Industry-driven digital transformation

           such as mini-slot. 2) Uplink access uses the no-scheduling   2.1.2   URLLC delay research in Rel-16
           permission mechanism, and the terminal can directly access
           the channel. 3) Supporting an asynchronous process to save   Support for grant free configuration: In the scheduling based
           uplink  time  synchronization  overhead.  4)  Adopting  fast   on  grant  configuration,  the  UE  needs  to  obtain  resources
           hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) and fast dynamic   through the scheduling request. In order to reduce the delay,
           scheduling, etc.                                   the resource [23] can be pre-allocated to some UEs according
                                                              to the service characteristics.
           Based on the above discussion, this section will introduce the
           progress of URLLC delay research in Rel-15 in Section 2.1.1.  Support for intra-UE priority and multiplex mechanism: In
           In  order  to  fully  support  URLLC  services,  3GPP  further   Rel-15, eMBB DG (dynamic grant) takes precedence over
           enhanced [22] on URLLC in the Rel-16 phase, and proposed   URLLC CG (configured grant). In order to ensure the delay
           the delay reduction scheme described in Section 2.1.2.   of  a  URLLC  service,  Rel-16  proposes  a  selection  scheme
                                                              based  on  LCP  (logical  channel  prioritization),  so  as  to
           2.1.1   URLLC delay research in Rel-15             transmit URLLC services with a higher priority.
           Support for a more flexible frame structure: The 5G NR (new   Support  for  TSN  and  5G  convergence:  The  following
           radio)  supports  the  carrier  spacing  of  15  KHz in  the  LTE   mechanisms  are  adopted  to  realize  TSN:  1)  Support  SPS
           system. It also supports more spacing schemes, including 30   (semi-persistent  scheduling)  with  a  shorter  period.  2)
           KHz, 60 KHz, 120 KHz, and 240 KHz. The higher the carrier   Support configuring multiple SPS and CG for a bandwidth
           spacing, the lower the delay performance. In addition, 5G   part (BWP) of the UE. 3) Support TSN services that do not
           NR supports frame structure adjustment. Compared with the   match the CG/SPS period.
           LTE, a fixed subframe includes 2 slots. The NR can flexibly
           switch between 1, 2 and 4 slots and flexibly configure the   2.2   High reliability
           uplink/downlink  ratio,  thus  reducing  the  air  interface
           transmission time of each slot.                    At present, the reliability index of 5G URLLC is 99.999%
                                                              for a 32-byte packet in the user plane delay 1ms. In addition,
           Support for more flexible scheduling units: The slot is the   if  the  delay  allows,  5G  URLLC  can  also  use  the
           unit of the minimum scheduling period. The LTE includes a   retransmission  mechanism  to  further  improve  the  success
           slot  consisting  of  14  symbols.  However,  the  NR  supports   rate. In terms of improving system reliability, 5G URLLC
           mini-slot.  Mini-slots  support  the  length  of  2  symbol,  3   adopts  the  following  technologies:  1)  Adopting  a  more
           symbol,  and  4  symbol,  and  a  shorter  slot  can  reduce  the   robust  multi-antenna  transmit  diversity  mechanism.  2)
           feedback delay.                                    Adopting robust coding and modulation order to reduce the
                                                              bit  error  rate.  3)  Adopting  super  robust  channel  state
           Support for flexible PDCCH configuration: The search space   estimation. Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 show that the reliability
           consists of a group of candidate PDCCH (physical downlink   of URLLC has been enhanced in Rel-15 and Rel-16 of 3GPP,
           control channel), and the search space can be configured with   respectively.
           parameters such as search type, period, slot offset, number
           of  slot,  CORESET,  downlink  control  information  (DCI)   2.2.1   URLLC reliability research in Rel-15
           format and so on. By configuring a reasonable monitoring
           period and offset of the PDCCH and the monitoring of the   Support  for  PDCP  duplication  mechanism:  The  sender
           PDCCH in a slot, the PDCCH monitoring opportunity can be   replicates the data at the PDCP layer, and then sends the two
           achieved densely. The slot has multiple PDCCH monitoring   duplications  to  two  independent  logical  channels  for
           moments,  which  can  meet  the  requirements  for  the  burst   transmission, so as to achieve the frequency diversity gain
           service scenarios of the URLLC and meet the requirements   and improve reliability.
           for low latency.
                                                              Support  for  optimizing  MCS\CQI  tables:  The  MCS
           Support for URLLC high-priority transmission: To meet the   (modulation  and  coding  scheme)\CQI  (channel  quality
           URLLC  service  requirement  of  high  priority,  5G/NR   indication) of the LTE cannot meet the requirements of NR
           proposes  that  a  URLLC  service  can  preempt  enhanced   for system reliability and transmission rate. Therefore, NR
           mobile broadband (eMBB) service resources to reduce the   adds  two  lower  bit  rates  in  the  CQI  table,  and  the
           delay.                                             corresponding gNB adds two MCS low frequency options.
                                                              A lower bit rate can be chosen between the UE and the gNB
           Introduction  of  mobile  edge  computing  (MEC):  In  a  5G   to ensure reliability.
           network, the user-plane function (UPF) can be deployed on
           the user side. The edge computing server and the UPF are   Support  for  less  load  DCI  design:  By  reducing  the  DCI
           co-located. The UPF recognizes that the destination address   overhead  and  improving  the  aggregation  level  (AL),  the
           of the service flow is local, so it distributes the service to the   PDCCH encoding rate is reduced. The decoding error rate is
           local edge computing server for service processing, which   reduced, and the reliability is improved.
           reduces the redundant transmission path of the service and
           reduces the delay.

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