Page 113 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
P. 113


                                              Jie Tan, Xiubin Sha, Bo Dai, Ting Lu

                 ZTE Corporation and State Key Laboratory of Mobile Network and Mobile Multimedia Technology, China

                              ABSTRACT                        physical entity. It creates a high realism virtual model for
                                                              physical object in digital mode, and simulates, analyzes and
           The industrial Internet of  things  (IIoT) is an important   forecasts  its  behavior,  which  paves  the  way  for  the
           engine for manufacturing enterprises to provide intelligent   integration of information technology and manufacturing. In
           products and services. The data analysis model represented   addition,  as  an  edge-side  technology,  digital  twins  can
           by digital  twins is  the core of IIoT  development  in  the   effectively connect the perceptual layer and the transmission
           manufacturing industry. With the development of IIoT, more   layer.  Therefore,  the  industrial  Internet  platform  is  the
           and more attention has been paid to the application of ultra-  incubator  of  the  digital  twins,  and  the  digital  twins  are
           reliable and low latency communications (URLLC) in the   important scenarios for industrial Internet platforms.
           field of IIoT. This paper mainly introduces the development
           of 3GPP for URLLC  in reducing delay and enhancing   Specifically,  all  kinds  of  data  collection  and  exchange  of
           reliability, as well as the research on little jitter and high   physical entities should be realized by means of the IIoT. The
           transmission efficiency, and further analyzes the enhanced   advantages  of  the  platform,  such  as  resource  aggregation,
           key technologies required in the  IIoT. Finally, the   dynamic configuration, supply and demand docking, should
           application of IIoT in digital twins is analyzed according to   be used to integrate and utilize all kinds of resources. For
           the actual situation.                              example, the industrial Internet platform is used to associate
                                                              the edge infrastructure with the digital twin in the downward
             Keywords – Digital twins, industrial Internet of things   direction, and transfer and store the data in the cloud in the
                            (IIoT), standards                 upward direction. Other users can also set up digital twins
                                                              through platform services according to their own needs. It
                         1.  INTRODUCTION                     can be said that the industrial Internet platform has activated
                                                              the life of digital twins. As shown in Figure 1, the physical
           In recent years, the fourth industrial revolution accelerated   entity of the physical space and the digital twins of the virtual
           by the industrial Internet of things (IIoT) has raised a global   space are connected through the network. Among them, the
           upsurge [1], [2]. The network technology of a cognitive IIoT   miniaturization  of  IIoT  technology  makes  the  creation  of
           system  helps  to  establish  the  information  relationship   digital twins possible and uses sensor systems to realize data
           between the real world and the virtual space, which includes   sharing between virtual and physical objects. Furthermore,
           the  perceptual  layer  (perceptual  control  technology),   5G networks can provide a faster connection speed between
           transmission  layer  (network  communication  technology),   virtual  and  real  objects,  and  improve  operation  efficiency
           and  application  layer  (information  processing  technology)   and reliability by reducing response times.
           [3]. The boom in IIoT cannot be achieved without technical
           support,  including  digital  twins,  edge  computing,  time   The transmission layer in a framework of the cognitive IIoT
           sensitive  networks  (TSN),  and  passive  optical  networks   mainly  includes  short  distance  wireless  communication
           (PON).                                             technology,  a  low-power  wide-area  network,  and  the
                                                              industrial Ethernet. As we all know, the Cellular 5G, LTE
           With  the  promotion  of  IIoT applications,  digital twins are   CAT  M1/M2,  LoRaWAN,  and  NB-IoT  are  representative
           endowed with new vitality. The IIoT extends the value and   technologies  in  the  IoT,  while  IIoT  relies  heavily  on  the
           life cycle of digital twins, highlighting the advantages and   availability of wireless connections [5], [6]. Considering that
           capabilities  of  digital  twins  in  terms  of  models,  data,  and   classical field buses cannot be directly included in the IIoT
           services.   Digita   twins  applications  and  iterative   system, their features are incompatible with Internet features,
           optimization are the real path that is becoming the incubator   and their performance is not sufficient to transmit Internet
           of digital twins [4].                              packets. In particular, these networks do not support IIoT-
                                                              based IPv6, but they can be interconnected through gateway
           Based on the basic state of the physical entity, digital twins   devices [7], [8]. It is quite challenging to introduce industrial
           make a highly realistic analysis of the established model and   networks  into  an  IIoT  system.  Because  applications  often
           collected data in a dynamic and real-time way, which is used   have stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements, which
           for  the  monitoring,  prediction  and  optimization  of  the   may  be  difficult  to  meet,  e.g.  configuration,  robustness,
                                                              reliability, latency, determinism, energy efficiency, battery

           978-92-61-31391-3/CFP2068P @ ITU 2020           – 55 –                                   Kaleidoscope
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