Page 84 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

          informing an available user.                                              API Callback:
                                                                       (HSF type, Impinging wave, R   equired departing wavefront)
                                                                 Phased array model                 Neural network
              WARE                                                                Workflow model   equivalent rays model
                                                                 Phased array + circuit
          For the metamaterial to be reconfigured between dif-     equivalent model                 Raw EM field model
          ferent functionalities, a physical mechanism for locally                 Analytical model-
                                                                                    based initial
          tuning each unit cell response must be infused [8]. In the                 solution       Period bounds
          context of the present work, we assume that the response                                   detection
          of the unit cells is controlled by variable impedance loads              Smart solution-  Effective variable
          connected to the front side metallization layer of the                   space reduction  discretization
          metamaterial, where structures such as the resonant       metric                         Physics-derived
          patch pair resides [3]. The loads are complex valued                      Model-based   variable restrictions
                                                                   Regression        calibration
          variables, comprising resistors and capacitors or induc-  Approach (XCSF)
          tors. The value of the i-th load, Z i = R i + jX i , com-               Optimization engine
          prises two parameters: its resistance (R i > 0) and re-                selection & initialization
          actance (X i = −(ωC i ) −1  or X i = +ωL i ), for capacitive
          and inductive loads, respectively. The loads are, thus,  Simulations-driven              Fitness Function
          electromagnetically connected to the surface impedance                  Optimization Loop
          of the “unloaded” unit cell and by tuning their values  Measurements-driven              Machine learning-
                                                                                                   based accelerator
          we can regulate the unit cell response, e.g. the ampli-
          tude and phase of its reflection coefficient. The latter is
                                                                                    Store optimal     (Populate training
          naturally a function of frequency and incoming ray di-                  configuration to DB    dataset)
          rection and polarization. When the metamaterial unit
                                                               Fig. 9 – The Metamaterial Middleware functionality optimization
          cells are properly “orchestrated” by means of tuning the  workflow. The workflow seeks to match an analytical metamate-
          attached (R i , X i ) loads, the desired functionality (global  rial model and its parameters to a specific parameterized API
          response) of the metamaterial is attained.           callback. A selected analytical model is first calibrated. Then, an
                                                               iterative process (simulation or measurement-based) optimizes the
          In the most rigorous approach, the metamaterial re-
                                                               input parameters of the model that best yield the API callback.
          sponse can be computed by full-wave simulations,
          which implement Maxwell’s laws, given the geome-     band simulation for the response of a unit cell of volume
                                                                λ 3
          try and metamaterial properties of the structure as  ( ) on a contemporary desktop computer could take
          well as a complex vector excitation, i.e. the imping-  several minutes, especially if the cell includes fine sub-
          ing wave polarization and wavefront shape (phase and  wavelength features. The memory and CPU resources
          amplitude profile). The full-wave simulation captures  scale-up linearly for metasurfaces comprising hundreds
          the entire physical problem and, hence, does not re-  of thousands of unit cells. Moreover, full-wave simula-
          quire a metamaterial-level abstraction for the structure.  tions do not explicitly unveil the underlying principles
          Frequency-domain solvers, which assume linear media  that govern the metamaterial functionality.
          and harmonic excitation (i.e. the same frequency com-
          ponent in both the excitation and the response), are the  5.1 Functionality  Optimization  Workflow:
          prime candidates for full-wave simulation. They typ-       Metamaterial Modeling and State Cali-
          ically discretize the structure’s volumes or surfaces at   bration
          a minimum of λ/10 resolution, formulate the problem
          with an appropriate method (e.g. the finite-element or  In this section we establish the optimization workflow
          the boundary-element method) and, then, numerically  of Fig. 9 that drives the calibration process of the meta-
          solve a large sparse- or full-array system to compute the  material via an appropriate approximation model. Here
          response, in our case, the scattered field. Conversely,  calibration denotes the matching of actual active ele-
          time-domain solvers assume a pulsed excitation, cov-  ment states (e.g., the states of a tunable varactor) to
          ering a predefined spectral bandwidth and iteratively  the corresponding model parameter values (e.g., phase
          propagate it across the structure, solving Maxwell’s  difference per cell in the reflectarray model). In this
          equations to compute its response; they, typically, re-  workflow, the optical scattering response is initially in-
          quire a dense discretization of the structure, e.g.  a  vestigated and, then, the solution is hill-climbed via an
          minimum of λ/20 resolution. From this process, it be-  optimization loop relying on either field measurements
          comes evident that metamaterial with a wide aperture,  or full-wave simulations. The approximate models are
          i.e. spanning over several wavelengths along the max-  as follows.
          imum dimension, require high computational resources  The simplest model is the phased antenna-array anal-
          in the full-wave regime, scaling linearly, when paramet-  ysis, where each single unit cell is treated as an inde-
          ric simulations need to be performed to optimize the  pendent antenna, excited by a single impinging ray and
          structure and/or the response.  For instance, broad-  emitting a single ray in response, with a local phase and

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