Page 79 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
P. 79

ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

                             Departing waves:
                                 Directions, {D'(i)}.
                                 Frequency, {f'(i)}.   Global switching  Impinging wave:
                                 Bandwidth, {B'(i)}.   frequency   f sw      Direction, D.
                                 Amplitudes, {A'(i)}.  Block size << 1/f max  Frequency, f max .
                                 Phases,{φ'(i)}.                             Bandwidth, B.
                                 Polarizations, {J'(i)}.                     Amplitude, A.
                                 if (f sw >f max )                           Phase, φ.
                                      Modulations, {M(i)'}.                  Polarization, J.
                                                                             Modulation, M.
                                                                              IoT Chipset-based
                                                                              gateway, NICs, and
                                                                               power supply
                               Passive                                           Commands
                                block  Tunable                                   >STEER();
                                    sensory                                      >FOCUS();
                                     IC                                          >ABSORB();
                                         Tunable block and Sensory               >PHASE_ALTER();
                                         interconnection fabric offering  Middleware  >POLAR_ALTER();
                                          Switch or Bus-type control             >MODULATE();
                            Fig. 5 – Overview of the metasurface/metamaterial structure and operating principles.

          energy wave.                                           ˆ Wavefront: Steering (reflecting or refracting), split-
          Regardless of their geometry and composition, the oper-  ting, focusing, collimating, beamforming, scatter-
          ating principle of metamaterials remains the same. As    ing.
          depicted in Fig. 5, an impinging wave of any physical
          nature (e.g., EM, mechanical, acoustic, thermal) excites  ˆ Bandwidth: Filtering.
          the surface elements of a metamaterial, initiating a spa-
          tial distribution of energy over and within it. We will  ˆ Modulation: Requires embedded actuators that can
          call this distribution “exciting-source”. On the other   switch states fast enough to yield the targeted mod-
          hand, well-known and cross-domain principles state that  ulation type [30].
          any energy wavefront, which we demand to be emitted
          by the metamaterial as a response to the excitation, can  ˆ Frequency: Filtering, channel conversion.
          be traced back to a corresponding surface energy distri-
          bution denoted as “producing-source” [3,6]. Therefore,
                                                                 ˆ Doppler effect mitigation and non-linear effects [8].
          a metamaterial configures its tunable elements to cre-
          ate a circuit that morphs the exciting-source into the
                                                               Additionally, sensing impinging waves may be consid-
          producing-source. In this way, a metamaterial with high
                                                               ered one of the above functionalities and, as an outcome,
          meta-atom density can perform any kind of energy wave
                                                               the embedded sensors can extract information of any of
          manipulation that respects the energy preservation prin-
                                                               the above parameters related to the incident wave.
          ciple. Arguably, the electromagnetism constitutes a very
                                                               In this aspect, the role of the contributed metamate-
          complex energy type to describe and, as a consequence,
                                                               rial API is to model these manipulation types into a
          manipulate in this manner, as it is described by two de-
                                                               library of software callbacks with appropriate parame-
          pendent vectors (electric and magnetic field) as well as
                                                               ters. Then, for each callback and assorted parameters,
          their relative orientation in space, i.e. polarization (me-
                                                               the Metamaterial Middleware produces the correspond-
          chanical, acoustic and thermal waves can be described
                                                               ing states of the embedded tunable elements that in-
          by a single scalar field in space). As such, incoming EM
                                                               deed yield the required energy manipulation type. In
          waves can be treated in more ways than other energy
                                                               other words, a metamaterial coupled with an API and
          types. The common types of EM wave manipulation via
                                                               a Metamaterial Middleware can be viewed as a hypervi-
          metamaterials, reported in the literature [3], can desig-
                                                               sor that can host metamaterial functionalities upon user
          nate a set of high-level functionality types as follows:
                                                               request [8].
           ˆ Amplitude: Filtering (band-stop, -pass), absorp-  In the following, we focus on EM metamaterials which,
             tion.                                             as described, yield the richest API and most complex
                                                               Metamaterial Middleware. The expansion to other en-
           ˆ Polarization: Waveplates (polarization conversion,  ergy domains is discussed via derivation in Section 7.
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