Page 147 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
P. 147

ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

            Key Enabler Categorization  Flexibility Aspect                      Example Details
                                        Multi-band flexibility  microWave, mmWave, THz, visible light
              Flexible Multi-Band    Information source flexibility  Radio signals, visible light
                                    Spectrum coexistence flexibility  DSA, CR, and coexistence of cellular networks, Wi-Fi networks and radar systems
                                     Modulation-option flexibility  BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM, 1024QAM, etc.
                                   Multi-domain modulation flexibility  IM (shape, interval, position, etc.), space, time, frequency, etc.
                                        Multi-type coding    New types of LDPC, block coding, polar coding, etc.
                                       MCS option flexibility  Ultra adaptive MCS
                                    Multi-option waveform flexibility  Multiple numerologies for any specific waveform
                                     Waveform processing flexibility  Adaptive windowing/filtering and the related configurable parameters
                                       CP utilization flexibility  Individual and common CP utilizations
                                   Adaptive guard utilization flexibility  Flexible guards for multi-waveform and multi-numerology designs
                                      Multi-waveform flexibility  Waveform coexistence in the same frame
                PHY and MAC
                                  Multi-network multi-waveform flexibility  Waveform coexistence for cellular and Wi-Fi networks with radar sensing
                                     Multi-domain NOMA flexibility  Partial and fully overlapped resources with waveform-domain NOMA
                                    Multi-domain waveform flexibility  Alternative lattice flexibility together with the time-frequency lattice
                                      Multiple access flexibility  Fully flexible, both orthogonal and non-orthogonal
                                       Receiver-type flexibility  Fully flexible, hybrid equalization
                                      Bandwidth option flexibility  BWP, carrier aggregation, LAA, DSA, etc.
                                      User association flexibility  Multiple options under heteregonous networks, flexible user parameter assignment
                                      Channel access flexibility  GB transmission, GF transmission, and their coexistence over a resource pool
                                  Positioning flexibility of the access points  Flying access points can be positioned flexibly in the sky
                                   Connection link and relaying flexibility  User equipment can connect to different type of access points
                                  Altitude-based multi-network flexibility  Coexistence of space, HAP, terrestrial and undersea networks
                Ultra-Flexible          Coverage flexibility  Rural area coverage with space and HAP networks
             Heterogenous Networks   Network architecture flexibility  Ultra massive MIMO, small cell, D2D, relaying via different networks, etc.
                                      Cell-free network flexibility  User-centric network designs, handover-free communications
                                        Multi-cell flexibility  Network MIMO solutions, multi-cell NOMA, etc.
                                       Network slice flexibility  Network slices for each user equipment, user-specific virtual networks
             Integrated Sensing and    Multi-system flexibility  All systems can collabarate with the wireless communications in different ways
               Communications           Awareness flexibility  Awareness in spectrum, location, mobility, context, user, channel, interference, etc.
                                     Alternative solution flexibility  No need to get stuck on conventional algorithm designs
                                      Edge computing flexibility  Signal and data processing at the edge nodes
            Intelligent Communications  Channel control flexibility  Different types of intelligent surfaces
                                   Interference management flexibility  Interference management with the channel control
                                       Softwarization flexibility  Programmable architecture options for holographic MIMO systems
                                  Battery-free implementation flexibility  Removing battery limitations and constraints
             Green Communications
                                    Interference exploitation flexibility  Interference can be useful for the energy harvesting
                                    Multi-domain security flexibility  No need to get stuck on key sharing security mechanisms, complementary solutions
             Secure Communications
                                  Wireless channel exploitation flexibility  PHY security methods exploit the characteristics of wireless channel

                                      Table 3 – Example  lexibility aspects for the key enabler categories.

          3.4 Integrated Sensing and Communications            leveraged in 6G [114]. The information pertaining to the
                                                               radio environment can be utilized in improving network
          With the emphasis on use cases such as V2X communica-  deployment, optimizing user association, providing se-
          tions in recent years, sensing has attained increased im-  cure communications and so on. Hence, one of the unique
          portance leading to the integration of these two applica-  novelties of 6G systems is the integration of many differ-
          tions [113]. However, the use of sensing is not limited to  ent sensor hardware with the heterogeneous communi-
          V2X or autonomous driving. Rather, if there is any observ-  cations networks as exempli ied in Fig. 5.
          able data that can be utilized for the optimization or en-
          hancement of the communications systems, it should be  While it might sound like a novel idea to some, Integrated

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