Page 142 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

            Features/ Generations  1G              2G               3G              4G              5G
                                                               EDGE     8PSK
                                              GSM     GMSK
                                                              CDMA 2000  QPSK, OQPSK  BPSK
                                                                                                       BPSK, QPSK,
               Modulation          FM                         W-CDMA  QPSK, OQPSK  QPSK        NR     16QAM, 64QAM,
                 Options                                                           16 QAM              256QAM
                                              GPRS    GMSK     UMTS     QPSK       64 QAM
                                                               HSDPA  QPSK, 16 QAM
                                               Convolutional Coding  Turbo Coding  Turbo Coding     LDPC
                                                                                                  Block Coding
                 Options                         Block Coding   Convolutional Coding  Convolutional Coding
                                                                                                  Polar Coding
            Modulation and Coding
                                                   Fixed        Limited MCS Options  Medium MCS Options  High MCS Options
            Scheme (MCS) Options
                                                 Fixed Lattice    Fixed Lattice   Fixed Lattice   Adaptive Lattice
                Waveform                        Fixed Shape (GMSK)   Fixed Shape (RC)   Windowing and Filtering  Windowing and Filtering
                 Options                                                      Uplink  SC-FDE   Uplink  OFDM, SC-FDE
                                             Fixed Type (The same for uplink   Fixed Type (The same for uplink
                                                 and downlink)   and downlink)
                                                                              Downlink  OFDM  Downlink  OFDM
             Multiple Accessing                                               Uplink  SC-FDMA  Uplink  SC-FDMA
                 Options          FDMA             TDMA            CDMA       Downlink  OFDMA  Downlink  OFDMA
              Carrier Frequency    AMPS  800 MHz       900 MHz         800 MHz         600 MHz  microWave  600 MHz – 6 GHz
                 Options    microWave        microWave  GSM   microWave  2.1 GHz  microWave  2.5 GHz
                                   NMT  450 MHz        1800 MHz                               mmWave  6 GHz – 300 GHz
             Architecture Options  SISO            SISO             SISO           MIMO            mMIMO
                                                                                Frequency Reuse – 1  Frequency Reuse – 1
               Cell Planning   Frequency Reuse – 7  Frequency Reuse – 3, 4, 7, 12  Frequency Reuse – 1  Fractional Frequency Reuse   Fractional Frequency Reuse
                                                                                Soft Frequency Reuse  Soft Frequency Reuse
                                                                                    ICIC            COMP
             User-Cell Association             Mobile-assisted Hand-off  Soft Hand-off              CRAN
                 Options                                                        Attempt to COMP
                                                                                                   Small Cell
                                                                                               Freq.  Multi-User Diversity
                                              Freq.  Frequency Hopping  Freq.  FHSS  Diversity  Space   MIMO
                Diversity                                                     Space   MIMO     Space   Precoding
                 Options                                                      Space  Precoding
                                                                                               Space  Beamforming
                                              Time  Path Diversity  Time  DSSS
                                                                              Space  Beamforming  Space  COMP
               Receiver Types                    Multi-tap TDE    Rake Receiver  A Single Tap FDE  A Single Tap FDE
                                              GSM   200KHz (8 slots)   CDMA  1.25 MHz  1.25 MHz to 20 MHz  BWP
                                                                                                 Carrier Aggregation
                Bandwidth                    DAMPS  30KHz (3 slots)   WCDMA  5MHz
                 Options     AMPS    30 kHz                                     100 MHz with Carrier   Multi-numerology
                                                    25KHz (3 slots)  TD-SCDMA  1.6MHz  Aggregation  License Assisted Access (LAA)
                                       Table 1 – Increasing number of features for cellular generations.
          using different sensing mechanisms including Arti icial  is seen that the  lexibility perspective of the key enablers
          Intelligence (AI), (2) enriching technology options, and  is not considered as a distinguishing feature for 6G
          (3) providing optimum utilization of available options  systems in the literature.
          considering the awareness with practical sensing capa-
          bilities.                                            In light of the aforementioned discussions, 6G networks
                                                               require the redesign of cellular communications to
          The work scopes of 6G publications in the literature are  provide extreme  lexibility in all of its building blocks.
          summarized in Table 2. A majority of the current 6G  Correspondingly, this paper elaborates the example  lex-
          related studies attempt to identify the future applications  ibility aspects of potential 6G key enablers and provides
          and their key requirements [1,3–39]. Moreover, potential  a unique categorization of the related technologies and
          service types and application groups for 6G are analyzed  concepts. Moreover, a novel framework is proposed to
          in [1, 4–14, 24–28] together with the prospective key  gather the said enablers under an umbrella of a single
          requirements of 6G networks. Several works are focused  ultra- lexible framework for 6G.
          on the key enabler technologies and concepts under
          6G studies in detail [1, 3] or in general [4–13, 15–21].  The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
          Furthermore, speci ic technologies and concepts are  gives a brief overview for the initial forecasts on 6G to ex-
          also being pushed for 6G as described in [24–83]. These  plain the background for the necessity of a  lexible per-
          studies are revisited in the next two sections, however, it  spective without examining all potential applications, re-

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