Page 75 - FIGI: Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies
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of Consistent, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2XVRMuF; NULS (2019) Why it is Impossible to Solve Blockchain Trilemma?,
                available at https:// bit .ly/ 2W7Dkzt; See also Kleppmann, M (2015) A Critique of the CAP Theorem, available at https://
                bit .ly/ 2W2h0XN
            277   Hence blockchain’s goals of striving to reach maximum levels of decentralization inherently result in a decrease in
                scalability and/or security.
            278   For discussions of these potential tradeoffs and concerns, see Kosba, A et al. (2016) Hawk: The Blockchain Model
                of Cryptography and Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2xRBpVu; Greenspan, G (2016)
                Blockchains vs Centralized Databases, available at https:// goo .gl/ gKfoym; and R3 (2016) Introducing R3 Corda™: A
                Distributed Ledger Designed for Financial Services, available at https:// goo .gl/ IgD1uO; and Deloitte (2016) Blockchain:
                Enigma. Paradox, Opportunity, available at https:// goo .gl/ yNjtFE; and Irrera, A (2016) Blockchain Users Cite
                Confidentiality As Top Concern, available at https:// goo .gl/ IIuuua.
            279   Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) - supplies secure messaging services and
                interface software to wholesale financial entities.
            280   See further Greenspan, G (2016) Understanding Zero Knowledge Blockchains, available at https:// goo .gl/ r9P4jZ.
                Greenspan is founder and CEO of Coin Sciences, a company developing the MultiChain platform for private blockchains.
            281   In cryptography, a zero-knowledge proof or zero-knowledge protocol is a method by which one party (the prover)
                can prove to another party (the verifier) that a given statement is true, without conveying any information apart from
                the fact that the statement is indeed true. Quisquater, J-J, (2016) How to Explain Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Your
                Children, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2Sm8l1P
            282   Zcash payments are published on a public blockchain, but the sender, recipient, and amount of a transaction remain
                private. Zcash uses different encryption approaches to keep both transactions and identities private. See http:// bit .ly/
            283   Moos, M (2019) Largest Bitcoin Mining Pools Gutted as Bitmain Reels, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2XZ2q3R
            284   The top four Bitcoin-mining operations had more than 53%of the system’s average mining capacity per week. By the
                same measure, three Ethereum miners accounted for 61%.’Orcutt, M (2018) How secure is blockchain really?, available at
                http:// bit .ly/ 2SoTOCI
            285   Malicious miners who can control hashing power for POW consensus mechanisms could mine faster than competitors
                and could create the longest chain in the network and overrule honest miners with a shorter chain, thus controlling
                which transactions are added on the blockchain. See Nakamoto (2011); Nesbit, M (2018) Vertcoin (VTC) Was
                Successfully 51% Attacked, available at https:// bit .ly/ 2Hpr09s
            286   Nakamoto, S (2011) Bitcoin: A Peer to Peer Cash System, available at http:// bit .ly/ 32Bje4n
            287   Nambiampurath, R (2019) Cryptocurrency Exchanges Are the Biggest Targets of 51% Attacks, available at http:// bit .ly/
            288   Moos, M (2018) Explained: 51 Percent Attacks on Bitcoin and Other Crypto-currencies, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2XWip2z
            289   Eyal I & Sirer E (2018) Majority Is Not Enough: Bitcoin Mining Is Vulnerable, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2JG7Xsp
            290   Gola, Y (2018) Vertcoin Hit by 51% Attack, Allegedly Lost $100,000 in Double Spending, available at http:// bit .ly/
                2SpcQsu; Nesbit, M (2018) Vertcoin (VTC) Was Successfully 51% Attacked, available at https:// bit .ly/ 2Hpr09s
            291   Hertig, A (2018) Blockchain’s Once-Feared 51% Attack Is Now Becoming Regular, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2Ltb0WJ
            292   Eyal I & Sirer E (2018) Majority Is Not Enough: Bitcoin Mining Is Vulnerable, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2JG7Xsp
            293   Or even an innocent mining pool.
            294    If there are such rewards.
            295    By reusing a transaction input in Bitcoin.
            296   The further back in the chain a block is, the more likely it is finalized and unlikely to be superseded by a longer chain.
            297   Others have calculated the security level of 6 confirmation blocks has been calculated as 99.99% if the attacker
                controls 8% of the hashing power. Grigorean, A (2018) Latency and Finality in \Different Crypto-currencies, available at
                https:// bit ,J .ly/ 2VYNEts
            298   Mosakheil, J (2018) Security Threats Classification, available at http:// bit .ly/ 2XPJXf8
            299   The merchant should consider connecting to a sufficiently large number of random nodes on the network to limit
                the chances of not seeing a double spend transaction. See Bamert, T & Decker, C et al. (2013) Have a Snack, Pay with
                Bitcoins, available at https:// bit .ly/ 2WbT3h1

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