Page 845 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 845

Intercloud and interoperability                                     5

            II.17   Reference point: I-SC-PSI

            The service catalogue functional component interacts with peer service integration functional component
            through I-SC-PSI to provide inter-cloud service integration information.

            II.18   Reference point: I-SPM-SP
            The  service  provisioning  functional  component  interacts  with  service  policy  management  functional
            component through I-SPM-SP to get inter-cloud service provisioning policy information.

            II.19   Reference point: I-SP-SA
            The provisioning functional component interacts with service automation functional component through
            I-SP-SA to provision inter-cloud service automatically.

            II.20   Reference point: I-PSM-SP

            The  provisioning  functional  component  interacts  with  peer  service  management  functional  component
            through I-PSM-SP to access the OSS of a peer CSP in order to provision inter-cloud service among peer CSPs.

            II.21   Reference point: I-MR-SP

            The  provisioning  functional  component  interacts  with  monitoring  and  reporting  functional  component
            through I-MR-SP to exchange inter-cloud monitoring and provision information.

            II.22   Reference point: I-PSM-SA
            The  service  automation  functional  component  interacts  with  peer  service  management  functional
            component through I-PSM-SA to access peer CSP's OSS in order to delivers inter-cloud service automatically.

            II.23   Reference point: I-SA-SPM

            The  service  automation  functional  component  interacts  with  service  policy  management  functional
            component through I-SA-SPM to get inter-cloud service provisioning policies and configuration policies.

            II.24   Reference point: I-SA-PSI

            The service automation functional component interacts with peer service integration functional component
            through I-SA-PSI to provide automation processing of primary CSP switchover and switchback.

            II.25   Reference point: I-PSM-SPM
            The service policy management functional component interacts with peer service management functional
            component through I-PSM-SPM to access the OSS of a peer CSP to manage inter-cloud service policy and
            negotiated provisioning policy.

            II.26   Reference point: I-SPM-PSI
            The  service  policy  management  functional  component  interacts with  peer  service  integration  functional
            component through I-SPM-PSI to negotiate inter-cloud service policy with peer CSPs.

            II.27   Reference point: I-SPM-ASPM
            The  service  policy  management  functional  component  interacts  with  authorization  and  security  policy
            management  functional  component  through  I-SPM-ASPM  to  exchange  inter-cloud  security  policy

            II.28   Reference point: I-SLM-IPM
            The  service  level  management  functional  component  interacts  with  incident  and  problem  management
            functional component through I-SLM-IPM to get inter-cloud incident and problem information for inter-cloud
            service level tracking, performance and capacity management.

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