Page 842 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 842

5                                            Intercloud and interoperability

                             Table I.1 – Mapping of inter-cloud computing functional requirements
                                                 and inter-cloud functions

                                                                              Inter-cloud functions in this
                   Functional requirements specified in [ITU-T Y.3511]
                                                                        –  7.2.8 Peer service management
                         Be able to manage CSC profiles and associated
                                                                        –  7.3.7 Inter-cloud capabilities adaptation
             9.8 CSC                                                    –  7.4.1 Authentication and identity
                         Be able to exchange CSC profiles and associated
             information                                                   management
             exchange    information among multiple CSPs according to a pre-  –  7.4.2 Authorization and security policy
                         determined protocol and format, with the condition
                         that the CSC is informed of and agrees to the exchange.    management
                                                                        –  7.4.3 Encryption management
                         Allow a CSP to discover peer CSPs that are capable of
             9.9 primary
                         inheriting the primary CSP role, and enable the CSP to   –  7.3.1 Peer CSP management
             CSP role
                         negotiate with these peer CSPs as to whether they can   –  7.3.7 Inter-cloud capabilities adaptation
                         accept the inheritance.
                                                                        –  7.2.8 Peer service management
                                                                        –  7.3.7 Inter-cloud capabilities adaptation
                         Allow a CSP to transfer its management information
             9.9 primary   associated with the primary CSP role in a reliable   –  7.4.1 Authentication and identity
             CSP role    manner (e.g., periodically) to the peer CSPs that have   management
             delegation                                                 –  7.4.2 Authorization and security policy
                         accepted the permission transfer with that CSP.
                                                                        –  7.4.3 Encryption management
                         Allow the controllability of the information associated   –  7.1.1 Service subscription management
             9.9 primary   with the primary CSP role to be transferred to the   –  7.1.2 Billing
             CSP role    secondary CSPs with minimum  interruptions.    –  7.3.1 Peer CSP management
             delegation   Allow a CSP to cancel the permission transfer   –  7.2.5 Service automation
                         arrangements.                                  –  7.3.7 Inter-cloud capabilities adaptation

                         Support service intermediation, i.e., conditioning or
                         enhancing the cloud service of a peer CSP.     –  7.2.8 Peer service management
             9.10 inter-
                         Support service aggregation, i.e., providing the   –  7.2.1 Service catalogue
             cloud service
                         composition of a set of services provided by the CSPs.   –  7.2.5 Service automation
                         Support service arbitrage, i.e., selecting one service   –  7.3.7 Inter-cloud capabilities adaptation
                         offering from a group offered by the peer CSPs.

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