Page 65 - ITU Journal: Volume 2, No. 1 - Special issue - Propagation modelling for advanced future radio systems - Challenges for a congested radio spectrum
P. 65

ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 2(1), December 2019

          average annual over the observation period of two
          years.  A  very  significant  observation  not  yet
          mentioned anywhere in the literature is that for an
          annual  availability  of  (100-0.01)%=99.99%  the
          required  fade  margin  using  site  diversity,  despite
          the  different  radio  propagation  characteristics  in
          England  and  Greece,  for  both  countries  is  very
          similar and around 2.8 dB as shown in Figures 5, 6
          and 7. This suggests that the diversity gain in Greece
          is much higher since the corresponding single link
          excess attenuation experienced at 0.01% of the time
          is also much greater than in the UK.

                                                                    Fig. 5 - Average annual complementary cumulative
                                                                 distribution of excess attenuation in Greece in comparison
                                                                             with the ITU-R predictions

              Fig. 3 - Average annual complementary cumulative
                 distribution of excess attenuation in Greece
              in comparison with the ITU-R P.618-13 predictions

                                                                    Fig. 6 - Average annual complementary cumulative
                                                                       distribution of excess attenuation in the UK
                                                                        in comparison with the ITU-R predictions

                                                               The  independent  joint  attenuation  cumulative
                                                               attenuation  statistics  [12],  i.e.  the  product  of  the
                                                               single attenuation statistics, clearly shows that even
                                                               for site separations of 36.5 km and 48 km, as is the
                                                               case  for  the  campaigns  in  Greece  and  the  UK
                                                               respectively,  there  is  a  significant  dependence
                                                               between  the  propagation  effects  at  the  two  sites
                                                               (Chilton-Chilbolton and Athens-Lavrion).

              Fig. 4 - Average annual complementary cumulative
                 distribution of excess attenuation in the UK
              in comparison with the ITU-R P.618-13 predictions

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