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ICT for Health: Networks, standards and innovation

           disruptive  and  needs  to  be  presented  in  a  clearly   These  modern  technologies,  such  as  mobile  applications
           distinguishable  form,  meaning  that  it  may  not  be  buried   and  wearables  process  large  amounts  of  personal  (health)
           within the fine print of a privacy policy or contract [24].    data.  The  technologies  make  it  possible  to  continuously
                                                              monitor  the  user.  Most  people  carry  their  mobile  phone
           While at first sight it looks as if the GDPR offers sufficient   with them during the day and wearables made tracking even
           protection  against  the  processing  of  health  data,  the   easier. A smart watch or smart glasses for example allow
           practical  reality  is  quite  different.  Previous  research  has   users to track their health and fitness with objects which are
           shown that companies offering health apps are by no means   easy to carry. While making life and health easy for users,
           transparent about their processing activities and whom they   large  amounts  of  health  data  become  available  to
           share the data with [25]. While data subjects to some degree   commercial  companies  who  are  by  no  means  under  any
           consent to data processing, some health apps  do not even   obligation of professional secrecy and what happens behind
           recognize the fact that they process health data, resulting in   the scenes of these technologies is unknown to many. When
           a lack of legal basis. As a result of this, risks of violation of   unravelling what happens, behind the scenes, to the data we
           rights  and  freedoms  remain,  as  well  as  physical  and   stumbled upon 2 major ways that the technologies function
           practical  challenges  related  to  the  use  of  modern   that  are  relevant  for  this  article.  Many  health  apps  and
           technologies to process health data, such as jurisdiction and   wearables by default:
           exercise of rights.
                                                                  1.  collect data via an app and store it on the device
                3.  BEHIND THE SCENES OF MODERN                      itself until the user actively choses to send the data
                             TECHNOLOGIES                            to a cloud or server;
                                                                  2.  collect  data  via  an  app  and  store  it  on  a  (cloud)
           Processing personal data according to the GDPR includes   server.  In  this  case  the  data  exists  outside  of  the
           ‘collection,  recording,  organization,  structuring,  storage,   app  and  is  accessible  to  the  developer,  i.e.  the
           adaptation  or  alteration,  retrieval,  consultation,  use,   device is used as a tool to collect data, the data can
           disclosure  by  transmission,  dissemination  or  otherwise   be seen separately from the app considering that it
           making  available,  alignment  or  combination,  restriction,   exists even if the app is deleted.
           erasure  or  destruction’  of  data  [26].  This  very  broad
           definition  means  that  basically  any  action  performed  on   If  we picture  a  user  in  the  first  situation  and  we  take  the
           personal data is processing. The one word that is missing   example  of  an  app  that  counts  how  many  steps  someone
           from  the  definition  is  transfer  of  data.  What  is  however   takes during the day, the app counts the steps and stores the
           mentioned by the definition in Article 4 (2) GDPR is that   data on the device itself by default. The data is stored on the
           processing also includes disclosing the data by transmission   device for as long as the user does not delete the data or
           and dissemination or otherwise making it available. While   chooses  to  store  the  data  somewhere  else,  for  example
           it is interesting that transfer is not included in the definition   when the storage space of the device is full. In other words,
           for processing, disclosing and making data available can be   the collected data remain on the user’s device until the user
           seen as transfer of data.                          actively decides to store the data elsewhere, outside of the
                                                              app or wearable.
           Transfer has an important role in the GDPR. While the free
           flow  of  information  has  always  been  promoted  by  data   More  importantly  for  this  research  is  however  the  second
           protection  legal  frameworks,  the  major  concern  was  that   situation,  where  data  is  collected  by  an  app  or  wearable
           data  protection  legislation  could  be  circumvented  by   which does not intend to store it on the device. Instead, by
           moving processing operations to countries with  no or less   default, the data is sent to and stored on the (cloud) server
           strict  data  protection  laws  [27].  European  data  protection   of  the  app  company.  Sending  the  data  requires  an  active
           legal  frameworks  have  therefore  always  been  cautious   connection  between  the  device  and  the  (cloud)  server.  If
           about transferring data to third countries who are not part of   this connection is unavailable, the data is most likely stored
           the  legal  regime.  In  order  to  prevent  data  from  being   on the device until the connection is available.
           transferred  to  ‘data  havens’,  the  principle  of  equivalent
           protection was introduced, meaning that there should be no   There  is  a  significant  legal  difference  between  the  two
           restrictions  on  transborder  data  flows  to  states  with  legal   situations. In the first situation the app is closely related to
           regimes  which  ensure  data  protection  equivalent  to  data   the data and therefore to the user, it is merely a means to an
           protection offered by the GDPR. Chapter V of the GDPR is   end.  In  the  second  situation,  the  purpose  of  the  app  or
           dedicated to transfers of personal data to third countries or   wearable is mainly to generate data. The device is not used
           international  organisations.  Modern  technologies  process   for storage or not meant to be used for storage. As soon as
           data  electronically,  making  it  easy  to  transfer  data  across   an  active  connection  is  available,  the  data  is  sent  to  the
           the globe. The data can be sent from one actor to another or   designated (cloud) server. In this regard, we can make an
           made accessible to more than one actor in a blink of an eye.   analogy with streaming data. The user might have the app
           Modern  technologies  thus  impact  the  way  that  personal   on  their  mobile  phone  or  wearable,  but  the  data  exists
           health data can be collected.                      separately, outside this app. For example, when watching a
                                                              YouTube video, the app is solely used to stream the data
                                                              available  on  the  YouTube  server.  While  health  apps  and

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