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2019 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           review  conducted  in  Bangladesh  utilizing  Arksey  and            3.  RESULTS
           O’Malley’s framework to map digital health initiatives due
           to scarcity of prior synthesis on the topic [12,14,15]. It is a   In total, 20 digital health solutions were identified through
           method  that  is  used  widely  in  scoping reviews  because  it   our review that were implemented between 1993 to 2017. In
           maintains a rigorous process for transparency, replicability   1993, an integrated health management information system
           and reliability of study findings. The study was designed to   (HMIS) was introduced in Nepal by the government marking
           answer  the  following  research  questions:  1)  who  are  the   the first e-health effort in the country [18]. A decade later the
           subsisting  digital  health  actors  in  Nepal,  and  2)  what   private  sector  initiated  the  first  telemedicine  system
           spectrum of services are being covered through digital health   (HealthNet  Nepal)  which  was  a  collaborative  telehealth
           initiatives?                                       effort between Om Hospital Research Center and the Apollo
                                                              Hospital in India [18,19]. This was followed by a three-city
           Our  study  first  identified  grey  literature  on  digital  health   telemedicine program by a social enterprise in 2006 [19,20].
           initiatives, then assessed them according to the WHO Health   Next,  a  formal  government  led  telehealth  program  with  a
           Systems Framework [16]. Relevant literature was identified   budget  of  approximately  Rs.  20  million  (NPR)  was
           using two sets of keywords: one for journal articles and the   established offering telehealth services to 25 districts [19,21].
           other for grey literature. For journal articles, the keywords   Specialized  telehealth  programs  were  also  established,
           were adopted from prior systematic reviews on digital health   primarily  in  the  non-governmental  sector,  to  provide
           solutions as shown in Table 1 [17]. For additional sources, a   healthcare for epilepsy diagnosis, treatment of severe wasp
           Google search using specific keywords was conducted. For   stings  or  dermatological  consultations  [22,23,24].  Beyond
           newspaper  articles,  the  NewsBank  database  was  utilized.   telehealth  programs,  collaborative  projects  between  the
           The initial search yielded 316 articles on Google scholar, 72   Government of Nepal (GoN) and development partners have
           articles  on  PubMed,  and  274  articles  via  NewsBank.  A   been established over time [24,25,27,28]. These efforts have
           screening tool was developed to ensure selected documents   entailed  bolstering  population-health  surveillance  efforts
           focused on  digital health  solutions  in  Nepal  and provided   with  the  migration  of  HMIS  to  the  District  Health
           details  on  the  organization  or  project  associated  with  its   Information System (DHIS)-2 platform, expansion of HMIS
           implementation. After the screening process, a total of 31   e-reporting from facilities, Smart Health Nepal initiative, and
           documents  dating  from  2005  to  2017  were  selected  for   projects exploring the feasibility of mobile data collection
           charting. Types of documents selected are journal articles,   from frontline workers in remote areas [18].
           newspaper   articles,   websites,   presentations   slides,
           conference briefings, organizational reports and blog posts.   Table 2 – Digital health solutions in Nepal (1993-2016)
           Selected  documents  were  systematically  charted  by  three
           research  assistants  followed  by  ongoing  quality  assurance   Status   Name             Launch
           audits by the lead authors to ensure uniformity and rigor in                                 Year
           the  charting  process.  The  charting  was  done  under  the       I/NGOs (11, 55%)
           following  themes  addressing  the  WHO  health  system   *   Nepal Wireless Telemedicine Program    2006
           building blocks, organizational profile, program overview,   √   Dhulikhel Hospital Telemedicine Program   2011
           financial profile, human resource, services, monitoring and
           evaluation  framework,  sustainability  plan,  and  future   *   USAID Health for Life      2013
           direction.  Once  the  charting  process  was  completed,  the   *   Nick Simon Institute Celemedicine   2013
           research team analyzed the charted information looking for   Program
           common traits and themes under each charting category [16].    √   Golden Community eHealth Nepal   2015
           Table 1 – Digital health solutions search keywords    √    Possible Health CHW Mobile Reporting   2015
                Database/Search        Keywords                √      Medicine Du Monde Telecom Sans   2015
                    engine                                            Frontiere Surveillance Project

                PubMed         mHealth, mobile phone, phone,   √      Maiti Nepal mHealth Capacity Building   2015
                               SMS, text message, mobile              Projects
                               device, telemedicine, cell      √      Dhulikhel Hospital Epilepsy Diagnosis   2016
                               phone, mobile health, mobile           Application
                               applications, cell phones       √      One Heart Worldwide Maternal Health   2016
                Google         mobile health, mHealth,                mHealth Project
                               electronic health, eHealth,
                               mobile phones and health,       (?)    CHEST Project by CHEST Nepal     2017
                               Nepal, technology                                Public (6, 30%)
                Google scholar   mHealth, mobile phone, SMS,   *      HMIS                             1993
                               text messages, mobile devices,   *     Hello Health, Rural Telemedicine   2010
                               telemedicine, cell phone,              Program
                               mobile health, cell phones,     √      RCM-MP                           2015
                               mobile applications
                                                               *      m4ASRH                           2015
                                                               *      DHIS-2                           2016

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