Page 256 - Trust in ICT 2017
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5                                                    Trust in ICT

            7.3     Model for trust provisioning

                            Figure 4 – Trust provisioning in the ICT world for trusted ICT applications

            With  the  perspectives  of  trust  provisioning,  there  are  physical,  cyber,  and  social  worlds.  To  build  ICT
            ecosystem, the raw data from physical things in the physical world are produced by physical interfaces like
            sensors and actuators. In the cyber world, there are physical objects and logical objects. Physical objects are
            the objects mapping to hardware devices and equipment which have capabilities of data processing, data
            storage, and communication, etc. Logical objects are algorithms, functions, and software which are working
            over  computing,  storage,  and  networking  components.  In  the  social  world,  social  entities  like  human,
            stakeholders, and software agents, which are a computer program that acts for a user, produce and consume
            various data and applications through user interfaces. Physical things, cyber objects, and social entities make
            interactions to perform trusted ICT applications with considering physical, cyber, and social trust, respectively.
            Figure 4 shows trust provisioning in the ICT world to realize various trusted ICT applications.

            –       Physical  trust:  The  physical  trust  reflects  various trust  aspects of  physical  things,  which can  be
                    measured by counting on its trustworthiness in terms of capability, integrity, and cooperation. Its
                    capability means the ability of the physical thing to perform its task with correct functionality. Its
                    integrity  means  the  state  of  the  physical  thing  being  stable  without  trouble  or  breakdown.  Its
                    cooperation means that the physical thing is working together with other physical things for their
                    common purposes. The physical trust reflects trust propensity which is affected by risks related to
                    the physical world.
            –       Cyber trust: The cyber trust reflects various trust aspects of cyber objects, which can be measured
                    by counting on its trustworthiness in terms of capability, integrity, and cooperation. Its capability
                    means that the ability of a cyber object is correct and assured to execute control, computing, and
                    communication.  Its  integrity  means  that  data  handled  or  provided  by  cyber  objects  are  not
                    accidentally or maliciously altered or destroyed during control, computing, and communication. Its
                    cooperation means how much the cyber object is well working together with other objects. The
                    cyber trust reflects trust propensity which is affected by risks at the cyber world.
            –       Social trust: The social trust reflects various trust aspects of social entities. A social trust can be
                    measured by considering its trustworthiness in terms of ability, honesty, and benevolence. Its ability
                    means human competence in his/her activity. Its honesty implies that the social entity treats others
                    honestly. Its benevolence means how much the social entity behaves nicely to other social entities
                    or how much the social entity has interactions with other entities for their kindness. The social trust
                    reflects trust propensity which is affected by risks at the social world.

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