Page 206 - Trust in ICT 2017
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3                                                    Trust in ICT

                                                      Appendix III
                                 Backgrounds for Trust based ICT Service models
            This appendix describes some theoretical and industrial backgrounds about a framework for analysing trust
            based ICT service models in business perspective.
            Many firms already see and manage high volumes of security incidents, breaches, malware, and hackers and
            early security offerings tended to focus on the network (e.g., WAN and Internet service security), but such
            managed security services are expanding now into other areas like Internet data, mobile, web, and cloud-
            based ICT, IoT services and business models.
            Especially, people are connected with each other and with objects as well, and expect always-on connectivity.
            It is expected to see ‘trusted ICT infrastructures from all parts of the ICT ecosystem, not only devices and
            networks, but also applications and services. The EU (European Union)’s focus on Trust & Security in “Europe
            2020 Strategy,” researches about ‘trust’ in projects of FP7’s uTRUSTit, ABC4Trust, and USA’s application of
            ‘Trust & Security’ on the industry level (NIST & DARPA), research about trust technology in projects like Smart
            America, and HACMS (High-Assurance Cyber Military Systems) are verifying the importance of the trust and
            security in the emerging business models in e-commerce, Social Network Service (SNS), IoT services and so
            In business area, some leading firms also are pursuing the same way in financial technology area. Despite of
            such  efforts  of  leading  companies,  recent  big  data  based  business  models  are  not  trusted  by  personal
            consumers. There is ‘mistrust’ in many ICT service domains. Some companies launched permission-based
            business models to use personal data, a more sustainable strategy to put consumers in control of their
            personal data. It is a kind of disruptive innovation in the new market.
            Human/service-related trust is beliefs that the other party has suitable attributes for performing as expected
            in a specific situation irrespective of the ability to monitor or control that other party [b-Mayer]. It composed
            to three attributes of integrity, ability and benevolence. The integrity refers to the beliefs that the trustee
            adheres to a set of principles that the trustor finds acceptable. The ability is the beliefs that the trustee has
            the group of ability, skills and characteristics that enable them to have influence within some specific domain
            [b-Mayer, b-McKnight 2002]. Lastly, the benevolence is the beliefs that the trustee will want to do good to
            the trustor, aside from an egocentric profit motive.

            There are three innovation models to creating new-growth businesses: 1) sustaining innovation, 2) low-end
            disruption, and 3) new market disruption: [b-Christensen]
            1)      Sustaining  innovation  model:  A  sustaining  innovation  does  not  create  new  markets  or  value
                    networks  but  rather  only  evolves  existing  ones  with  better  value,  allowing  the  firms  within  to
                    compete against each other's sustaining improvements.
                    –   Disruptive innovation model: An innovation that creates a new market by applying a different
                        set of values, which ultimately (and unexpectedly) overtakes an existing market.
            2)      Low-end disruption: targets customers who do not need the full performance valued by customers
                    at the high end of the market.
            3)      New  market  disruption:  targets  customers  who  have  needs  that  were  previously  unserved  by
                    existing incumbents.

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