Page 182 - Trust in ICT 2017
P. 182

3                                                    Trust in ICT

            In the networked society, knowledge is a source of all human being including behaviours and building a
            society.  The  networking  of  knowledge  and  the  speeding  up  of  information  processing  open  up  new
            possibilities for work on databases, irrespective of their size, their use and their ultimate purpose. The current
            Internet as a public network gives fresh opportunities to achieve equal and universal access to knowledge.
            Like Internet, new ICTs have created for emergence of knowledge societies [b-UNESCO]. Future knowledge
            societies will be built on the basis of ICT infrastructures since it is not only for delivery of digital data, but also
            provides the eco-platform to share data, information, and knowledge.

            Accordingly, as a top level standard organization relating to ICTs as well as the United Nations agency, the
            ITU should concern about future knowledge societies.

            5.2     Potential risks in ICT infrastructures
            Knowledge  societies  will  have  to  cope  with  instability  and  insecurity  since  the  accelerated  spread  of
            knowledge  will  be  confronted  with  risks  in  ICT  infrastructures.  There  are  many  potential  risks  in  ICT
            infrastructures as follows.
            •       In nature
                      New technology development: Any scientific progress and technology development may incur
                        potential  risks.  New  technologies  may  not  be  stable  without  guarantee  of  stability  and
                        reliability. Without acceptable confidence, it may cause unexpected accident and destroy the
                        existing value chain of business. The development of new technologies may be sometimes
                        undesirable  if  the  certain  levels  of  controllability  and  credibility  are  not  guaranteed.
                        Furthermore, the adaptation of new technologies may cause instability and insecurity since new
                        technologies always have uncertainty. In the ICT infrastructure, new technological revolution
                        may  provide  great  advantages  for  utilizing  networking  resources.  However,  it  confronts
                        unidentified risk beforehand.

            •       Human behaviours
                      Human-human  interactions:  If  there  is  no  trust  among  peoples,  their  interactions  (e.g.,
                        exchanging data and information) have meaningless due to lack of confidence with each other.
                        If the people are not trustworthy, personal interactions do not invoke any response. The unclear
                        decision making or unrealistic situation may be happening from low or broken trust in human
                      Human-machine  interactions:  When  a  human  cannot  trust  a  machine  (e.g.,  delivering
                        imprecise  data  from  a  machine  to  a  human),  human-machine  interactions  cannot  be
                        established and potential benefits on system performance will be lost. The human-machine
                        systems have always proved unpredictable and fallible, whereas the nature of the system is to
                        function normally. It relies on technological dependency which accentuates risks.
                      Human interactions in cyber-physical system (CPS) environments: The CPS cannot be fully
                        operable if a physical world and a cyber world have some mismatch. If the malfunction of a
                        physical system does not notify at the responsible entities in a cyber world, there are some risks
                        to prevent safety in a physical world. An intelligent human in a cyber world can avoid or reduce
                        the risk of failures and minimize the unacceptable situation in a physical world. The time critical
                        convergence applications such as smart grid and intelligent transportation systems require high
                        trust between a cyber world and a physical world. Greater openness, in combination with hiding
                        one’s real identity in a physical world and making a false object in a cyber world, increases the
                        risks  that  people  are  becoming  victims  of  deception.  They  also  include  identity  theft  and
                        exposure to inappropriate actions.
                      Human errors: Without recognizing a set of rules and external conditions of a physical system,
                        human actions may result on risks or failures. Human errors may be a primary cause or a
                        contributing factor in risks and accidents. Intentional or unintentional human errors may
                        cause serious problems in ICT infrastructures.

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